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Application and directions found on (ED-GRANTS-011521-001):

PowerPoint from ED information session, 1/28/2021, on GAANN applications: Megan Vu (Bio Sci) points out that most of the information overlaps with the application instructions, but you may find additional information that is particularly useful.

UCI Office of Institutional Research Student data (for institution and School level; departmental information can be requested from Grad Division or departmental staff): under "Student Enrollment."


-- If you would like to add non-residents to this, please have the Department/School additionally cost share the tuition. The academic year tuition rates per non resident fellow are the following: UPDATE FOR 2021! The 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21 rates are $15,102, $16,158 and $17,287, respectively.


3) Project Narrative (attach pdf in Project Narrative Attachment form, from Workspace) - (GAANN 2021 Proposal Template 020921.docx). Address the selection criteria below and following formatting (double-spaced; 12pt font; note that incorrectly formatted proposals will not be penalized); and length requirements of 40 pages for single- or interdisciplinary projects, or 40 pages for each academic department for multidisciplinary projects. You can include an optional table of contents, with a length limit of 2 pages (this is in addition to the narrative page limit). See section D. below


     b) CV of Evaluator (Jessica Martone, The Mark) (TBD) (GAANN 2021 Evaluator CV Martone 021221.pdf)

5) Course listing (attach pdf in Other Attachment form)


     a) Letter from the Chancellor (optional) - Overall Institutional commitment letter - Research Development staff will take care of this (TBDGAANN 2021 Chancellor's Letter Signed 021621.pdf)   

     b) Letter from Dean Hayes committing the mandatory 25% cost share : The PI must send an individual email to Dean Hayes requesting this letter. Dean Hayes also requests that the mentoring and professional development plan be included in this email.  Please copy (GAANN 2021 Grad Division Support Let Template Updated 021521.docx). Please use the template provided and send the updated letter to Yerga Meharenna ( on your email to Dean Hayes.

     c) Letter from VCR Khargonekar committing to funding the evaluator - Attached is the signed letter. (GAANN 2021 VCR Evaluation commitment 021121 - signed.pdf)


     e) Letter from Evaluator (optional) (TBD: Signed Official Letter Evaluator GAANN 2021 Evaluation Commitment Letter 021221.pdf)

7) Bibliography (attach in Other Attachment form)


     (3) The applicant's objectives seek to institute policies and procedures to ensure the enrollment of talented graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

     (4) The applicant's objectives seek to institute policies and procedures to ensure that it will award fellowships to individuals who satisfy the requirements of §648.40.


(d) Quality of the supervised teaching experience. (10 Points)   (- quality of the teaching experience the applicant plans to provide fellows under this program) (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

     (1) Provides each fellow with the required supervised training in instruction;


     (1) How the applicant plans to identify, recruit, and retain students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in the academic program for which fellowships are sought; (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

     (2) How the applicant plans to identify eligible students for fellowships;


     (4) How the applicant proposes to maintain enrollment of graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

     (5) The extent to which the policies and procedures the applicant proposes to institute for administering the project are likely to ensure efficient and effective project implementation, including assistance to and oversight of the project director. (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

(g) Institutional commitment. (15 Points)


     (2) The institution's social and academic environment is supportive of the academic success of students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds on the applicant's campus; (See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)

     (3) Students receiving fellowships under this program will receive stipend support for the time necessary to complete their courses of study, but in no case longer than 5 years; and


     (4) How the applicant, as part of its nondiscriminatory employment practices, will ensure that its personnel are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disabling condition, except pursuant to a lawful affirmative action plan. (See GAANN proposal templaetemplate, D.3 above)

(i) Budget. (5 Points) (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED! Boilerplate Text - 02/11/21 - see Section C above)
