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Immediate Queue

Analysis In-progress

On Hold

Development In-progress

Testing (unit, acceptance, load, pilot)

Release Ready


Tririga Upgrade    
2 3/2128/2011 - Preparing for 3/7 demo of work order scheduling component. Requires implementation of several modules before demo ready.
2/21/2011 - Continued research of data warehouse replacement. Have 3 viable options and performing more detailed assessment of risk and cost. Identification of FACserv customizations for most base objects used (people, organizations, classifications). Working with Tririga to help identify customization for core business processes (work order, inventory, service desk, business office).

Timesheet Performance Improvement: 10/29/2010 - Generating risk assessment for entire timesheet process - OIT, DDM, and Facilities. Waiting on DDM.

2/21/2011 - Still waiting on DDM.

FACserv Inventory 2/21/2011 - Requirements gathered and presented to Facilities. Waiting on feedback and approval.

Preventive Maintenance - HVAC, Central Plant and Security 
2/27/2011 - Kevin Lane has provided positive feedback regarding generating scheduled work in FACserv. Will meet with him week of 2/28/2011 to discuss PM work. Ready to meet with the next shop.

 Fleet Services - iPool replacement:
4/20/2011 - Identified where we require vendor input during billing process. Submitted list of questions to vendor (why their input is needed), waiting for reply.
Will run April billing in parallel to determine if we can bill without vendor assistance.

Asset Tracking and Management:
4/20/2011 - Have list of equipment from HVAC.

FACserv - set of aging reports for identifying active work over several date ranges (less than 30 days, less than 60 days, less than 90 days, over 90 days).




FACnet inventory and Organization 1
3/1310/2011 - No new updates 1/27/2011 - Determing amount of information already available for publishing energy consumption and metrics. Security audit in progress Documenting and coordinating responsibilities of groups involved with FACnet. As part of security remediation, Luna being rebuilt. Tiscor application database will be managed by OIT DBA team.

3/10/2011 - Review and inventory of security, backup, and recovery policies

Fleet Services - iPool replacement and application integration for: 1. iPool 2. Mitchell 3. PetroVend On Hold until 3/28/2011

Productivity and Aging Reports
2/21/2011 Will have 3 reports ready for 3/7 CMMS Meeting
1. Productivity Report - Weekly completed and open work orders
2. Aging Report - % Work orders completed with 0 costs.
3. Productivity Report - Shop and employee breakdown of hours per week.

Work Order Performance Improvement: Contact Center Enhancements   
1. Add specific requests classes - work with Service Desk group to define actual classes used.   
2. Adding request classes for Central Plant.  Waiting on feedback from Service Desk. When approved will proceed with Central Plant operator training and schedule turnover. Service Agreements and Scheduled Work:
4/20/2011 - Meeting with grounds and refuse to discuss use of procedures (tracking type of work) in FACserv.

Work schedules complete for:
 1. HVAC
 2. Elevator / Pest Control
 3. Skilled Trades

FACserv Work Order Lifecycle Improvements:
Allow the canceling of work. Cleanup of logic for completing, retiring, and closing of work.
4/20/2011 - Testing changes. Scheduled turnover 4/24/2011.




FACserv: Managing maintainable space 2/21/2011 - CAD integration tested on FACserv 10. Working on performance improvements and will present recommendations at next focus group meeting. Feedback will determine the direction for implementing maintainable space: Facilities managed (through CAD) or Capital Planning managed.

  Fleet Services backup and recovery policy updates 2/21/2011 - Remaining item - PetroVend recovery. PetroVend will hold 500 transactions on fuel controller. Determing risk exposure if application fails.





















Requests and Work Last Two Weeks
