If you ever need to lookup an account (for example, if you want to add or change the default account number in your TEM Profile), here are a few ways to find what you're looking for.
You can search for an account using a number of different search criteria; however, we'll focus on the three simplest ways:
- Lookup by Account Number
- Lookup by Account Name
- Lookup by Organization Code (i.e. the organization/department responsible for this account)
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Account Lookup page | In the KFS Lookups & Requests portlet, select Chart of Accounts and then select Account. |
2 | Lookup by Account Number |
3 | Lookup by Account Name |
4 | Lookup by Organization NumberCode |
And here's how to add or change your Default Accounting information (the account number you will use most often). If you don't know the account number, follow the instructions below to search by account name or organization number. These instructions are excerpted from the Lookup an Account topic above.
Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Add/Change an Account Number |
2 | Lookup by Account Name | If you don't know the account number but you know the account name, here's how to look it up (these instructions are excerpted from the Lookup an Account topic above).
3 | Lookup by Organization Number | If you don't know the account number but you know the organization that is responsible for it, here's how to look it up (these instructions are excerpted from the Lookup an Account topic above).