Questions from the Financial Community Group - July 26, 2012
QUESTION: Clarify Delegations and what is possible in KFS. What delegations allow groups and which ones do not?
ANSWER: We will initially limit delegations to one (1) primary Fiscal Officer and two (2) secondary Fiscal Officers. We will limit Organization Review delegation to 1 person. We will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of these limitations with our "beta" organizations.
Based on recommendations from Cornell and other KFS implemented schools – we should keep the delegation process "simple". "To reduce the administrative burden of maintaining "delegations" within the application, the KFS team recommends keeping formal or systematic delegations as simple as possible." They recommend first using ad hoc routing.
"The FO responsibility must be simple. (Delegation based on individual accounts is very high maintenance.)"
QUESTION: They've asked for a matrix (like the node one you've shown for each document) - along with definitions for each role (with # for identification) - and an example of who should be in the role.
ANSWER: Documents: Basic KFS Role Definitions, Financial Crosswalk, KFS Workflow Nodes at a Glance
We will better define the role population after setting up four beta organizations for testing.
QUESTION: How the DSA life will change with KSR vs. SAMS and generally what process we are setting up for requests, how this will work, etc.
ANSWER: It is our intention to set up a "DSA role" with workflow approval. We do not intend to materially change the existing process now in place to grant system access, e.g. the prerequisite training requirements for PPS, Department Time Administrator et al will remain as is.
We will refine this process as the KSR forms and functionality can be tested.