Steps | What you need to do | How to do it |
1 | Access the Action List | In the KFS Tools portlet, select Action List. |
2 | Select the TR you'd like to review | Open the Travel Reimbursement you'd like to review by selecting the Document ID Number. |
3 | Carefully review what was inputted |
4 | Approve the TR | If everything is correct, press Approve down below. Your request will continue on in the workflow for approval, where it'll be routed to the Fiscal Officer of the account entered in the Accounting Lines section and then on to the Accounting Reviewer (and possibly the Accounting Central Office i.e. KFS Travel Manager) for final approval. If something is incorrect, press Disapprove and on the next screen state your reason why. The Your associate can then resubmit the request, and when he does it will once again appear in your Action List for your approval. You will be notified via email once it is complete. Alternatively, please see the instructions below for how to check the status of a Travel Reimbursement after you've initially approved it. |