Office of Research units supported include:
- Research Administration (Sponsored Projects, Human Research Protections, Electronic Research Administration and Research Engagement and Compliance),
- University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR),
- Administration/Financial Operations/Research Programs,
- Office of the Vice Chancellor
OIT Team Leads:
- EAS Division Leads
- Chris Shultz: x4-1364 cshultz@uci.edu
Ying Kussman: x4-9760 - ying.kussmann@uci.edu
- OR IT Team Leads: Jyoti Razdan (Manager)
- Faculty Profile System: Aaron Buckles and Alyssa Sheffler
- Kuali Research: Tim Bui, David Tieu
- Kuali Research Protocols: Ranjana Khati and Alyssa Sheffler
- Nemo: Aaron Buckles and Alyssa Sheffler
- Operational Lead: Round Robin each week one team member takes over the Operational Lead role - OR Dashboard in Service Now shows the current operational lead - https://uci.service-now.com/now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/%24pa_dashboard.do
- RMS-Tick@Lab: Da Lu, Ranjana Khati
- Sprint Lead: Round Robin each month one team member takes over the Sprint Lead Role - https://uci.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OITOR/pages/15049175/OR+-+Sprint+Schedule