2024 ED Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) - UCI Proposal Development Resources
This resource is for UCI faculty and staff developing the
2024 U.S. Education Department (ED) Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) application.
Applications are due Monday, March 1June 24. Please note! SPA will need to have your proposal five business days before ED's due date: June 17.
For Research Development assistance, please contact:
General questions - Beth Riley, briley@uci.edu
Engineering - Lori Greene, legreene@uciHelen Lee, helen.lee@uci.edu
A. Important Links and Information:
Application and directions found on grants.gov (ED-GRANTS-011521042424-001003):https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=GAANN
PowerPoint from ED information session, 105/2808/2021, on GAANN applications: https://www2.ed.gov/programs/gaann/fy2021gaanntawebinar.pdf. Megan Vu (Bio Sci) points out that most of the information overlaps with the application instructions, but you may find additional information that is particularly useful.2024, at 10:30 Pacific time. Zoom link available on GAANN website.
UCI Office of Institutional Research Student data (for institution and School level; departmental information can be requested from Grad Division or departmental staff): https://www.oir.uci.edu/Data-Hub/index.php under "Student Enrollment."
Compilation of 2012 GAANN reviews (PDF)
• ED is making available 72 available ~$20,479,535 for 60 new awards ranging from $101$112,460 102 to $405$448,840408, and a guidance on average of $275,000 $336,306 (6 federally funded fellowships) per year. The maximum total three-year project period request is $1,217,520. This equates to 8 full fellows requested per year ($34Applicants may request 2 to 8 federally funded fellowships of up to $37,000 stipend + $16$19,730 051 allowance )each per year. There is still an additional 25% cost share, which is provided by UCI Grad Division.
• A project must The amount of a grant to an academic department may not be less than $100,000 and may not be more than $750,000 in a fiscal year.
• A project must provide fellowships in one or more of the following areas of national need: Cybersecurity, Secure Computer Programming, and Artificial Intelligence; General Engineering; Aerospace, Astronautical, and Aeronautical Engineering; Agricultural Engineering
- Computer and Information Sciences: Computer and Information Sciences General; Computer Programming; Information Sciences and Systems; Computer Systems Analysis; Computer Science.
- Education: Bilingual/Bicultural Education; Special Education; Student Counseling and Personnel Services; Teaching English as a Second Language/Foreign Language.
- Engineering: Engineering, General; Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical Engineering; Agricultural Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering; Ceramic Sciences and Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering; Engineering Mechanics; Engineering Physics; Engineering Science; Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering; Geological Engineering; Geophysical Engineering; Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering; Materials Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgical Engineering; Mining and Mineral Engineering; Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; Nuclear Engineering; Ocean Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Systems Engineering; Textile Sciences and Engineering; Engineering Design; Engineering/Industrial Management; Materials Science; Polymer/Plastics Engineering
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- Biological Sciences/Life Sciences: Biology, General; Biochemistry and Biophysics; Botany; Cell and Molecular Biology; Microbiology/Bacteriology; Miscellaneous Biological Specializations; Zoology.
- Mathematics: Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Mathematic Statistics.
- Physical Sciences: Physical Sciences, General; Astronomy; Astrophysics; Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology; Chemistry; Geological and Related Sciences; Miscellaneous Physical Sciences; Physics.
- Psychology: Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics; Community Psychology; Counseling Psychology; Developmental and Child Psychology; Experimental Psychology; Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology; Social Psychology; School Psychology
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• Interdisciplinary means a course of study that involves academic fields in two or more disciplines.
• For ED, Minority means Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian-American, Black (African-American), Hispanic American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander (please note that Asian-Americans are not considered underrepresented minorities).
ED Priorities:Full Instructions (93
• Absolute priority: Projects must provide fellowships for programs that lead to either a master’s degree or doctoral degree, whichever is the highest degree awarded in the area of need at the institution.
• Competitive preference priorities:
• Priority 1: Applications from new grantees (we are not eligible for this).
• Priority 2: Equity in Student access to Educational Resources and Opportunities (1 point): We are eligible as a Hispanic Serving Institution (MSI, in this case).
• Invitational priority: Projects to increase the number of low-income students in grad fellowships (no extra points awarded). For this priority, "low-income student" means a student who would otherwise be eligible to receive a Maximum Pell Grant for the award year in which the determination is made, except that the student is enrolled in graduate study. See criteria for Maximum Pell Grant eligibility in the Student Aid Index (SAI) and Pell Grant Eligibility section of the 2024-2025 Federal Student Aid Handbook.
B. Official Documents from ED:
Full Instructions (67 pages) (GAANN 2021 2024 ED Instructions 020921042924.docx) (Includes notice inviting applications)
C. Budget (updated 02/11/2021; note: waiting for budget justification) Update for 2024
6 Fellows (0 non CA residents) Requested + 1 Institutional Fellow; 25% cost share only
-- If you would like to add non-residents to this, please have the Department/School additionally cost share the tuition. The academic year tuition rates per non resident fellow are the following: UPDATE FOR 20212024! The 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21 rates are $15,102, $16,158 and $17,287, respectively.
This is a standard proposal. SPA's 5-day deadline is 8am February 22, 20218 a.m. June 17, 2024. Please note that the ED recommends "that you submit your application several days before the deadline." SPA is always very busy, so we highly recommend getting this one in early and even submitting early!
Submitted to ED
Please note that ED has a new 's online application portal is called Workspace, with instructions available at https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/workspace-overview.html. You can download and work on forms from Workspace, or upload PDF documents to it. SPA will submit your proposal through Workspace. For help with this tool, please contact Jonathan Lew at SPA, email jlew@uci.edu.
3) Project Narrative (attach pdf in Project Narrative Attachment form, from Workspace) (UPDATE GAANN 2021 Proposal Template 020921.docx). Address the selection criteria below and following formatting (double-spaced; 12pt font; note that incorrectly formatted proposals will not be penalized); and length requirements of 40 pages for single- or interdisciplinary projects, or 40 pages for each academic department for multidisciplinary projects. You can include an optional table of contents, with a length limit of 2 pages (this is in addition to the narrative page limit). See section D. below
a) CV Template
b) UPDATE CV of Evaluator (Jessica Martone, The Mark) (GAANN 2021 Evaluator CV Martone 021221.pdf)
6) Letters of commitment (attach pdf in Other Attachment form)
a) UPDATE Letter from the Chancellor (optional) - Overall Institutional commitment letter - Research Development staff will take care of this (GAANN 2021 Chancellor's Letter Signed 021621.pdf)
b) UPDATE Letter from Dean Hayes committing the mandatory 25% cost share (GAANN 2021 Grad Division Support Let Template Updated 021521.docx). Please use the template provided and send the updated letter to Yerga Meharenna (ymeharen@uci.edu).
c) UPDATE Letter from VCR Khargonekar Dean Hayes committing to funding the evaluator - Attached ; attached is the signed letter. (GAANN 2021 VCR Evaluation commitment 021121 - signed.pdf)
d) If you are getting additional support from your School/Department, please include a letter from your School Dean/Department Chair.
e) UPDATE Letter from Evaluator (optional) (GAANN 2021 Evaluation Commitment Letter 021221.pdf)
9) GAANN Statutory Assurances (attach pdf in Other Attachment form) (GAANN 2021 Statutory Assurances Form 020921.docx)
10) UPDATE GAANN Budget Spreadsheet(s) Form (attach pdf in Other Attachment form) (GAANN 2021 Budget Internal 6 fellows plus 1 021121.xls) (Example Single Discipline Budget Spreadsheet - 02/11/21 - see Section C above)
11) Assurances and Certifications
a) UPDATE ED GEPA 427 Form - Add Statement of GEPA requirements (Example GEPA statement - 04/16/15) *Please note: Please also address the GEPA requirements as they relate to your program in the project narrative; see p. 66 of GAANN Instructions.
c) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) (please add N/A since there is nothing to disclose)
Internal UCI only
1) UPDATE Internal Budget Spreadsheet (GAANN 2021 Budget Internal 6 fellows plus 1 021121.xls)
E. Selection Criteria (UPDATE PDF, DOCX) and Available Corresponding Boilerplate Text (UPDATE same as 2018 call):
Your applications are reviewed using the following criteria (out of 100 points):
(3) The applicant's objectives seek to institute policies and procedures to ensure the enrollment of talented graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(b) Extent of need for the project. (5 Points) (- the extent to which a grant under the program is needed by the academic department)
(c) Quality of the graduate academic program. (20 Points) (- quality of the current graduate academic program)
(d) Quality of the supervised teaching experience. (10 Points) (- quality of the teaching experience the applicant plans to provide fellows under this program) (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(1) How the applicant plans to identify, recruit, and retain students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in the academic program for which fellowships are sought; (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(4) How the applicant proposes to maintain enrollment of graduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds; and (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(5) The extent to which the policies and procedures the applicant proposes to institute for administering the project are likely to ensure efficient and effective project implementation, including assistance to and oversight of the project director. (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(2) The institution's social and academic environment is supportive of the academic success of students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds on the applicant's campus; (See UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(4) How the applicant, as part of its nondiscriminatory employment practices, will ensure that its personnel are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disabling condition, except pursuant to a lawful affirmative action plan. (UPDATE See GAANN proposal template, D.3 above)
(j) Evaluation plan. (15 Points) (UPDATE GAANN 2021 Evaluation Plan The Mark 021121.docx)
(k) Adequacy of resources. (5 Points) (- the resources that the applicant makes available to graduate students receiving fellowships under this program, including facilities, equipment, and supplies.)
F. ED goals and performance indicators for the GAANN Program: (See GAANN Instructions, p.
Goal 1: Support state and local efforts to improve learning outcomes for all P-12 students in every community.
Goal 2: Expand postsecondary educational opportunities, improve outcomes to foster economic opportunity and promote an informed, thoughtful, and productive citizenry.
Goal 3: Strengthen the quality, accessibility and use of education data through better management, increased privacy protections, and transparency.
Goal 4: Reform the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of the Department Promote equity in student access to educational resources, opportunities, and inclusive environments.
Goal 2: Support a diverse and talented educator workforce and professional growth to strengthen student learning.
Goal 3: Meet students’ social, emotional, and academic needs.
Goal 4: Increase postsecondary value by focusing on equity-conscious strategies to address access to high-quality institutions, affordability, completion, post-enrollment success, and support for inclusive institutions.
Goal 5: Enhance the Department’s internal capacity to optimize the delivery of its mission.
The specific goal for the GAANN program is “to increase the number of persons trained at the highest academic level” in the areas of national need. The performance indicators for the GAANN program are:
(1.1) Graduate school completion: the percentage of GAANN fellows completing the terminal degree in the designated areas of national need.
(1.2) Time to completion: the median of time to completion of Master’s and Doctorate Doctoral degrees for GAANN students.
(1.3) Employment: the percentage of GAANN Fellows fellows who have placements in faculty or professional positions in the area of their studies within one year of completing the degree.
(1.4) Efficiency Measure: the cost per successful outcome, where success is defined as terminal program graduate completion.
G. Formatting Requirements: