Info | ||||||
Visix is a digital signage software corporation and AxisTV is the name of the software that plays and schedules content for the campus digital signs. AxcessVideo is the vendor and reseller that prices and installs entire digital signage and media/conferencing systems for UCI campus clients.
This guide is to provide instruction on how to use Windows Remote Desktop to log onto a channel player and perform basic windows administration tasks. i.e. performing windows updates, editing IP addresses, editing configuration files
- Start your Windows Remote Desktop Program. Make sure that you are on a campus network connection or VPN.
- The Windows Username will always be AxisTVUser
- The password will be unique to your department. If a unique password has not been set, the default factory password is Techtech1!(removed from public version).
- When you are first logged in, you should be greeted with the content that is scheduled to play on your TV. If it is blank or you get a black screen, it most likely means no content is scheduled to play at the moment. This is okay.
- To get out of this Play mode, simply click the 'esc' button and click the left mouse button. You may need to alternate between these several times for the program to recognize the input.
- Once the input is recognized, you should see a floating box that says Console Ready for Login. Left-Click anywhere on the screen to bring up the login box.
(note: you may have quickly skipped this floating box while alternating between 'esc' and left-clicking before) - At the login box, type in admin for the username, and the password will either be the default tech or default or it will be the same as the windows credentials.
(I strongly recommend changing the visix console from the factory default. More instructions on how to do this will provided below.) - After you log in, you will see blue Channel Player Menu displayed with options for Play, Shutdown, Command Prompt, Logout, Reboot, Security, Go to Windows Explorer.
- Most channel players should start automatically playing content and not go to the Windows Login Screen, but in the event this doesn't happen, there is an easy fix.
- Assuming you are in the Windows Mode, go to the Start Menu and search for Launch Channel Player. This will start up the Visix program and bring up the floating Console box.
- Log into the Channel Player console to get to the menu as detailed above.
- press the 'R' key on your keyboard to reboot. A dialog will show up asking if you if you want to 'Start Playing on Boot'. Click 'Yes' and the Channel Player will automatically reboot.
Editing Config Files (for Auto-Updating Content)
Info |
All Visix Channel Player program files are located in C:\Program Files\Visix\AxisTV Channel Player\. There is a particular configuration file that controls the automatic communication with the AxisTV Content server. This file is usually automatically configured when a new channel player gets added to the Visix content server (http://visix.sa.uci.edu/). However, in the case of a replacement or reinstall of an existing channel player or a change in network information (ex: IP Address), this file needs to be editted manually. |