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nameKuali_UCI Glossary.xls



KFS TermDefinition
AccessDetermined by workgroups and document types
AccountUnique number identifying a pool of funds assigned for a specific function
Account Campus CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to definethe physical campus where the account is located
Account Closed IndicatorAccount Maintenance Tab field check box used to indicate account open/closed: select box if closed
Account City NameAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define the city where the account is managed
Account Effective DateAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define starting date
Account Expiration DateAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define end date
Account Fringe BenefitAccount Maintenance Tab field check box used to indicate if fringe benefits are accepted
Account NameAccount Maintenance Tab field used to create the familiar title of an account
Account NumberAccount Maintenance Tab field used to create a new account
Account Off Campus IndicatorAccount Maintenance Tab field check box used to indicate where activities occur: select box for off campus
Account Postal CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define zip code where the account is managed
Account Restricted Status CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to indicate whether funds are T: temporarily restricted, R: Restricted, U: Unrestricted
Account State NameAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define the state where the account is managed
Account Street AddressAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define the street address where the account is managed
Account TypeCategorizes accounts for reporting
Account Type CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define account type
Accounting PeriodDefines the accounting year: usually corresponds to calendar months
Administration TabDisplays the list of functions that only technical staff or super users in the functional area are likely to use
AdministratorCan give blanket approval on most self initiated transactions for which you are an approver
ApproverApprove documents at any route level
AttributeRelationships among accounting line properties that define the financial structure of an institution
Batch ProcessAll G/L pending transactions are collected in “batch”, at a given time, from e-Docs in Kuali modules and documents from external applications converted to the Kuali G/L Origin Entry format
Blanket ApprovalSpecial workflow option that allows the user to force a document into approved status without waiting for the normal routing process to be completed
ChartUnique 2 digit alpha code identifying an account's point of origin: accounts and object codes are chart specific
Chart CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define account's point of origin: 2 digit alpha
Chart of Accounts (COA)Set of tables that define the codes and coding structures within KFS Attributes
CollectorGathers Kuali pending e-Docs and documents from external applications to pass to the Scrubber for batch processing
Core ModulesRice (which includes KEW), Chart of Accounts, Financial Processing, General Ledger, Pre-Disbursement Processing, and Vendor
Country Code identifying country names
Decision SupportReporting: provides access to data through inquiry, report retrieval, report generation
DelegateTakes workflow actions on a document in place of a Fiscal Officer
Document TypeDistinguishes types of possible transactions; specific business rules apply; may be e-Docs or from external sources
e-DocAny transaction: validity and appropriateness checks and workflow applied by KFS; comprised of header and body
Financial Reporting CodeOptional attribute of sub-account
Fund GroupBroadest category of funds; used for reporting and business rules
Financial Higher Education Function CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define the purpose of the account: i.e., instruction, research
Fiscal OfficerApproves documents at Account Level of routing; may delegate approval based on attributes
Fringe Benefits Chart of Accounts CodeAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define the chart code for the fringe benefits account
Fringe Benefits Account NumberAccount Maintenance Tab field used to define an account that accepts fringe benefits
General LedgerFully approved e-Docs route to GL, the official repository of all financial and budget information
Higher Education FunctionClassifies purpose and activities of an account, i.e., instruction, research, public outreach
Home OriginationIdentifies GL transactions by point of origin: KFS or an external system
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) AutomatedDefines valid series ID codes for given fiscal year and their indirect cost rates and object codes
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Exclusion by AccountDefines specific object codes for an account which are excluded from system-generated indirect cost transactions
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Exclusion by TypeDefines the indirect cost exclusions associated with a defined Indirect Cost Type Code
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Type CodeAn account attribute to automatically generate indirect cost recovery: it lists values for creating indirect cost object code exclusions
InitiatorCreates documents; certain restricted documents require work group membership
KualiUmbrella of terms for applications development
Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW)Automates routing of e-docs (electronic documents) for approval according to specified business rules
Kuali Financial System (KFS)Main parts: e-Doc, General Ledger, Decision Support
Kuali Nervous System (KNS)Encompasses infrastructure components
Main MenuDisplays the list of transactions and functions that regular users are permitted to initiate
Maintenance MenuDisplays various reference tables to support the field validation and lookups maintained by administrative staff
Mandatory Transfer Elimination CodeIndicates whether an object code is considered a mandatory transfer code, an elimination code or neither
ModulesPortions of larger programs that carry out specific functions: can be implemented alone or combined with other modules
ObjectIdentifies types of transactions: i.e., income, expense, asset, liability, fund balance
Object TypeObject code attribute that identifies its general use: income, asset, expense, liability
Object Sub-TypeObject code attribute that refines object type: used for reporting and e-Doc business rule establishment
Object LevelObject code attribute for grouping into reporting categories
Object ConsolidationObject level attribute representing a general category of object code for reporting
Organization CodeRepresents units at many different levels, i.e., department, responsibility center, campus
Organization TypeCategorizes organizations for reporting purposes
Origination CodeIdentifies the system originating a transaction
Postal CodeReferences zip code to city and state
Primary DelegatesDocuments route directly to them instead of to Fiscal Officers
Process initiationBatch process is run at given time when it won't interfere with online transaction activity or table maintenance; may be time triggered, event triggered, or manually started
ProjectIdentifies particular transactions that may span multiple accounts
Responsibility CenterOrganization attribute indicating where responsibility resides
Restricted StatusAccount attribute indicating fund status: unrestricted, restricted or temporarily restricted
ReviewerDocuments are ad hoc routed for ‘Acknowledgement’ or ‘FYI'.
RolesInitiator, Approver, Delegate, Reviewer, Administrator, and Superuser: determine user options
Secondary DelegatesDocuments route to them in addition to Fiscal Officers
StateReferences US Postal codes to states
Sub-AccountUsed to further define an account, may be used with multiple accounts when defined individually
Sub-Fund GroupRelates an account to a fund: i.e., continuing education accounts, scholarships and fellowships, and general funds.
Sub-fund Group TypeSub-Fund attribute used to further categorize sub-funds
Sub-ObjectOptional: used for finer distinctions of an object code
SuperuserCan fully approve or disapprove any document at any route level
Transaction Validation (Scrubber)Three primary functions: validation of data, offset and entry generation, error handling after batch processing
University Budget Office FunctionHigher Education Function code attrigute indentifying a function for budget reporting
University DateMaps dates to fiscal years and fiscal periods
Validation of dataValidates transactions created via e-docs using the chart of accounts and business rules; eliminates transactions with errors
Work GroupGroup of users sharing a similar responsibility and business function; appears in everyone's action list until one person takes an action
WorkflowRules that govern approval routing; accessed through action list and doc search buttons


 Kuali_UCI Glossary.xlsx