- When you get redirected to WebAuth from a web application that is enforcing multi-factor authentication, you will first see a WebAuth login page. Login with your UCInetID and Password.
- After successful login using first factor, you will be presented with the second factor login. You will have an option to choose your type of phone device and either Duo Push or to enter in a Passcode. The example that is shown uses "Android" as a device. If you choose to select Duo Push, then press the "Log in" button. Otherwise you can select "Passcode" and enter the token code that is currently being displayed on your hardware token or mobile app, then press the "Log in" button.
- If you did Duo Push, you will receive a notification from Duo on your mobile device. Click approve. If you do not click approve fast enough, the dialog box down below will pop-up.
If you do click approve in time though, or enter the correct token code, the WebAuth page will redirect you back to the application you came from successfully authenticated.