Connecting outputs for display BYOD
Adjusting Volume on device will affect output from the Display
Type of connection supported
Follow the onscreen instructions for using ShareLink to connect your with BYOD
Adjusting Volume on device will affect output from the Display
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Contacting the Library IT Helpdesk
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Around the perimeter of the room are small TV’s with Sharelink collaborative devices attached to them. There should be an HDMI cable students can use to share content on the small screen if they do not want to use the Sharelink. The small TV’s do not have a control system. They must be powered on and off via power button or remote control.
The room is normally open in as one large room. It can be divided in two with the room divider. The divider requires a hand crank to seal the top/bottom of the rooms.
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Contacting the Library IT Helpdesk