The Twitter Timeline widget embeds a specified Twitter timeline on your page.
How this works
Presentation options
Timeline appearance
Use the checkboxes to select the elements you want to include in the embedded timeline.
→ More: Timelines on Twitter Developer Platform
Limit by
Selection | What this means | What this triggers |
No limiter | The widget height and tweet count are determined by Twitter’s defaults. | N/A |
Timeline height | Sets the height of the widget to a specified pixel value. Timelines whose content height exceeds the specified value become scrollable. | Causes the Max height of timeline Data Definition field to display. |
Number of tweets | The specified number of most recent tweets will be displayed. Widget height will be adjusted so that all tweets are visible on screen without scrolling. | Causes the Max number of tweets to include Data Definition field to display. |
Max height of timeline
Note |
Only displayed if Limit by is set to ‘Timeline height’. |
Enter the pixel value for the maximum widget height. Do not include units such as ‘px’ or ‘pixels’.
Max number of tweets to include
Note |
Only displayed if Limit by is set to ‘Number of tweets’. |
Select the number of tweets to include.
Enter the widget heading in the Text Data Definition field. You can safely leave this field blank.
Enter the timeline URL in the URL Data Definition field.