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KFS Basics Training

Table of Contents

Accessing KFS via ZOTPortal

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After signing in, select the Faculty and Staff tab, and then the KFS tab. Several portlets will be available for selection, including: KFS KFS Tools, KFS General Ledger, KFS Lookups and Requests, KFS Budget Module, KFS Contracts and Grants, KFS Purchasing Accounts Payable, and KFS Capital Asset Management.

NOTE: A general user profile is displayed on this screen. Depending on the user’s roles and permissions, a different set of portlets may be available

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What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab


  1. Select the KFS tab


NOTE: A general user profile is displayed on this screen. Depending on the user’s roles and permissions, a different set of portlets may be available.

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Accessing your KFS Action List

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Summary: The Action List is a screen in KFS that displays all saved eDocs and those that require your completion by way of acknowledgementAcknowledgement, approvalApproval, and FYI.  This is the "inbox" for all KFS users which displays all action requests. When the appropriate action has been taken, the eDoc will disappear from the Action List.

Email notifications are automatically generated for eDocs that arrive in your Action List from other users. These email notifications include a link to the specific document and link to your Action List. Immediate email notifications are sent every time a document arrives in your Action List, or you can select to receive a daily or weekly summary by accessing the action list preferences page (Quick Start Guide: Action List Preferences). 

Action List Location: The Action List is located in the KFS Tools portlet of ZOTPortal. 


What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab
  4. Select the KFS tab


Access the Action List item

  1. Navigate to the KFS Tools portlet
  2. Click on the Action List item


Review the Action List 

  1. Review the Action list and Action Requested column 
  2. To open, review and take action on an eDoc, click on the document number Document Number in the ID column

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Setting Up Action List Preferences 

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Summary: The Action List Preferences screen is available to all KFS users which allow them to customize the appearance and features of their Action List. The Action list List Preferences Page is accessible by logging into ZOTPortal and selecting the Action List item in the KFS Tools Portlet.  The Preferences screen is divided into three sections they are: General, Fields Displayed In Action List, and Document Route Status Colors for Actionlist Action List Entries. 

Remember after After making any changes to the preferences Preferences screen in the action list Action List, remember to click on save Save at the bottom of the screen.  This will update any changes you have made.



What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab
  4. Select the KFS tab


Access the Action List item

  1. Navigate to the KFS Tools portlet
  2. Click on the Action List item


Click on preferences 

  1. Click on the preferences Preferences link (upper right hand corner)


Edit the General section






In the General section of the Action List Preferences page, users can set: 

  •  The Automatic Refresh Rate for the Action List in whole minutes
  •  The Action List Page Size which indicates how many action requests to display at once on the Action List page
  •  The Email Notification field allows users to select how often emails will be sent notifying the user that new documents are in the Action List (Option: None, Daily, Weekly, Immediately)
  •  The next two fields on the Action List Preferences page allow users to choose whether or not receive email reminders when action requests come to them as a delegate for a particular Fiscal Officer.
  •  Placing a checkmark in the box prompts the system to send email reminders in each situation
  •  The Delegator Filter field provides an option to show action requests for which you are a Secondary Delegate or Primary Delegate
  •  The Delegator Filter and Primary Delegate Filters allow users to choose whether they want delegated documents to appear in their action list, or if they want the option to filter the delegated documents. 


Edit Fields Displayed in Action List

Underneath the Fields Display in Action List section the option is given of choosing which fields of document are displayed when viewing documents in the Action List


Editing Document Route Status Colors for Actionlist Entries

Underneath the Document Route Status Colors for Action List Entries the option is given of choosing and customizing different colors for various document routing statuses


Click Save 

Click Save upon setting up and modifying your Action List Preferences

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How To Do a Document Search

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Summary: The Document Search is a powerful tool you can use to find out the status of any request.

Replacement: In place of telephoning or emailing someone in a different department to find out the status of the request, you can quickly and easily perform a Document Search.


What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab
  4. Select the KFS tab


Access the Doc Search feature

In the KFS Accounts portlet, click on the Doc Search link.


Perform a Basic Search

You will now be in the Document Lookup screen. Here, you can perform a search based on Initiator, Document ID#, date document created, etc.


Perform a Detailed Search

Alternatively, you can click on the Detailed Search icon up above and perform searches based on more criteria, such as “Route Status,” “Date Approved” etc.


(Optional) Save a Search

If you find that you do a certain type of search often, you can give it a name and it will appear in your Saved Searches pulldown menu up above.

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How to Check the Status of a Travel Reimbursement

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Summary: The Document Search is a powerful tool you can use to find out the status of any request.

Replacement: In place of telephoning or emailing someone in a different department to find out the status of the request, you can quickly and easily perform a Document Search.


What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab
  4. Select the KFS tab


Access the Doc Search feature

In the KFS Travel & Entertainment portlet, click on the Travel Reimbursement link.


Perform a TR Search

You will now be in the Document Lookup screen. Start by deleting today's date from the Date From: field and then enter your last name in the Last Name field. Click Search when done.


Open the eDoc

In the results that appear below, click on the Document ID number to open the eDoc.


Look for the DV in the View Related Documents tab.

  1. Collapse all the tabs by clicking Collapse All.
  2. Find the View Related Documents tab and click Show.
  3. There you will see your Disbursement Voucher (DV). Click the link to open the DV eDoc.
6Find the Processed Disbursement
  1. Collapse all the tabs by clicking Collapse All.
  2. Find the Pre-Disbursed Processing tab and click Show.
  3. Upon final approval the first field will read PAID. If it does not, try back again later.
  4. The PDP Extraction Date will inform you of when the funds were transferred from UCI to your bank. NOTE: Your bank may take up to 2 business days before making the funds available to you.

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Add an Attachment to a GEC

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Lookup an Account

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Apply for the Corporate Credit Card

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Navigating the eDoc: 3 Things to Know

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