Bug Review
KFSDW-914 - Needs a due date. Will discuss with Kevin this afternoon.
There was no data in the AR reconciliation tables in prod. Valerie asked Bryce to investigate this.
KFSDW-1067 - There was some confusion about separated dates, Valerie commented on JIRA to Karen.
RAFG report (KFSDW-1084) - Matt has some questions for Maria, needs an update due date, and RAFG codes do not appear to be assigned correctly in ETL. Pramod will investigate ETL issue.
Bug Review
KFSDW-1244 - This is now an enhancement/bug. Matt will take care of this
KFSDW-1172 & KFSDW-1181 - Valerie will follow-up with Andrew
KFSDW-962 - Might need to cancel this one. Valerie will investigate
We have 17 reports ready for test, still waiting on responses from users.
Matt has 9 reports that are ready for test. Eufemia and Matt will work with Ursula on cross-training for some of these JIRAs
Eufemia is on vacation from 5/20 - 5/31
ODS Testing - Eufemia will give Valerie a list of tables that don't appear to match prod, and Valerie will contact Warren regarding the KFSDAY2 refresh schedule and if those tables are not being copied from prod nightly.
KFSDW-1195 - Is this ready for prod? Durendal added a collate to a few more columns. Matt will send the details on what Durendal did to Pramod.
KFSDW-1015 - This is a new column to the balance table that will need to be added to the package. Once Kevin is done with his testing Pramod will put the change into the table on dev, so that package development can be done. Pramod will create a sub-task for the package change once the table is ready on dev.
No deployments this week (yet).
Eufemia is working on RAFG report, and encountering problems with performance. She sent SQL on Friday, so we can review that. Pramod will get back to Eufemia after looking at her SQL.
Bug Review
All bugs are ready for test, ready for deploy or on hold.
Cognos team is going to a Cognos user group meeting on Wednesday, so all report turnovers will be done on Tuesday instead.
Discussion about deployment groups, versions in JIRA
Cognos team is analyzing the work that is needed to test the ODS changes, creating development packages for this testing
KFSDW-1274 - Maribeth is working with John Douglas on this requirement, and we may not need to develop a report after all.
Anh - Still working on SBS job triggers with Jarrod. Still working on UAT for Analytix work for Account and Object Dim.
Ursula - Testing reports for new ODS changes. AP non-active employees report.
Matt - Testing for ODS, working with Durendal on Saved Query option. We finally got DDODS data for UCPath. Still waiting on transition to UCPath project.
Tammy - Catching up from vacation. Working on ldap_people job.
Eufemia - Finish up testing for ODS changes including KBM and changes to SBS tables. Working on RAFG report (KFSDW-1084)
Pramod - Working on new addition to balance table, modification of ETL for ITD balances. Design for AP data mart.
Bug Review
KFSDW-1115 - Eufemia talked to Mat Wilson about FP4, they are trying to include it with security updates in Cognos. The BI team is still evaluating how to test the update.
KFSDW-1244 - Waiting for Accounting to test
All others are ready to deploy or on hold
KFSDW-1195 - Doc details action taken code - fix is in DB but Matt doesn't see it fixed on the FM package on dev. Matt will try to test this in the framework project directly instead of in the report.
KFSDW-974 - Report devs still need to test ODS tables. We have about 157 reports that will need to be tested. Eufemia will create a JIRA for testing.
KFSDW-1007 - Specs need to be updated. Valerie will discuss in our meeting with Accounting.
Anh - SBS job triggers. Fixed the data types in the database. Framework package will need to be updated for SBS Aging data. Valerie will create a JIRA for FM package & update to report. Account & Object SCD changes to dimensions, will not go into prod until after fiscal year end. This will require framework and report modifications.
Eufemia - Waiting for response from Diane on KFSDW-979. Waiting for Kitty on KFSDW-345
Pramod - Award dimension specs. Modifications to balances that will impact the fund summary report.
Bug Review
KFSDW-1244 - This report is looking at the Award Lookup package. Matt will investigate. Waiting for user approval
KFSDW-914 - Drill through by balance type. Depends on KFSDW-1202 and KFSDW-806. Placed on hold
KFSDW-1242 - Jarrod working on this
KFSDW-1243 - Anh doing final testing
All others are on hold or waiting for deploy
None to report
Pramod - KFSDW-1195 Matt needs help connecting to the databases. PO subject area ETL
Eufemia - KFSDW-974 Testing, Working on KFSDW-345 and KFSDW-979
Ursula - Finishing up SMS feed report
Matt - Testing KFSDW-1175. Working with Durendal on Javascript
Anh - KFSDW-974 will work with Eufemia to fix any issues. Month-end jobs, problem solving issue with duplicate records. Working on KFSDW-1243 and KFSDW-1242
Tammy - Non KFS-related
Bug Review
KFSDW-1244 - This report is looking at the Award Lookup package. Matt will investigate
KFSDW-914 - Drill through by balance type. Depends on KFSDW-1202 and KFSDW-806
All others are in progress, on hold or waiting for deploy
AR reconciliation tables. New package and reports will need to be developed by FYEC
Eufemia will work on documenting packages, which reports are pointing to them, and the usage for each package (subject area, etc)
PO was approved for PURAP model work
Pramod - KFSDW-1195 Matt needs help connecting to the databases. PO subject area ETL
Eufemia - KFSDW-974 Testing, Working on KFSDW-345 and KFSDW-979
Bug Review
Everything is ready to deploy, on hold, or waiting for the Cognos patch
KFSDW-345 - We will make the fiscal period prompt a single select, and return YTD balances instead. They also want the Excel format output to show in three different tabs when users picks all three lists, and two if user picks two lists, and so on.. Can we do one list with no groupings? We need to follow-up with Kevin at our weekly meeting with Accounting.
Eufemia - KFSDW-1232 Karen tested and March data doesn't look good.
Eufemia - Currently working on KFSDW-345, KFSDW-882, KFSDW-974 for testing of reports
Ursula - KFSDW-1021 She can't find name in the ldap_people table. Eufemia will help Ursula find this info.
Matt - KFSDW-1006, KFSDW-497 is being tested, KFSDW-1175
Pramod - RAFG fact tables with Analytix. Spec'ing ETL for type 2 changes to Account and Object dimensions.
Anh - KFSDW-974 will work with Eufemia to fix any issues. Month-end jobs, problem solving issue with duplicate records. Fixing data types for SBS aging detail.
Bug Review
- KFSDW-1115 - Waiting for Cognos Fix Pack
Credit Memo, KFSDW-1194 - Karen tested, found an issue, Eufemia will get back to Karen.
Canceled checks - KFSDW-937 - Eufemia to confirm with Karen if she needs to see special handling indicator
Pramod - Pending entries fact table design. Create PO subject area tables on dev. Source to target for PREQ & Credit memo. Deployment standards.
Eufemia - JIRAs 937, 1175, 1190, 1200. Developing new reports 882 and 345.
Ursula - Getting up to speed, working on Origin code (JIRA 1021), 1175 (working with Eufemia)
Tammy - Mostly non-KFS work this week
Anh - Reviewing ODS jobs in preparation for migration to production. Working with Durendal on getting approval to enhance fund name from dash to non-dash values when there is no fund name from the source
Matt - JIRAs 880, 1202, 1203
Bug Review
- KFSDW-1203 - Eufemia will take a look
- KFSDW-1115 - Waiting for Cognos Fix Pack
Action Code - Pramod is close to being done on fixing the values in the ETL code. Eufemia will look at the data in report studio once this is done to see if that fixes the problem.
Credit Memo - Amount in main table does not reconcile with the sum of the line item amounts. Eufemia made changes to the package and report to use this table, and the users are now testing. Keiko told Valerie that this 'design' occurs in all AP related modules so that we will need to evaluate other AP related reports. Eufemia will create a JIRA to do this.
We had some issues with the tem_* ODS tables. Anh fixed this and it should run fine tonight.
Pramod - Pending entries fact table design. Type 2 discussions for Account/Object. Create PO subject area tables on dev.
Eufemia - Cross training Ursula. PO payment report - needs to discuss more with Heidi and Melissa to clarify requirements.
Tammy - Mostly non-KFS work this week
Anh - Deploying JIRA for Account Dim changes, reviewing ODS jobs in preparation for migration to production. Updating GEC tables on dev.
Bug Review
- KFSDW-1115 - Waiting for Cognos Fix Pack
- KFSDW-1183 - Anh is working on it
- KFSDW-1181 - Andrew is working on it, should be able to push this change out this Wednesday
- KFSDW-1193 - Pramod will see if the table has data, and if there is data will assign to Eufemia. There is a problem with this table on dev, put prod should be fine.
- KFSDW-1185 - Valerie will follow-up with Kevin.
- KFSDW-1164 - Asked Susan if we should fix the stored proc, if not we need to take the links down from ZotPortal.
Action Code/Description - ETL code only handles upper case values, and the descriptions are hard-coded in the ETL. We will need to update the dimensions and the fact tables to fix this problem. The source staging and target tables are not matching, so Pramod will follow-up with Austin and Pramod. Pramod will send email to Warren asking for all the action descriptions for each action code. Valerie will create JIRA for this problem.
Eufemia - Fixing reports, mainly reports in testing. Testing of the ODS KBM tables. KFWDW-882 & 345
Pramod - Source to target for PREQ & Requisition. Generating DDLs for PO. Deploy ETL into production for RAFG, Account Dim
Tammy - ETL for UCPath EROS roll-out. Will keep an eye on the employee_change table in prod.
Ursula starts next week!
We did not formally meet since most of the team was out. Eufemia and Tammy had a quick chat about pointing the Chart of Accounts lookups that were going against Oracle to KFSDAY2 as per Valerie's instructions. Eufemia will follow up on creating a new connection in Cognos so that it can be used in the framework package. Durendal can assist with the setup and Austin can assist with the server name/username info or any other firewall rules that may be needed.
KFSDW-1153 - Tammy will have Bryce build a temporary mapping to load this table. She will load the table in prod today so that the user can see the data.
No other updates for this week.
Bug Review
KFSDW-1115 - IBM thinks that fix pack 4 will fix this problem. We have not scheduled this fix pack installation yet.
KFSDW-951 - Out for testing
Eufemia will test GL dimension POC soon.
KBM ODS ETL in Informatica is done on dev and ready for report testing. KBM Override ETL development is in progress.
Tasks for the week
Matt - KFSDW-1094 (needs to look at SQL), KFSDW-965 having difficulty adding the subtotals by Rollup Org. KFSDW-880 ready for test.
Eufemia - KFSDW-345 almost ready for test, will work on KFSDW-882 next. These are due next week
Tammy - Finishing BLISS query, adding fields. Modifying metadata attribute names from Cognos to BLISS. KFSDW-879 - Kevin will provide Karen with an extract for now, and wait until the Workflow data model is done. LDAP project.
Bryce - KFSDW-945 ETL complete and ready for deploy, Tammy is doing code review. KFSDW-1117 is ready for deploy, Tammy to do code review and schedule both turnovers.
Pramod - KFSDW-927 deployed this friday. KFSDW-1116 - give to Analytix. KFSDW-1089 - give to Analytix. Data Modeling - PO review is complete. Working on requisition.
Anh - Informatica conversion main KFS ODS job (big one). KBM override tables.
Bug Review
KFSDW-1115 - We aren't sure if this is fixed. Commented asking Kevin if this is fixed.
KFSDW-767 - We need to discuss with Accounting on how to proceed. Valerie will ask to have this added to the agenda.
KFSDW-951 - Alignment is off when report does not show encumbrances. Waiting for Kevin's response on if we should go ahead and roll out as-is or fix first.
Still need to test the proposed COA changes (KFSDW-970), to see how this impacts reports. Eufemia will work on building the package. Pramod will provide Eufemia with the table names.
Tasks for the week
Matt - KFSDW-951, 1098, 965, 806, 1094
Eufemia - 345, 882, COA changes
Tammy - PO Encumbrance (waiting for Kevin's extract), review specs for KFSDW-879, changes to BLISS (testing to end this week)
Pramod - working PO model, Analytix work
Anh - KBM ODS jobs, main KFS ODS jobs
Bug Review
KFSDW-1115 - Eufemia will work to lock down query items in package.
ETL Turnovers Wednesday - Bank reconciliation jobs, KSAMS KBM access
Tasks for the week
Eufemia - KFSDW-345 still has some questions for Maribeth
Bug Review
All bugs are either waiting for customer, waiting for test, on hold or ready to deploy.
Issues or Requests
Kevin's tree prompt request - KFSDW-1076 - How do we want to deal with requests like these? This requires us to build a new DMR package.
Tasks for the week
Eufemia - 4-5 new reports that need tech spec reviewed. 2 due in a month.
Bug Review
All bugs are being tested or are ready for roll-out except KFSDW-962
Today is Monday
- KFSDW-881 - The report is showing POs that did have tax, even though the report should not. Eufemia will take a look at the data and work with Matt to fix the report.
- KFSDW-1042 - Problems with data missing when running reports from the package, but the data exits in the DB. Eufemia will take a look with Matt.
- KFSDW-927 - New rows will be created for the manual postings in the balance table. Eufemia will investigate and do some testing to make sure this doesn't impact reports. Pramod will update the balance table on dev so that she can test.
Tasks for this week
Eufemia - 345, 882 tech spec review. 945 - cognos framework. Working w/Matt on 2 issues above. 1084, 873 for budget office. all in progress reports.
Matt - 1042 (workflow), bliss migration is ready for test, 906, 806 are in progress. 497 & 392, 881, 934, 998 are ready to test.
Scott - 308 - waiting for answer from Kevin. 979 is ready for development, formatting of ledger recon is in test, balance sheet report 1007 is in progress. expense revenue report is in progress. 1039 is ready for test.
Tammy - BLISS KFS adhoc query (940). Bryce's JIRAS 489 and 1045 ready for deploy this Friday.
Anh - KFS ODS jobs and KBM ODS jobs. Anh will work with Eufemia to test the data.
Pramod - PO and PREQ models. Deploy 927 this Friday for manual entries in the balance table.
Bug Review
KFSDW-951 - We need to re-evaluate this report, and come up with a new solution. We will follow-up with Kevin on Thursday.
KFSDW-962 - December data is fixed. Valerie will ask Linda how far back the SBS team needs to go to fix the historical data.
KFSDW-1061 - When user selects 2015, no data is returned in report. Eufemia will investigate.
KFSDW-872 - Done in dev. Production roll-out needs to be scheduled.
Meeting with Heidi is scheduled to go over report security. Valerie will forward invites to Eufemia.
KFSDW-943 - We think this is ready for test. Eufemia will follow-up with Scott.
We have report deployments on Tuesday and Wednesday.
We have 4 ETL (ledger entries and balance changes) deployments this Friday.
KFSDW-1049 - need to discuss this on Thursday with the functional team. We would like to know more about the background on this one.
Tasks for This Week
Matt - BLISS Migration is almost complete (package is done, currently developing reports), KFSDW-1042 ready for development, KFSDW-906 in development, KFSDW-1049 - lower priority
Eufemia - Budget report. She is reviewing the list of current reports to see who will do what. Testing the changes to dimensions.
Tammy - Working with student to copy metadata to the legacy meta data database on MySQL. ETL for TEM tables, tables need to be added to a package. Investigating data problems in the credit memo table. She is testing the job to see if the data is loading correctly.
Anh - Continue work on converting the ODS jobs to Informatica.
Pramod - Getting code ready for deployment (the 4 JIRAs). Started work on the PO data model. Working with ErWin support to get it connected to Oracle.
Bug Review
KFSDW-872 - Fix is in progress
Most others are ready for test
KFSDW-962 - Still waiting on a response from SBS team
KFSDW-767 - Do we still need to do this? We will discuss with Kevin on Thursday
Open Issues or Concerns
KFSDW-943 - Ask Melissa about this on Thursday. Should we still meet with Heidi?
New Requests:
KFSDW-1041 - Scott will work on this one
KFSDW-1039 - Tammy will review
KFSDW-1038 - Valerie will discuss with Durendal on best approach
KFSDW-1021 - Needs table in ODS first. Was waiting on KFS release on 12/19. Anh will develop ETL to copy table.
Tasks for the week:
Scott - KFSDW-1041, waiting on meeting for Purchase Order Report. KFSDW-553 - Report roll-out next week after ETL production roll-out on Friday. Finishing Invoice Due date out of range report.
Matt - BLISS migration, building framework against legacy DW. KFSDW-1042
Tammy - Helping student with Informatica development. Cross-training new employee on existing reports. KFSDW-1039. Copying KFS metadata to legacy MetaData database for BLISS query usage.
Pramod - KFSDW-927, new field in GL balance fact table for hand postings, also adding a flag for this. KFSDW-699 going into production Friday. Waiting on testing for other balances. Working with ErWin support.
Bug Review
Open Issues or Concerns
Tasks for the Week
Matt - Is stuck on the adhoc report, prompts are showing as default. He will work with Scott to try to troubleshoot this. In the meantime, he will try to connect to MySQL from framework manager.
Eufemia is going on vacation until Jan 8th and is leaving us here to handle things on our own! She will be telecommuting on Thursday and Friday and will call into the meeting on Thursday.
Scott - Testing POC for sub object, org and award dims. Eufemia will give Scott the rundown on what needs to be done. PLSQL output validation KFSDW-699. PO Report - has questions for Heidi. Should we set up a meeting? Invoice due date out of range report improvements, really needs a re-write.
Valerie - Set up meeting to discuss reporting security requirements.
Anh - ODS jobs KFSDW-974 and KBM ODS jobs KFSDW-999 bug fix.
Pramod - 1004 ready for test, 453 - specs changed. Need a new JIRA to fix GL Beginning Base Budget Amount. 980 is in progress. Will talk to Durendal about 927. Trying to fix Oracle connection in ErWin.
Tammy - GL AdHoc BLISS query. Talk to Durendal about KFS metadata. Kevin is currently reviewing the query. Bank reconciliation job - schedule in production.
Bug Review
KFSDW-980 - Ready for development. Specs approved
KFSDW-962 - Valerie will follow-up with SBS team
Open issues or concerns
New v4 DQM package. The old package will still work for now. Users have developed reports using the old package and will need to switch over to the new package before the data model changes go into production.
BI Team will work on creating an email list for all ad-hoc report developers. Anyone that has access to the KSAMS role will get an email. They will work to switch out the package that each report is using and coordinate testing.
Tasks for the week
Anh - KFSDW-974 (ODS jobs)
Tammy - Bank Reconciliation ETL, KFSDW-24 developing an ETL script to load a table (Does Faye not need this report anymore due to enhancements to KFS?), KFS BLISS AdHoc Query
Pramod - Columns added to balance fact. Pramod will assign JIRAs to Eufemia to add columns to cognos package. KFSDW-699 - will try to source from stage_kfs in sql server instead of oracle due to peformance issues in oracle. KFSDW-890 - will assign to kevin for testing. Will start looking at KFSDW-927 and KFSDW-980
Eufemia - PO report, made package changes and are testing. Waiting for questions to be answered from Heidi. KBM reports, user guide. New KBM data requirement - will discuss with Valerie this week. Testing the COA dimension redesign for the prompts.
Scott - Reviewing package changes and will develop PO report. Post audit disbursement voucher report based on PLSQL, we will have to ask Keiko how we can validate the data in this report.
Matt - KFSDW-830 needs to confirm with Kevin on what the requirements are. KFSDW-947 - waiting on confirmation from Kevin. KFSDW-891 - should we just show the header and a message that no transactions are found for this period? We can discuss in friday's meeting with Accounting. Eufemia will work with Durendal to give Matt a list of all the query criteria being used in the KFS AdHoc Report.
Bug Review
KFSDW-951 - Scott is working on this. Will use balances instead of ledger entries. We may need to create additional balance buckets in the balance table. Eufemia will document this and let us know.
KFSDW-962 - Still waiting on SBS team
KFSDW-586 - In progress
Tasks for the week:
Matt - Kevin asked for KFSDW-906 to posted on staging, working on KFSDW-891, Waiting to hear back from Kevin on KFSDW-947. Matt needs more work. Possibly the PO report. Updating report security wiki page. Valerie will follow-up on MySQL connection in Cognos.
Tammy - Prototype for KFS BLISS GL AdHoc. She's waiting for a list of attributes from Kevin. We also need to load in metadata tables. Needs finishing touches. Tammy will work with Accounting on this. KFSDW-984 ready for roll-out.
Anh - Bug 586 - almost ready for roll-out. Finishing development of ODS jobs (KFSDW-974).
Scott - Ledger Recon bug. Will update package once Tammy's view is rolled-out. LOC report - still waiting for an answer from Alice.
Pramod - Currently working on 857 and 453. On 699, he is trying to use KFSDAY to pull data but the tables are empty for
FP_DV_PAYEE_DTL_T & FP_DV_DOC_T. Kevin is testing KFSDW-890. Finished prototype of dimension split (KFSDW-970), Eufemia will test.
Eufemia - Call Faye regarding KFSDW-24. Finishing PO report spec with Heidi and Keiko. Budget reports to be done this week. Testing the dimension split prototype. Document any additional balance buckets that are needed in the balance table.
Valerie - Set up meeting with Matt to go over report security wiki plus data warehouse log files. Still need to investigate KFSDW-959 - using PURAP fact table.
Bug Review
KFSDW-951 - Eufemia will set up a meeting w/Durendal
KFSDW-357 - Data is currently not being used.
KFSDW-975 - Anh will work on this soon
KFSDW-586 - Valerie and Anh will discuss tomorrow
KFSDW-967 - Scott is currently testing
KFSDW-965 - Eufemia will follow-up with Melissa. We think Melissa is going to write up a spec for this one.
KFSDW-962 - Waiting on a response from SBS team, to see if they can add sub-object in for past transactions.
KFSDW-872 - Tammy will work with Bryce on this
Tasks for the week:
Valerie - Talk to Austin and Mat about turning on version control in dev. Take away access from Analytix devs. Set up a meeting with Faye, Tammy, Eufemia and Keiko to discuss KFSDW-24
Matt - KFS Report security wiki page: /wiki/spaces/UCIKFS/pages/23298280 PCS lookup JIRA KFSDW-981
Scott - KFSDW-967, Lease expenses report KFSDW-978, Testing ETL changes
Pramod - KFSDW-699, KFSDW-857, KFSDW-453, KFSDW-970 POC for COA bridge table (dimension split)
Eufemia - KFSDW-951, Testing ETL changes, Send test extract to FAYE for KFSDW-24
Bug Review
KFSDW-890 - done in dev, needs testing
KFSDW-951 - eufemia will follow-up
KFSDW-357 - Valerie will follow-up with Keiko
KFSDW-825 - Pramod will work on this. Eufemia will test.
KFSDW-586 - Will follow-up with anh
KFSDW-872 - Will address after Informatica jobs are on the production server
KFSDW-429 - valerie will follow-up
KFSDW-607 - Tammy
KFSDW-959 - Not a bug, switched to improvement
KFSDW-962 - Valerie will send email to Tu and James, CBSO transactions do not have sub-objects in the source files
KFSDW-965 - Will review at reporting meeting on thursday with functional team
KFSDW-966 - Not a bug
KFSDW-967 - Scott will look at this one
Tasks for the week
Review KFS Reporting Agenda items
Pramod (453, 699, 856, create a JIRA for POC table for prompt testing)
Eufemia is working on Cognos upgrade, finishing testing. Any remaining reports will be fixed after the upgrade. There are 3 reports that have failed testing, which Eufemia will address this week with Melissa. Any tasks waiting for informatica. Will follow up with Melissa Lee on testing for KFSDW-934
Matt - KFSDW-943, he's waiting for clarification on specs from Melissa. Matt needs work. KFSDW-881 - Matt will look at generated SQL to see if it is joining Fiscal period dim to GL or CAM facts. Eufemia will assign any reports that have failed Cognos testing. Take schedule C report link off of ZotPortal. Update report security Wiki Page.
Scott will create a JIRA to enhance KFS-GL-033-Lease Expenses report to add ICR rate. Transparency Report.
Tammy - Doc details SID bug. Building the KFS GL detail adhoc query in BLISS.
Task blockers:
KFSDW-699 - Pramod needs data in tables so that he can test. He will work with Warren.
There are quite a few reports waiting for testing.
KFSDW-943, Matt is waiting for clarification on specs from Melissa
Matt is waiting for MySQL connection to be set up in Cognos
Non-KFS related tasks:
Cognos upgrade is this weekend 11/21, no new report deployments this week
All new deployments will need to be tested on new version of Cognos 10.2.2
Issues or questions?