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Projects in Progress

Project (ServiceNow Link)
Current Status


Implement the UCPath CDW (Common Data Warehouse), including UCI customizations. Import Informatica mappings delivered from UCLA. Maintain UCI's implementation of the DDODS (data dissemination operational data store). Design SQL Views to be used by campus Tier-N systems using the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Develop reports based on campus and UCIMC requirements.In Progress Research Administration Reporting & Data Warehouse

Phase I of project (report remediation): Develop ODS and replace legacy reports with new reports in Cognos

Phase II of project (new reports): Develop ODS and/or dimensional data warehouse and reports based on requirements

In Progress 
Analytics Use & Adoption ReportingDevelop a set of reports/dashboards to track adoption & usage trends in services & tools provided by D&IM. First deliverables will be adoption of community of practice training and tools for Compass and the Student Data Warehouse. In ProgressStudent hired on 6/24, requirements gathering in progress
PowerBI Evaluation & Adoption
In Progress
Cybersecurity Awareness Training Compliance Data & Report
In Progress
Informatica IDMC Implementation & Training
In Progress
/wiki/spaces/adcom/pages/68014905A number of groups across the campus create and utilize student data and process it in different ways for different purposes.   This project is to create and execute a road map for a student data warehouse that will help organize and make student data available in a more efficient and useful manner, and to a larger audience than it is available to today.   In Progress

Daily Admissions data mart design and ETL development complete. Planned production roll-out in early June.

Grad Admissions (Slate) operational data store (ODS) development is in progress.

Working with executive data warehouse governance committee to develop a road map and resource plan for other subject areas.

Data Warehouse Website RedesignAs BLISS queries are decommissioned, the  Data Warehouse team will need to re-purpose the URL for all things data warehouse related. This will be a one-stop site for anything related to Decision Support. It will include links to DWQuery as well as Cognos reports and dashboards. It will also include information on how to get access to the data that exists in the data warehouse
.PlanningHiring a student developer. Prototype completed using Cascade.SQL Server UpgradeUpgrade primary data warehouse SQL from 2008 R2 to 2016 before June 2019
Project (ServiceNow Link)
Current Status
KFS Historical Chart of AccountsEnhancement of KFS data warehouse to track changes on the chart of accounts attributes. Develop reports to display historical attributes based on requirements.9/1/2015On Hold

Awaiting implementation requirements from functional office.

KFS Pending EntriesNew addition to KFS data warehouse to include pending entries. Modify or develop reports based on requirements.9/1/2015On Hold KFS Kuali Budget (KBM)New addition to KFS data warehouse to include Kuali Budget Module (KBM) documents, attributes and transactions. Develop reports based on requirements.5/1/2016On HoldAwaiting resource availability/wiki/spaces/SIS/pages/21103609 (SIS)Work with Ellucian to implement Banner ODS, EDW and reporting for SIS and related student systems. This project also includes integration of historical student data into the ODS, as well as Canvas, DegreeWorks, GradAid and other student systems as needed. On HoldProject put on hold
.In Progress
Development server migration complete. Compass is now on production SQL Server. Production roll-out for KFS, KR and UCPath planned for the weekend of 5/24/19.Database Planning and Proposal for new ArchitectureShort and long-term planning for database technologies for data warehouse.In ProgressMet with AWS and Snowflake to explore other solutions. Will work with hardware and DB teams to come up with a short-term plan to handle additional capacity. Will most likely do a POC on cloud technology later this year to determine long-term strategy.Metadata ProjectDevelop a solution to manage and store data warehouse metadata, along with reports/queries cross-reference look-up. Modify all existing DWQueries and Cognos reports to provide 'pop-up' window of data definitions.In ProgressSolution will be developed in-house. Initial POC is in progress.

Projects on Hold

Website build complete, waiting on release date
Access Request Process (SN Project)Design and implement a process for requesting  and granting access to BI/Data Warehouse assets. This is a process for any centrally controlled reports or central access, direct database access, or any access to restricted or sensitive data. This project will also define a process for using KSAMS to grant access to Cognos reports,  and  grant direct access to the data warehouse for individuals or other systems. In addition, this project will develop end-user documentation on the access request process.In ProgressDrafted of process documented for Student Data