Versions Compared


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  1. /Project Proposal/
  2. Editor Cascade Server/ CMS Instruction Manual
Site development10 Sept
Phase  Description

Target Date

Date Completed

Staff Assigned


Meeting with Kathy Haq/ A&BS

6 Aug 2012



 Site Spec

A. Site specifications - discussion and overview


6 August 2012

Sonja and Kathy Haq


  1. Project includes
       a. Design
       b. Architecture
       c. Layout




 Project Proposal

B. Prepare Project Proposal

     a. Submit to Ying for review

     b.  Send to Kathy for edits  

August 2012

13 Aug 2012

5 Sept 2012

10 August 2012

5 Sept 2012

5 Sept 2012





B. Project Proposal - Signed

    a. Receive Project Proposal - signed proposal

Sept 201211 Sept 2012Kathy H.
 Site Preparation    
  1. Banner  for UCPath
6 August 20127 Aug 2012Todd McGill
 2.  Site name - Request  DNS for and ucpath.uci.edu6 Aug 20129 Aug 2012Brian Craft
 3.  Test site - Request and  register with a CNAME of ''7 Aug 201231 Aug 2012Brian Craft

4. Folder in vhost_docs named  '  ucpath  '

     a.  Apache server configured for pointing to the ucpath dir.

31 Aug 201231 Aug 2012Brian Craft
 5. Test user - 'cmsucp' user  created and the passwd put in secret server31 Aug 201231Aug 2012Brian Craft
 Site DevelopmentBuild test site on production CMS ( test CMS unavailable at this time)   
  1. Create UCPath website in Sites area of Cascade Server
29 Aug 2012 Sonja

2.  Add margin to sub-pages = per Kathy's request

    a.  Styles folder > coreStyles_uci-v.4.0.css 

    b. in section marked

div.divHeader h2, div.divHeader h2 a:link, div.divHeader h2 a:visited 

changed padding-left: 5 px; (previously 0)

10 Sept 201210 Sept 2012Sonja

3.  Set permissions for UCPath_Publishers

    a.  Access created / tested for user.


10 Sept 2012


4.  Template discussion

   a.  Kathy Haq wondered if we could apply new UCI template.

   b.  Sherry Main looked at the UCPath test site and said the layout did look a lot like the new one with top nav being the important element.  It appears that the new template won't be ready for another month or so. Todd McGill will let me have new banner (no seal) when that happens.

  c. For now we'll stay with existing template .

 11 Sept 2012Kathy agreed

5.  Index pages for Top Nav (Global Nav) categories

   a. Created index pages / landing pages per Kathy's request

 12 Sept 2012Sonja

 6.  Links on Left Nav

     a.  Kathy requested links for  UCPath Center and About per e-mail

9/21/12 9/21/12 Sonja
Site Dev - Progress Reports 7. Progress Reports  on News/ Updates tab 21 Sept 2012  Sonja

      7. a. Single column of links was unsatisfactory - too long

           b.  Attempted to place months in a table format .  This was unsatisfactory as the table was too cramped and hard to follow.

    9/21/12  Sonja

     7. c.  Kathy requested a page with PDF appearing in the center column and a right column 

         d. Confirmed that this is not easily done as the PDF opens a new window .

          e.  Alternative suggestions for Progress Reports page

                    i.  Some users may not have Acrobat reader  therefore links are usually provided

                     ii.  See Santa Cruz website example which may be a better way to resolve this

                        see links for UCPath Status Reports -

                        and for Weekly Newsletter  -

Opens to new page for each month -

           f..  Note:  On UC Santa Cruz website the PDFs open to new window.



in consultation w/ Ying.

Site Dev - Hyperlinks
  1. Kathy requested different color for hyperlinks in text for greater visibility.
  2. Added the following code to
    i.  Added whiteBkgd to Template - 2 col - 

    <div class="column2wide divHeader bkgd_gradient2 whiteBkgd"><system-region name="DEFAULT"/>

       ii.  Tweaked White Background code in Core Styles - v4 by changing HEX color to 2266BB

and commenting out first section:

3.  Follow steps on creating the hyperlink color.

9/27/12 Sonja
Site Dev - Hyperlink
  1.  This now displays blue in published version.
9/27/12 Sonja
Site Dev - Page Moved Down
  1.  Mozilla and Google Chrome both display the center column moved down.
  2. Check with   Div? and 'float' as well as px and %?
9/27/12 Sonja
-  Solution
  1. Checked on Google Chrome > Inspect Element (right mouse click)
  2. When changing whiteBkgd for hyperlink color in CoreStyles, also need to update the theme1.css
  3. Comment out same section under Feature (as done under White Background Stuff in CoreStyles file), i.e., as follows:


div.whiteBkgd {

  padding: 8px 16px;



4. Save. Publish site and check that page is in right position in Mozilla and Chrome.




Site Dev - Permissions
  1. Gave UCPublisher access to Write for leftNav  and rightNav blocks, and Image Header
  2. Tested fine with test0440 user.
9/28/12 Sonja
Site Dev - Home  Page changes
  1.  Remove Work Packages block (tick)
  2. Change Heading on left block to gold H2 header .  Added Div sections to accomplish this (tick)
  3. Add Google Translator to the UCPath site






Research in progress by Todd McGill for spacing in IE




Todd McGill

Add new user
  1.  Natalie Godfrey added to UCPath_Publishers group per request by Kathy Haq