Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from technical staff to help understand how to migrate applications to Kuali and related items
4) Some of our recharge programs distinguish between the state fund 19900 and the UCIMC state fund. How should we distinguish UCI from UCIMC state funds going forward?
The Medical Center will have its own charts and their funds are easily identified based on the chart code.
5) How do we detect contract and grants funds? How do we determine whether the KFS equivalent of "fund" is valid if we don't use the entire FAU DWH API call? Is there an equivalent of fund end dates?
KFS distinguishes C&G accounts by Fund Group or Sub-Fund Group (campus choice). We will be able to know fund/sub-fund based on the account number passed from the external system. We have an account expiration date and continuation account feature in KFS for C&G.
6) The Reference field is parsed by many applications for more information. For example, it stores part of the Purchase Order number or could store a student id. How is the Reference field in Kuali going to translate the legacy Reference?
Two sets of data must be accessible from data warehouse -- Valerie is looking into how this should be accomplished. I have seen it in two different ways; some institutions walked the data back from KFS to the old accounting system Chart of Accounts for multi-year comparative reports; the other have done it reversed. Since KFS is a relational system, the challenge for us to walk the old account to the new will be the necessity to create old accounts in KFS, which we do not plan to do (too much overhead). I would like to have exact scenarios so we can brainstorm the best way for UCI.
20) How do Fund codes 19900,19933[,,] series map to KFS? Would like to know how the FS Account, FS Fund, FS Accountfund and FS hierarchy tables map to KFS. Also, need to map relevant portions of the FS0Range file to KFS attributes or help us understand how to do the processing.
21) Can one KFS account belong to more than one school? Within the same school, can one KFS account belong to different level of organization hierarchy? What is the relationship between KFS organization hierarchy and account?
One kfs account is only associated with one organization code hence to one level only. You can bring up reports in cognos for all the accounts associated under one organization hierarchy. The general relationship is many accounts to one org.
22) Object type does not need to be entered for online journal because object code itself can tell the system what the object type should be. Please confirm if your understanding is the same.
23)Please help me understand how we differentiate fee revenue for OP from local fee revenue without fund #? My guess is we will have different account and different object code in KFS world for it.
Each KFS account contains Sub-Fund group code as its attribute, sub-fund group code maps to UCOP's Fund group code, which specifies the source of funding. In KFS you will have different accounts that are in turn map to its corresponding sub-fund group code, see page 3
24. Do you know the difference between award end date and the project end date? The current UCI PI report collects both dates. I guess they are different. Do you know if KFS will have different end dates for awards and projects?
The award end date, specifies when the Award will be ending, in KFS it will be Stop Date . Project end date stops all the transaction from going thru, acts like the Account Expiration date.