- Installation – Usually, the deparment has access to an executable that they can use during the system imaging process. There is really no difference between an unmanaged approach and the managed approach during installation. However, because systems are being configure one at a time for anti-virus services, each of the workstations will need to be individually configured for use, which provides a slightly different set of challenges for the installation configuration:
- Consistency – The time between configurations, and the tendency of support personnel to have and follow installation procedure documentation available to them tends to introduce slightly modified versions of the base configuration throughout the organization. Further, settings that are discovered over time and introduced to later installations will usually fail to be introduced back into the earlier installations. These types of challenges are overcome in the "managed" environment, in that, policies can be established and set at the enterprise, department, group and/or individual level, and moving an unmanaged system into one of those policies provides consistent application of settings for an entire policy group at a time. As modifications or additions are brought on to the policy group, those changes are delivered immediately to all participants in the policy, thereby establishing a consistent application of changes and additions across the board.
- Limited Expertise – There is a tendency on the part of all support organizations, small as well as large, to develop a "sufficiency-based" expertise with secondary computer services rather than developing a "comprehensive" expertise with secondary products. The tendency to have insufficiencies in product expertise arise, many times, through no fault of the support organizaztion – certain expertise can only be derived from time, experience and having a sufficient base of systems that the system behavior can be understood for the anomalies that only occur on a rather infrequent basis. One would like to think that additional expertise can be obtained by personnel specifically dedicated to provide specific services as a "primary" responsibility rather than as a secondary service.