Versions Compared


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Status Updates: 

  • Ninth Integration Test: January 20th - March 10th

    • Parking (Completed)
    • Housing/OSCAR (Completed)
    • CTES (Completed)
    • Library (Completed)
    • Payroll (Completed, Black Box file)
    • Student Financial Systems
      • ARC (Completed, Black Box)
      • SBS (Completed)
      • CBSO (Completed)
      • CCCS (Completed
      • OPAL (Completed)
      • SLC (Incomplete, Black Box)
      • Fin Aid (Completed)
      • Grad Div (Completed)
    • Telecomm/COMPCO (Completed, Black Box)
    • C&G Billing (Complete)
    • IRB (Complete)
    • ULAR (Complete)
    • Facilities (Completed)
    • Medical Center (Incomplete)
    • UCOP (Incomplete)
    • Bio Sci (Will use Service Billing instead)
    • Phy Sci (Complete)
    • UNEX/Summer Session (Complete)


  • PI Report

    • 70% complete, is not able to test because lack of data, the month end balances for awards, and income and expense balances from C&G.  Waiting for balance from DataWarehouse, being worked on.
  • C&G Billing

    • 100% complete. Testing in progress.
  • HR

    •  Implementation is completed including translation of FS data to KFS counterparts, validation, GUI, ledger posting, invoice, BLISS reports as well as first time database alter script.  One time data migration will utilize the web service client. All FAUs will be translated per function user's request. This means even closed FAUs need to have a match in KFS.

    • Outstanding items: There is no 2013 chart of account data in KFS test server, so "2012" is hard-coded for object code translation and validation. Ledger posting is hard-coded to post to fiscal year 2012. Once the 2013 data is loaded in KFS, hard-coding needs to be removed.  There is no object code mapping for 7217 and 3900 under MC chart. Alerted KFS team of this issue. This means full testing will be delayed until these object codes are added.  Default CTES account/fund is translated to different values every time in KFS. However the default CTES account info is hard-coded. Once the translation is finalized, the default CTES chart/account/object will needs to be set.   Implementation to generate GL collector file is complete. However there is no KFS test server to upload the collector file from Unix. Currently must go through the Kuali Portal to manually upload the file.

      • Medical Center

        • No
          Assigned To
          1Cache DB Upgrade on Test Servern/a AMS/UCIMCWaiting for approval by MC purchasing
          2Chart of Accounts Conversion StrategyCompletedIn testingAMS/UCIMCChanged the strategy to just map their code to KFS instead of conversion, using the web services; testing in progress
          3KFS to AMS Vendor FeedCompletedCompletedKFS Tech TeamCode installed in AMS Test Server, ready to be tested in ITC4
          4KFS to AMS Check Number FeedCompletedIn TestingKFS Tech TeamIn Testing
          5AMS Payment UploadCompletedIn progressAMSCoding in process
          6AMS AP Accrual Feed (Collector Flat)CompletedIn progressAMSTargeted completion date unknown
          7AMS to KFS Secure FTPNAIn TestingModesto/Artie ButlerIn testing with AMS Test Server.
          8KFS to SMS FTPNAIn progressModesto/Phil ObregonFiles are being sent, however, no feedback has been provided. MC is still to set up XFER connection
  • Facilities

    • Figuring out process outside of feeding.  Feeding process is complete.
  • Housing

  • Biological Sciences

    • Restarted their efforts to convert to KFS after being put on hold.
  • Telecommunications

    RMS:  Feed generation and upload was successful, after stripping legacy project codes from feed.

    Currently unable to test fields: sub-account, sub-object, project - test/sample data still not available to test with?

    Testing and fixing web form, but that's not directly related to the KFS upload process.

    Compco:  Relying on blackbox conversion.  Some charges are being rejected because "closed" accounts are still being used.  A meeting is scheduled for the Business Office to meet with FS to figure out what happens to the charges, what the Business Office needs to do, and how we'll be notified in order to remove these "closed" accounts from our Compco billing system.

    Modesto will regularly provide updated "aftable" and "dptable" data files on for Compco to update from.

    Other than that, Compco KFS upload is pretty much done.

     OIT Helpdesk

    Regarding KFS conversions for Help desk related systems, I am having difficulty getting answers to my questions so I can proceed with conversion. Neither Nancy nor has responded to the most critical questions.  Below is a copy of email I sent earlier this month, with a few answered questions removed.

    I also need to ensure the terminology is used (or not) in the same way.  For example, yesterday I heard an unconfirmed rumor that the KFS sub-account field is roughly equivalent to the current GL “sub” field, and is of little consequence.

    Should the current data flow of transactions from Help Desk → paper! → Business Office → RMS à (GL soon KFS) be continued? (Nancy or Marie must decide)  

    Will we utilize Control Accounts? (KFS question)

    Is the meaning of Principal Investigator unchanged?  Or is this now a Fiscal Officer or Account Supervisor? (KFS question)

    Is the role of bookkeeper/Account Controller now termed the Account Manager? Will “Account Controller” exist? (KFS question)

    Who can approve the specs / change request as complete and correct? (Nancy, Marie, or KFS)

    Who is responsible for defining the scope of work and approving planned changes? (Nancy, Marie, or KFS)

    Below is my current understanding of the data we will have to collect for a KFS “recharge”.  Is it correct?


    Field Name








    UC - UCOP

    SW - Systemwide

    IR - Irvine campus

    MC - UCIMC

    PL - Plant


    We expect mostly IR & MC



    Char(7) the values are all numeric/integer

    replaces FS account-fund

    sub - Account


    Char(5) alphanumeric

    defined by dept



    Char(4) alphanumeric

    Is this similar to current object code? What will the new code structure be?

    sub - Object


    Char(4) alphanumeric

    Will OIT utilize this field to track software type?



    Char(10) ?

    Is this at a given department’s discretion?

    Reference ID


    Char (8) ?

    Do we prompt for this, or is it auto-generated by KFS? (another rumor I head yesterday)


    Bob Hudack
    Help Desk
    Office of Information Technolog

  • Student Financial Systems

    • For the project status of student financial systems KFS conversion, please view our project plan in dfs\adcom\shares\docs\applicationdoc\sbs\kfs\project_plan_sfinsvcs_kfs_20130606.pdf

    • In summary, we are currently performing user acceptance test and cycle test to process data feed from Housing, Grad Division, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Library, and LARC.  However, the test progress is falling behind our project schedule because the user community including developers is swamped with Fiscal Year-end Closing.  Thanks.

  • Parking

    • 95% complete with the GL feed, functional users are looking at the GL.  Other systems still in progress.
  • Grad Division/Office of Research

  • Payroll
    • 100% Completed FS Legacy file conversion, in the process of testing.
  • UNEX/ Summer Session
    • Working on getting Webservices to work for account conversion.
  • SOM
    • Need sample data, reviewing data loading.  Issues with Orgs and missing Account-Fund crosswalk entries.
    • Joe asked: Did you hear any decision of changing the org code?  Reject too?  I heard SOM Finance team had submitted a revision of org codes last month again, and wait for the other schools to submit.  I knew Campus rejected another SOM request to add additional level of organization (i.e. an additional level under department/subdivision/division/organization in Data Warehouse). 
