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A Guide Designed with You in Mind
The purpose of this Quick Start Training Guide is to get you up and running in KFS as quickly as possible. There is a lot to learn in KFS, but in this Guide we'll focus just on the salient points that are the most meaningful to you.
The instructions are cogent, and for your convenience we've also included video tutorials that are under 2 minutes each, as well as downloadable PDF 'handouts' of each topic that you can print out and use for offline reading, taking notes, etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the KFS Help Desk at x47001 or via email at kfs@uci.edu
Sign In to KFS
To begin your training, open a new tab in your browser and visit http://staging.portal.uci.edu. (Keep in mind that starting July 1, you can simply visit https://portal.uci.edu)
Once you've logged in with your UCInetID and password, select the Faculty and Staff tab and then the KFS tab.
Below is a video that walks you through this process. Once you're finished watching the video, press the Back arrow in your browser to return to this page.
Navigating the eDoc
KFS is similar to email: it is a paperless document delivery system where users submit requests that are automatically routed to the appropriate parties for approval. The requests are in the form of Electronic Documents (or eDocs for short), and you can think of them as 'accordion files' of information, separated into tabs.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Action List | In the KFS Tools portlet, select Action List. If you have an item in your Action List, then under the Document/Notification ID column, select one of the Document ID numbers listed there to open an eDoc. |
2 | Navigate the eDoc |
Take Action
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Before you can do apply for Travel Authorizations and Reimbursements, you must first create your TEM Profile.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the TEM Profile Lookup feature | In the KFS Travel & Entertainment portlet, select the TEM Profile link and then select TEM Profile Lookup. |
2 | Create the TEM Profile | Press the Create New Profile button in the upper right-hand corner. NOTE: If you do not see this button in the upper-right hand corner, that means your Profile already exists and there is nothing you need to do. You can skip the next step. |
3 | Submit your request to create the profile | Scroll down and press Submit to create the profile. |
4 | Answer Profile Arranger Question | Simply select Yes to this question. The fact that you haven't setup personal Profile Arrangers is a non-issue. |
Approve a Travel Reimbursement (submitted on your behalf) in Your Action List
If an associate submitted a Travel Reimbursement (TR) on your behalf, the item will first be routed to you for your approval. You can find this item in your Action List, and here's how you approve it.
NOTE: If you've already approved the TR and are curious to know the status of the reimbursement, you can skip this section and go here for steps on how to check the status.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Action List | In the KFS Tools portlet, select Action List. |
2 | Select the TR you'd like to review | Open the Travel Reimbursement you'd like to review by selecting the Document ID Number. |
3 | Carefully review what was inputted |
4 | Approve the TR | If everything is correct, press Approve down below. Your request will continue on in the workflow for approval, where it'll be routed to the Fiscal Officer of the account entered in the Accounting Lines section and then on to the Accounting Reviewer (and possibly the Accounting Central Office i.e. KFS Travel Manager) for final approval. If something is incorrect, press Disapprove and on the next screen state your reason why. Your associate can then resubmit the request, and when he does it will once again appear in your Action List for your approval. You will be notified via email once it is complete. Alternatively, please see the instructions below for how to check the status of a Travel Reimbursement after you've initially approved it. |
Act On the Acknowledgements & FYIs in Your Action List
There will be times when you'll receive items in your Action List that don't require your approval, but do require your input nonetheless. They are Acknowledge & FYI, and they are important for different reasons.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Action List | In the KFS Tools portlet, select Action List. |
2 | FYI the eDoc from the Action List |
3 | Clear multiple FYIs at once |
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The TEM Custom Document Search tool is a great way to check the status of a TR; however, you can save yourself the time of searching by simply waiting for the email notification that the TR has been approved. You can enable these notifications in your TEM Profile.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Open the Route Log tab |
2 | View the First Approver(s) | Under the heading Pending Action Requests tab, press Show to see of list of all individuals who have authority to Approve/Disapprove. Your request is currently in their Action List. |
3 | View the Final Approver(s) | Press Show next to the Future Action Requests tab to see who is next in line to approve. Depending on the document, the business rules in place etc, this tab may be empty or it may contain other users (e.g. Accounts Payable, Central Office, or even other upper-level managers in your Org) whose approval is required. |
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If you ever need to lookup an Account Number account (for example, if you want to add or change the default Account Number account number in your TEM Profile), here 's how.
are a few ways to find what you're looking for.
You can search for an account using a number of different search criteria; however, we'll focus on the three simplest ways:
- Lookup by Account Number
- Lookup by Account Name
- Lookup by Organization Code (i.e. the organization/department responsible for this account)
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it | |
1 | Access the Account Lookup page | In the KFS Lookups & Requests portlet, select Chart of Accounts and then select Account. | |
2 | Open the eDoc | Under the Document/Notification ID column, select the Document ID number to open the eDoc submitted for your approvalLookup by Account Number |
3 | Lookup by Account Name |
| |
4 | Lookup by Organization Code |
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You can edit a number of things in your TEM Profile including:
And here's how to add or change your Default Accounting information (the Account Number account number you will use most often). This is useful when you want to apply for the corporate credit card.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it | ||||||
1 | Add/Change an Account Number | Lookup the Account Number by Account Name
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2 | Lookup by Account Name | If you don't know the account number but you know the account name, here's how to look it up (these instructions are excerpted from the Lookup an Account topic above).
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3 | Lookup by Organization Number | If you don't | already know the account number but you know the organization/department that is responsible for it, here's how to look it up | while you are editing your TEM Profile.Next to the Account Number field, press the spyglass icon to lookup the account number. A new page will open(these instructions are excerpted from the Lookup an Account topic above).
| Account Name
| what you know and surround the query with *. For example if I were looking up the help desk, I would enter the following: *help desk*
| your
| be
When you are done editing your TEM Profile, here's how to save your changes.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Provide a Description of the changes you made |
2 | Submit your changes | Once you are done making changes to the Profile, press Submit down below. Changes take effect immediately. |
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Follow these instructions to apply for the Corporate Credit Card through KFS. Keep in mind that you should create your TEM Profile and add a default account number to your TEM Profile before proceeding. Not doing so will result in an error.
Instructions on how to create the TEM Profile as well as how to lookup an can be found here. Once that is done, instructions on how to edit your TEM Profile to add a default account number can be found here and here, respectively.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the application | In the KFS Travel & Entertainment portlet, select the Maintenance link and then select the Corporate Card Application link. |
2 | Provide a reason | In the Description field up top, please provide a reason why you need the card. Alternatively, if you need more space please fill out the Explanation field just to the right. For example, if you have an email from a manager or a Dean, feel free to paste an excerpt of the email in this field. Keep in mind there is a 400 character limit. |
3 | Accept the User Agreement | Read & accept the User Agreement by checking the Accept User Agreement checkbox. |
4 | Submit your application | Press Submit down below. Your request will enter a workflow for approval, and you will be notified via email once it is complete. |
Perform a Document Search
The Document Search is a powerful tool you can use to find out the status of any request. You can either perform a basic Document Search or a Custom Document Search.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Document Search feature | In the KFS Tools portlet, select the Doc Search link. |
2 | Perform a search | You can perform a search based on Initiator, Document ID#, date document created, etc. Also, under some of the modules (KFS Travel & Entertainment, KFS Purchasing and Accounts Payable, etc) there are links to Custom Document Searches, such as Travel Reimbursements, Travel Authorizations, etc. Details on how to do this are below. |
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Setting Up Your Action List Preferences
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Prefs |
The Action List Preferences screen lets you customize the appearance and features of your Action List.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Preferences |
2 | Recommended settings for the General section |
3 | Recommended settings for the Fields Displayed In Action List section | You may find that there is too much information displayed on the Action List, but by deselecting some of the columns from view it may be easier to read. At a minimum, keep Title, Initiator, Date Created and Clear FYI. |
4 | Recommended settings for the Document Route Status Colors for Action List Entries section | Get creative! One option would be to color items that have been Disapproved so that you can follow up with that individual in case you have questions. |
5 | Save your changes | When you're done making changes, don't forget to press Save at the bottom of the screen. |