Attendees: Andrew, Andy, Austin, Anh
Pending items/issues:
- Pre-sql null row handling for KFS_D_DOC_HDR
- PO Fact table lookup for KFS_D_PO_COMM
- KFS_F_PO_ITM ORG_SID column only contains -1s
- KFS_F_DSBRMNT_ITM loading test query failure (BadRecCount = 2 and JoinedRecCount = 3).
- KFS_F_DSBRMNT_ITM_ACCTNG validation failed using old test script.
- KFS_F_PREQ_ITM test query failing for KFS_D_PO_COMM and KFS_D_PO_CONTR_MGR (BadRecCount = 0 and JoinedRecCount = 0).
- KFS_F_PREQ_ITM_ACCTNG has an etl coding error.
- KFS_D_CRDT_MEMO_DOC validation issue not working correctly. Need to be run twice.
Action items:
Attendees: Andrew, Andy, Austin
Pending items/issues:
- KFS_D_CRDT_MEMO_DOC validation issue not working correctly. Need to be run twice.
- KFS_F_PREQ_ITM incorrect syntax issue.
- KFS_F_PREQ_ITM_ACCTNG UAT validation failed (possibly due to typos or invalid references).
Action items:
Andrew: Fact tables for DV, Disbursement are complete - mark as ready for testing. Testing fact loading for PREQ and TEM. Production deployment JIRA for Disbursement.
Austin: PO deployment. Discuss validation issue with Bryce on Credit Memo.
Andy: Quality check for fact table loading for Disbursement.
Attendees: Andrew, Andy, Austin
Pending items/issues:
- KFS_D_PO_CONTR_MGR loading issue - conflict with index (duplicate key).
- KFS_D_CRDT_MEMO_DOC loading issue - conflict with index. The unique non-clustered index with the start date needs to be deleted?
- KFS_D_DSBRMNT_VCHR_DOC - Bryce waiting for test scripts and session/workflow names to run - DONE
- KFS_F_DSBRMNT_ITM / KFS_F_DSBRMNT_ITM_ACCTNG - ETL specs states to use "DOC_NBR_ID" but doesn't exist. Use "DOC_HDR_ID"?
- dss/dss_kfs database discussion on testing and merging. All tables need to be identical.
Action items:
Andrew: Requisition (1 fact table) and TEM development in progress (1 fact table and 1 dimension left)
Austin: Send email to Pramod with the two issues pending confirmation. Compare changes between lunar/solar for tables in PO deployment.
Pramod: To confirm issue with missing column in the ETL (KFSDW-1361 and KFSDW-1362) for Andrew.
PO deployment target date: 10/7/2016
Attendees: Andrew, Andy, Austin, Anh
Andrew: Will update PO bridge loading mapping. Disbursement fact table mapping being fixed based on feedback from Bryce.
Austin: Will continue to merge sessions to main workflow once KFS_D_DVRST_BRDG_LOAD mapping is fixed.
Bryce: PREQ, PURAP testing continued.
Pramod: To confirm issue with missing column in the ETL (KFSDW-1361 and KFSDW-1362).
PO deployment target date: 9/23/2016
Attendees: Andrew, Andy, Austin
Andrew: Waiting for confirmation on testing issue from Bryce/Anh on Credit Memo loading.
Austin: Waiting on Andrew to update hard-coded schemas in all mappings. Will merge to main folder/workflow once changes are complete.
PO deployment target date: 9/23/2016
Attendees: Anh, Andrew, Pramod, Austin, Bryce
Andrew to publish PO load dependencies
PO deployment target date: 9/16/2016
Attendees: Anh, Andrew, Pramod, Austin, Bryce
Preparing for PO deployment to production
Ensure target names do not have "Shortcut_to" prefix
Andrew to research performance tuning options for PO facts.
Andrew to publish PO load dependencies
Attendees: Anh, Andrew, Pramod, Austin
PO tables are ready to deploy
Attendees: Anh, Andrew, Pramod
PO fact tables testing in progress
Ready to code Credit memo week of 07/25
Attendees: Anh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
KFS_D_PREQ_ITM and KFS_D_PREQ_DOC are ready for Test
Attendees: Austin, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
All disbursement dims and facts are ready for test
Attendees: Sarvesh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
All disbursement specific dims are ready for test
Attendees: Austin, Anh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
Meeting scheduled on 06/29 with Analytix to walk through PO fact tables testing
Analytix will start working on Disbursement ETL week of 06/27
Analytix will email start and end times of all PO dimensions and facts ETL
Attendees: Austin, Anh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
Ready for test:
In progress:
Attendees: Austin, Anh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
Planning to test PO fact loads week of 6/6
Need to plan production workflows for entire PURAP
Use variables for dB prefix always
Attendees: Austin, Anh, Andy, Andrew, Pramod
Type 2 fields not coded yet.
Pramod to update Source to target for vendor bridge and vendor group tables, and specify SCD fields
Pramod updated [dss_kfs].[KFS_D_PO_CONTR_MGR].[PUR_COMM_CD_PTN] to varchar(5000) and updated table definition in Informatica shared folder.
Andrew: KFS_D_PO_DOC and KFS_D_PO_COMM are ready for testing
Attendees: Austin, Anh, Andy, Andrew
Vendor supply, PO item, and building room dimension loading is complete and ready for testing.
PO item loading has passed user acceptance testing and is ready for deployment.
PO doc dimension design is currently in progress.
Discussion around difficulties producing scripts for a full regression test (for auditors Anh has mentioned) across all source rows/columns due to the large number of lookups during the loading process. Especially updates with a combination of codes to pickup the correct description - one description change in one code will update other unintended records as well. Agreed to continue testing with the original method for now.
Discuss with Valerie and Pramod about feasibility of testing across all columns but with a small subset of the population. Discuss any ideas to enhance efficiency.
Attendees: Pramod, Austin, Andy, Andrew, Valerie
Almost completed with Doc Header dimension, working on KFS_D_DOC for Purchasing. He will update the JIRA soon.
Testing procedures - Why is Anh asking for which fields to test? Andrew will attach source to target documentation to the JIRA with a column that defines the SCD type and if it the business key. This information should help Anh determine which fields need to be tested. Austin will coordinate a meeting with Anh, Andy and Andrew to discuss testing procedures.
Valerie - send email to KFS team to discuss case-sensitive room numbers in KFS. We might need to add room description to the business key make it clearer for the users.
Walk-through ETL mapping
Attendees: Anh, Pramod, Austin, Andy, Andrew, Valerie
PO Item Fact - We will move those amount fields that are at the header level to the PO dimension instead.
Object SCD - Andrew copied the mappings to his folder. Pramod will look into it there. Anh ran into a problem testing, Andrew to follow-up with Anh on her question (KFSDW-1197)
Vendor Bridge table for diversity group rank and weight- Pramod will most likely remove these fields from the dimension
Andrew needs a peer review of the PO Item fact table
Analytix completed PO doc header dimension, working on test scripts now
Pramod will do a functional review of code, and Austin will do a technical review
Valerie will set up a meeting with Austin, Pramod and Kevin to discuss the Award dimension. We need to determine how we will combine the award data from SPA and KFS.
Pramod will send Analytix the information for the Date dimension.
Building/Room and vendor diversity Dims are ready for test. Andrew will update JIRA
Anh is currently testing Account Dim SCD
Andrew will work on PO Item next.
Attendees: Anh, Pramod, Andy, Andrew, Austin
Production JIRA for Pending Entries Fact table
2 PO dimensions complete, ready for review on Monday
Analytix will create test scripts for the two PO dimensions
The test scripts for the type2 dimensions are complete and ready for review
Anh has some follow up questions for Andrew, he will answer them in JIRA
Pramod will write specs for award dim
They will work on KFSDW-1268 (PO Item Fact) next
Attendees: Valerie, Andy Kinner, Andrew Mandell, Anh
Purchase Order model should be ready next week, so that Andy and Andrew can give estimate for ETL work
In progress:
Object and Account - Type 2 dimensions - should be done Monday or Tuesday next week
Pending entries fact table - should be done today
Attendees: Valerie, Pramod, Andy Kinnier, Austin, Anh
RAFG Dim - ETL to load dimension is now in Production, but we still need to roll-out the corresponding ETL for the fact tables. Andy will follow up with Andrew on the status of this work.
Account and Object Dims - UCI is meeting with functional folks to finalize the decision on how the Type 1 attributes will be updated in the Account and Object dims
Post-deployment automation - Anh is currently doing the user acceptance testing for all ETL changes. Once the code is moved into production, we would like Analytix to validate the changes in production. They can use the dssreader account for our production server. The password is available on Secret Server, and Valerie will grant both Andy and Andrew access.
Andrew and Andy are now able to remote desktop into the Informatica server.
Analytix is currently working on the ETL for the pending entries fact table.
Valerie is still waiting for the PO amend to be approved by Contract Management. She will email them today to request for an update on the status.
Account Dim - Pramod will meet with Andrew and Austin to discuss the attributes for type 2 dimension
Object Dim - Specs are complete for type 2 attributes, Analytix will start on this next.
Andrew has enough work through the end of day Tuesday, working on Account Dim for type 2 changes.
Pramod is working on specs for pending entries
Valerie is working with Budget office for requirements on the Org dimension, Analytix can work on start setting up for this in the meantime.
PO for PURAP/TEM should be submitted on Monday, Valerie will keep everyone updated on the status.
When the ETL JIRA is marked ready for test, we need to attach the unit testing scenarios and scripts to the JIRA.
Attendees: Pramod, Anh, Valerie, Andrew Mandell, Andy Kinnier
RAFG - Anh has been testing, and provided results to Andrew attached to JIRA KFSDW-1089. Andrew will review the test results. ETL for balance fact is also ready for test.
Pramod will create a change control JIRA for the RAFG dimension once testing has passed.
Andrew is currently working on KFSDW-1116, KFSDW-1171
Pramod just created a new JIRA for the Award dimension KFSDW-1167
Andrew will be going on vacation 3/16/2016 - 3/22/2016
Pramod will start documenting the Type2 changes for the Account Dim. KFSDW-1189
Attendees: Pramod, Anh, Valerie, Andrew Mandell, Andy Kinnier
RAFG Dimension development is finished and is being tested.
Code should be delivered Monday.
Working on Account Dim changes next week KFSDW-1116, we should be able to make changes to only denorm4 mapping. Analtyix will let us know if there are any concerns with this.
We will work on PO after RAFG, Account Dim, and are completed.
For each new star design, we will create one master JIRA with subtasks for each table.
Andrew can check-in items to his folder at anytime.
When Andrew is ready to deploy the code to the master folder, he will work with Pramod to do this.
Attendees: Pramod, Anh, Valerie, Andrew Mandell, Andy Kinnier
Andrew and Andy needs Secret Server access to get passwords.
Andy's DUO is still not working on his phone (both push and using the number)
Wiki Review:
Public KFS DS Page: KFS Decision Support
Project Page, contains documentation: /wiki/spaces/UCIKFS/pages/23298164
GL Project:
Adding RAFG dim
Adding Award dim
Hold off on SCD development for now
We will work on PO next
Development process:
All development work is in the dss_kfs database
For existing tables, Pramod will create a new version of the table with the suffix of the JIRA+#
All ETL development will be in each person's sandbox folder in informatica
Pramod will assign tasks to Andrew, make Andy and Anh watchers
Once development starts, Andrew will mark the JIRA 'Start Progress'
Once development is complete, Andrew will mark the JIRA 'Ready for Test'
Anh will perform user acceptance testing and once it is ready to be deployed, she will mark it 'Test Passed' and we will schedule the production turnover
Action Items:
Valerie will put in a request for Andrew and Andy to get Secret Server Access.
Valerie will follow-up with security team regarding Andy's DUO.