Pre Award SOPs
Purpose: To have consistent workflow for starting and managing awards pre and post.
KC – Kuali Coeus - workflow program
PI - Principal Investigator
WIKI – website for documentation and information
LOI - Letter of Intent
LOS – Letter of support
COI - Conflict of Interest
F&A – Facilities and Administration AKA overhead (OH)
MMG – Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
MBB – Microbiology and Biochemistry
1. Receive documents from sponsor or PI and verify Department 7473 or 8039
2. Create folder in share drive or wiki (copy original documents)
3. Create/Draft Documents
- a) Justification
- b) Supply list*
- c) Equipment list*
- d) Salary and benefits sheet
- e) Budget
- f) LOI – Letter of intent
- g) LOS – Letter of support
4. Provide documents to Deans office Joseph Garrido ( 949-824-7413 (MMG & MBB)
- a. Deans office creates KC document (add you as aggregator)
- b. Respond to questions in KC
- c. Attach draft documents in KC
- d. Complete budget estimate attach to KC document and calculate F&A
5. Notify department and provide copies
6. Post award MMG is Kimberly Smith Lyons for NIH and grants
7. Post award MBB is Kathleen Gustafson for NIH and grants
8. Post Award Endowments Sentelle Eubanks
As approvals and permits are received, please email to
USDA Inspection report 01/24/2017 No non compliant items identified. Pass
USDA VS inspection 11/09/2017 Pass , inspection report 93-R-0434 PASS
IBC Approval 10/02/2019 1999-471 Approved 3 year
IACUC inspection Jan-16-2019 to Jan-16-2022 UC Irvine Pass
CDC 12/21/2017 | Import Permit Policy Statement: Date and Conditions of the Import Permit (Section 71.54(d) of these regulations provides that the CDC permit is valid only for: (1) the time period and/or term indicated on the permit, and (2) only for so long as the permit conditions continue to be met.) "The requested vectors are not capable of transferring an infectious biological agent to a human if it is uninfected; therefore, an import permit is not required. " | 10252017-10037 | 6/11/14 | N/A |
UCI-IACUC | Expression of Exogenous Genes in Mosquitoes | Protocol No. 1998-1411-9 | 3/10/16 | 3/9/19 |
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) | Permit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and Vectors | PHS PERMIT NO. 2016-06-052 | 6/13/16 | 6/13/17 |
UCI- Institutional Biosafety Committee | Expression of Exogenous Genes in Mosquitoes | IBC Protocol Number: 1999-471 | 10/4/16 | 10/3/19 |
USDA-APHIS | ROUTINE INSPECTION - No non-compliant items identified during the inspection. | 1/24/17 | ||
UCI Radiation Safety Committee | RADIATION USE AUTHORIZATION | RUA#: R 8906 | 3/17/17 | 3/31/20 |
PATH | Material Transfer Agreement - frozen aliquots proprietary | Protocol No. 1998-1411-9 | 5/2/17 | 9/30/20 |
NIAID | Collaboration Agreement HNIH Carolina Barillas-Mury proprietary | Protocol No. 1998-1411-9 | 5/2/17 | |
USDA-APHIS (DARPA) | US Veterinary Permit for Importation and Transportation of Controlled Materials and Organisms and Vectors | Permit No. 135681 | 8/12/17 | 8/12/18 |
USDA-APHIS | Application 17299032 for University of California, Irvine for Aedes (mosquito eggs) - Aedes aegypti Higgs (Submitted 26 Oct 2017) | Ref. No. 17299032 | 8/12/17 | 12/8/18 |
USDA | Interstate Movement of Anopheles gambiae | PERMIT NO. 17-233-101m | 9/7/17 | 9/7/18 |
UCI and PENN STATE | Non-disclosure Agreement (Processes, designs, sequences, data and findings related to CRISPR/Cas9 and its uses for genome editing and gene regulation) | NDA | 9/25/17 | |
California Department of Public Health | Authorizing UCI the continued usage and importation of the new Aedes aegypti strain for vector control | Signed: Vicki Kramer, Chief of Vector-Borne Disease Section | 10/13/17 | |
USDA inspection IACUC | Pre inspection prior to permit | 18-004-106m | 11/7/17 | at will |
UCSD MTA TIGS | Material Transfer agreement for Anopheles gambiae and stephensi | MTA00009219 | 1/30/18 | |
USDA-APHIS 01/17/2018m interstate only, notified CDPH if movement within state (intrastate) | DARPA Akbari Aedes aegypti eggs Vector 986G-pBac-Aedes-Ubiq (AAEL006511)-dCas9-VPR-p10-UTR-Opie2-dsRed Vector 986H-pBac-Aedes-AAEL011410 (AaKLC2)-dCas9-VPR-p10-UTR-Opie2-eGFP Vector 1002-pBac-3xp3-eGFP-UTR-AAEL010097-RGR-dmeFlightN-UVW-iSce1CutSite-XYZ-optimized-tdTomato_Attb-Modified Vector 1003-pBac-3xp3-tdTomato-AEEL010097-Cas9-HR5Ie1-XYZ-Sce1-Sce1-UVW-eGFP-UTR_attB-Modified | 18-004-106m | 2/2/18 | 2/1/19 |
USDA John Hopkins University | Anopheles stephensi 44c LINE | 18-012-101m | 2/22/18 | 2/22/19 |
USDA to UC Davis | Permit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and Vectors | 136098 | 2/28/18 | |
UCSD MTA DARPA | Material Transfer agreement for Aedes aegypti | MTA 94443 | 4/6/18 | |
John Hopkins University (Fidel Zavala MD) | Trap P berghei CSP P vivax CS repeat | MTA | 4/17/18 | 4/18/19 |
Leids University (Shahid Kahn) | Pf CelTOS (NF54), Pv CelTOS, Pf CSP (NF54-full), PvCSP variant 210 full, Pv CSP variant 247 full, Pf TRAP NF54, Pv TRAP, Pf CSP/TRAP NF4, Pv CSP/TRAP, Pv CSP/TRAP/CelTOS | MTA | 5/2/18 | |
SLA | Pfs14M etal | MTA/SLA | 5/2/18 | |
USDA (UCIMI)interstate only, notified CDPH if movement within state (intrastate) | pCO-6-pSL_attB_AgvasCas9DsRed_3xP3CFP (VASA) and (Nanos) interstate transport for injection at UMD X1 gambiae | 18-100-103m | 5/7/18 | 5/4/19 | (Gabriel Gutierrez) | PFCelTos (Hybridoma sequence for 3C3 clone) | MTA | 5/14/18 | |
UCI/UCSD USDA Interstate to UMD | 80.9 Helper line to UMD for injection from UCI (vasa cas9) | 18-141-101m | 6/13/18 | 6/13/19 |
UCI Outgoing to UCSD TIGS Ethan Bier | Material Transfer agreement for Anopheles stephensi (research lines) 80.9 docking site submitted 06/12/2018 | MTA | 6/27/18 | 6/27/18 |
USDA UCI Outgoing to UMD | Stephensi docking site 80.9 | 18-163-113-m | 6/29/18 | 7/1/19 |
USDA Outgoing and incoming UMD UCI | Stephensi lines UMD PENDING helper line | 18-165-104m | 7/23/18 | 7/23/19 |
UCSD DARPA Akbari Out and In UMD for injection | Aedes Aegypti 1002B and 1003B | 181-191-103m | 7/25/18 | 7/31/19 |
Letter from STP | Acceptance of year 1 proposal to UC Davis, sample collection | N/REFa 1191p.n.6/GMS/18 | 9/14/18 | 9/13/19 |
UMD to and from UCI USDA | X1 and Good direction + pC0-19 and pC0-28 gambiae | 18-260-101 | 9/28/18 | 9/28/19 |
UMD to UCI Interstae USDA | Good Direction gambiae pC0-6 | 180-256-103 | 10/2/18 | pending |
UC Irvine /TIGS India (Items deemed commercially availble and no MTA required) | Plasmid GS62894-2 pET-26b(+)-311_AA Plasmid GS62894-3 pET-26b(+)-317_AA Plasmid GD26894-1 pET-26b(+)-m2A10-_AA | MTA | N/A | N/A |
Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) | Approval to import infectious biological agents, infectious substances or vectors | |||
UC Davis BUA #311 | IBC BUA approval Analysis of host pathogen interactions in Drosophila and Mosquito and CRISPR based drives | 311 | 11/26/18 | 2/12/21 |
USDA UC Davis | Permit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and Vectors | 136098/app #18053016 | 11/24/18 | |
IBC | UCI BUA | 1999-471 | 6/11/18 | 3/19/19 |
UCSD Beir UCI MTA | 80.9 Helper line and 80.9 docking site | MTA | 1/11/19 | N/A |
IACUC UCI AUP-18-189 | 3 year renewal IACUC Exongenous genes of mosquitoes | 18-189 | 1/16/22 | 1/16/22 |
LOI (letter of Intent) | Union of Comoros Ministry of Health Solidarity Social Protections and Gender Promotion (vector control Comoro Islands) | 1/28/19 | ||
USDA permit outgoing JHU | AgCd1(lines) gambiae GATES | 19-061-101m | 4/8/19 | 4/8/20 |
USDA import permit | Ag Vasa helper line Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, France | 19-093-104m | 4/19/19 | 4/19/20 |
IRB Exemtion UCSD | IRB exemption for survey questionnaires UCIMI A17-0209-002 | 1436188-1 | 5/22/19 | |
JH to UCI USDA | A gambiae Permit not required | 19207007 | 7/26/19 | |
JH to UCI CDPH | Permission granted to ship A gambiae eggs | 7/26/19 | ||
UC Davis USDA permit to import | Dead mosquitoes in silica or 70% ETOH/Live unifected mosquitoe larvae Anopheles gambiae | 136098 | 2/13/19 | 2/13/20 |
UC Davis CDC | Permit to import Biological Agents and vectors | 20181210-099aA | 11/1/19 | 1/11/20 |
Leidos request to move 3C3 UCSD/TIGS | 3C3 mAb request to trasfer to UCSD/TIGS | 9/9/19 | pending | |
LUMC | ||||
UC Davis CDC | Permit to import Biological Agents and vectorsAlive or dead mosquito eggs, larvae, and adults (Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles coluzzi, Anopheles darlingi, Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Anopheles sundiacus). | 20190502-2768A | 9/3/19 | 9/3/20 |
MTA UCI to UCSD DARPA | MTA multi line | MCA S00920 | 4/27/17 | FE |
UCI to UCSD and JHU | 44c Anopheles stephensi 44c | 19-263-102m | 9/22/19 | pending |
UCI to UCSD and JHU | kh recoded | 19-274-103m | 10/1/19 | pending |
UCI to NIH | IB2 insertion locus | 19-290-101m | 10/17/19 | pending |
UCI to NIH | 3C3 effector locus | 19-290-102m | 10/24/19 | 10/23/20 |
| Importation | Facility Inspection | Other | Comments |
CDC | Need permit for importing from outside USA | Maybe / courtesy |
California Department of Public Health | Need to provide written request & receive written approval | None required |
| Law: California Health and Safety Code Section 116120 Contact: Vicki Kramer, Vector-Borne Disease Section, 1616 Capitol Avenue MS 7307, P.O. Box 997413, Sacramento, CA 95899-7413 |
USDA/APHIS | Permit as a importation aid | Required for receiving transgenic mosquitoes from across state lines |
| (look for transgenic insect tab) Their primary focus is on animal / crop pathogens, but lack of a permit may stop shipments at customs. |
USDA | For transgenic species | Yes |
| (same site as above for export permit for some transgenic organisms. |
USDA permits
MIT cheat sheet for permitting biological materials
Permits and Field work
Duke Permits and Procedures for Field work
Guidelines for Shipping/Receiving Biological Materials
Permit to Import or Transport Etiologic Hosts or Vectors of Human Disease | Required for importation, interstate and intrastate transport of human pathogens. Expedites the package through customs.
Contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at 404-718-2093. | Materials such as blood, bodily fluid, animals, etc that come from areas of endemic infection should be permitted.
Takes 2 weeks to process, expires after movement of material occurs,
Examples of materials for permit: blood, serum or plasma from different countries unless verified to be virus free, dengue, |
Apply for ePermit access and authenticate. You may need to authenticate in person.
Fill out online questionnaire according to permit type and submit,. You can check status
sample of status check
FDA and EPA would be for live mosquitoes. The constructs should go through IBC and EHS locally, IATA...etc.
As of January 2017 the FDA defines GMO Mosquitoes as;
1. Examples of New Animal Drugs a. Products intended to reduce the virus/pathogen load within a mosquito, including reduction in virus/pathogen replication and spread within the mosquito and/or reduction in virus/pathogen transmissibility from mosquitoes to humans. b. Products intended to prevent mosquito-borne disease in humans or animals. (FDA)
It recommends approvals from both agencies (FDA and EPA) to assure due diligence.
2. Example of Pesticide Products a. Products intended to reduce the population of mosquitoes (for example, by killing them at some point in their life cycle, or by interfering with their reproduction or development)5 . (EPA)
UCI IRB does not have specific guidance for GMO mosquitoes, however it would expect documentation of community consent prior to any release.
SITE Regulatory plan
Based upon WHO Guidance for vector approvals, NASEM, FNIH and UCI MI project plan
1) Determine final site. Finalize decision on partner institution and local PI, who should represent the project in stakeholder engagement with the PNLP of Comoros and STP, (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme)
- Contact to see if there is interest and capacity to begin
- Compile contact listing
- Send out introduction emails, letters etc.
- Arrange meeting
- Draft agreements
- Chart responsibilities
- Local informational workshop venue
- Presentations
- Materials
- Hire local staff
- PI approvals
- Finalize contracts
2) Complete TPP
3) Field protocols
4) Laboratory approvals
5) Train staff
6) Make contact with Biosafety Clearing House focal point for Comoros, who can help clarify the regulatory pathway for LMOs (Will check with Tony on this). Mlle Assani Moinahalima
Spécialiste en Gestion et Conservation de la Biodiversité
Direction Générale de l'Environnement et des Forêts
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'Urbanisme BP 5414 Moroni Comoros
Phone: +260 334 31 02
3. Determine status of national biosafety law, application and review process (There are none in the Comoros, not even for agriculture, they do not restrict GMO)
4. Encourage national authorities to request training and support from AUDA-NEPAD –(Requested that our Community Engagement consultant, Ana Kormos engage on the subject with our partners in the Comoros)
5. Focus initially on requirements for contained use
6. Establish IBC at partner (Local PI) University (STP or Comoros )
7. Determine requirements of Comoros/STP responsible authority (Ministry of Environment?) for certification of contained use facility for gene drive mosquitoes, Adapt crop policy, such as exists in Burkina faso.
a. Comoros has no GM rules or guidance
b. Sao Tome has no capacity to enforce
8. Establish plan and timeline for building containment facility at partner institution. (ACL2 + should be a priority and be complete before training of local postdocs or scientist)
9. Identify trainee candidates and establish timeline for training that correlates with completion of containment facility.
10. Check with the university/PNLP to make sure they understand the technology (especially the persistence issue) and feel comfortable that their insurance adequately covers the field work
11. CISRO will be unable to hold a slot for Risk assessment and we should consider engaging with them soon for a projected time frame for assessment.
• Consider reaching out to Tanzania
12. Obtain copies of previously approved ACL2 + laboratories in Africa
13. Conduct hazard analysis with the research team (including representatives from the field site) and any external experts desired by the project. The project may choose to stop there.
“Hazard analysis is the first step in risk assessment. A hazard analysis is a systematic exercise to think collectively about everything that could potentially go wrong with the system, no matter how unlikely. The hazard analysis will include consideration of the possible steps that would have to occur for each of these hazards to occur (the pathway to harm). Early hazard analysis is a benefit to the project. The utility is that it helps the project identify data or information that may be needed to predict the probability that any of the steps in the pathway to harm might occur. Prediction of the probability that a hazard will occur, and the consequence if it does, is part of risk assessment. If risk assessment determines that a particular hazard has a high level of probability, or a high level of uncertainty, this may cause the project to have to stop and go back to collect missing data, which could result in serious delays.”
14. Risk assessment will be conducted by national regulatory authority(ies) in any case, but this is unlikely to conform to the NASEM recommendation for probabilistic ecological risk assessment of gene drive organisms. An external risk assessment that is made public by the project can help with transparency issues later on and provide information that may be useful to national authorities in their own risk assessment. (Review Mark Benedick Pathway to Development)
15. Local Approvals and requirements
Scientific Review
16. Initiate WHO l approvals
Assesses Quality, Safety, and Efficacy of manufacturing facilities (Continuous)
- WHO Prequalification Team Vector control products MVP/EMP/RHT/PQT World Health Organization 20, Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
- Single point of entry (PQT-VC) Electronic submission and one hard copy.
- Service Code
- Service
- PQ100 Request for Determination of Pathway
- PQ200 Protocol Review
- PQ300 New Vector Control Product PQ301 New Equivalent Vector Control Product
- PQ400 Active Ingredient: New Manufacturing Site PQ401 New Active Ingredient Hazard Assessment via JMPR
- PQ40 New Active Ingredient Hazzard Assessment via JMPR
- PQ500 Post PQ Change: Major PQ501 Post PQ Change: Minor
- PQ501 Post PQ changes Minor/Major
New interventions Pathway
1) Cover letter requesting Service PQ100
2) Dossier, letters forms, studies, data, (living document using GLP)
- Cover letter
- Application form
- Table of Contents
- Letter(s) of authorization
- Letter(s) of access
- Declaration of Labelling
3) Request for Determination of Pathway Form ◦ Handout
4) Draft Label (if available)
5) Additional supporting documentation
6) Submit to the PQT-VC Case Managers via
8) Meeting requests, Submit to the PQT-VC Case Managers via
Dossier requirements
Example of cover letter
- University of California Approvals
- Site Ministry Approvals
- Community Consent
- International and NGO approvals
Example of Letter of Authorization
Example of Letter of Access
Example of labeling
Appendix 1 Guiding Principles
Engagement with colleagues, partners, all stakeholders
• Practice openness and transparency
• Collaborate, engage, and listen through proactive/constructive 2-way communication
• Demonstrate integrity (judgement/confidentiality/tact/consistency)
• Be respectful and demonstrate respect
Process and Decision Making
• Action oriented, i.e., value-added processes which focus on end user access to products
• Evidence-based
• Adhere to established roles and responsibilities
• Transparent
• Timely
• Well documented policies and decisions
• Continuous evaluation and process improvement
Broader Impact
• Embrace innovation and creativity
• Apply a global perspective to meet varying geographic and disease needs
• Monitor and evaluate current approaches to meet changing global needs, i.e., remain relevant
1) Summary of Quality Dossier
- Physical/Chemical Data
- Declaration of Product Formulation
- Description of Manufacturing Process
- Declaration of Manufacturing Sites
- Confidential Appendices
2) Summary of Safety Dossier
- *Acute toxicology (6-pack) - Acute Inhalation - Acute Oral - Acute Dermal - Primary Eye Irritation - Primary Skin Irritation - Dermal Sensitization
- Product Risk Assessment (Occupational and Residential Exposure)
- AI Specific Hazard Assessment (or summary of publically available information)
3) Summary of Efficacy Dossier
- Lab studies
- Field studies
- Supporting Documentation
Info | ||
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