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If this article does not cover your use case, please contact the help desk and let us know what you are using, so we can update it. |
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Due to a security issue, OIT had From time to time, we may need to regenerate our host keys for GitHub Enterpriseto fix security issues. If you are getting an error when trying to use SSH to connect to GitHub, you will need to remove the relevant line from your known_hosts file.
Using a CLI (Command Line Interface)
Using ssh-keygen
- When logged in as the user, open a terminal
- enter the following command(s):
Code Block language bash theme RDark ssh-keygen -R github.uci.edu ssh-keygen -R github.oit.uci.edu
- Attempt the git operation again.
- Open the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file in a text editor for the user
- remove the line(s) containing the following strings:
- github.oit.uci.edu
Code Block theme RDark github.oit.uci.edu,128.200.217109.194142 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzsL9CZehmkOoEt8eTYL5yYUQ4fo/Zwkd9/0wNre585ai0ZzR9O9jXP8ZbgmQf9TZbVDy11g7bh6F9vFXF+yVUD80q/12/K7g6EfHUQ4Wv4JStSd8FuLTaQ/RFyX3KnLt5QNX8k47Xy60bbuuLsqjWMBJMFKCRZX3cOliuOToKeer6oaDBUnYG3QSm4Yu0up2YW72cNcg3tXtt5JuPPT1f30+y7E5bdkpDikffbCWA0Dg1voDlIO4ksmlc7Nul3KmPAiK8pyn2+ydah8nllcy7jsA8/CJVokful3BgwUKACr4zzpII3gMtI8GApmx5wIgGZnKNC3ZHfmhwbTDfR6GH
- github.uci.edu
Code Block theme RDark github.uci.edu, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5UAqhcOM8+r//5Eg5hWShwZHMossfgHep+L4BxibeQ0G1d/Kxy9AYlJJJ7fgQ6zBLhDU9QEHdef2DbXgT/0R5vKCD5/m3rVpWeryWrwSVOfv0k/wumvU6drqckqArSdl36pjtL9niY/d5j9XY6Gj6xr+mL3/040oPEwqtKzNhbVlUHksjsTwvHSp+YXnWITonS54kfW4kWA1+KjZZfzYmwnpOJHjVpEOHB9j6G1sfjO7CQ5oIR8Mt/iCyFHkJ13Jisyw98Fzco9UF+fkpqzW/MEfHAspyuGSEq1WQpM2W0C5aWLokK83xLIMYGCznD9BtfjxWj+jAb7fTasZKK8af
- github.oit.uci.edu
- Try again