To realize and be consistent with the UCI IT Principle - "Data are critical institutional assets" ( http://www.oit.uci.edu/consolidation/committee/uci-it-principles.php ), campus data management and governance need to be established. While non existent today, an incremental improvement can be achieved by leveraging the consolidation to look at data more comprehensively than previously possible. Data Warehousing and Decision Support will become most effective once data management improvement is implemented and in reality will be difficult to achieve without it. In order to start this process, the following steps will be needed:
- Data governance has executive-level sponsorship with direct CIO and Executive Leadership support. Executive-level decision-makers view data as a strategic asset. Management understands and appreciates the role of data governance – and commits personnel and resources.
- Business users take an active role in collecting and delivering quality data.
- Data stewards emerge as the primary implementers of data management strategy and work directly with cross-functional teams to enact data quality standards
- A data quality or data governance group works directly with data stewards, application developers and database administrators
- Organization has "zero defect" “zero defect” policies for data collection and management
- Risk: Low. Master data tightly controlled across the enterprise, allowing the organization to maintain high-quality information about employees, student, research, facilities, financials, and assets.
- Rewards: High. Campus data practices can lead to a better understanding about an organization's organization’s current business landscape – allowing management to have full confidence in all data-based decisions