Immediate Queue | Analysis In-progress | On Hold | Development In-progress | Testing (unit, acceptance, load, pilot) | Release Ready | |
| Tririga Upgrade | Timesheet Performance Improvement: 10/29/2010 - Generating risk assessment for entire timesheet process - OIT, DDM, and Facilities. Waiting on DDM. | FACserv Inventory 2/21/2011 - Requirements gathered and presented to Facilities. Waiting on feedback and approval. | Preventive Maintenance - HVAC, Central Plant and Security |
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| FACnet inventory and Organization 1/13/2011 - No new updates 1/27/2011 - Determing amount of information already available for publishing energy consumption and metrics. Security audit in progress Documenting and coordinating responsibilities of groups involved with FACnet. | Fleet Services - iPool replacement and application integration for: 1. iPool 2. Mitchell 3. PetroVend On Hold until 3/28/2011 | Productivity and Aging Reports | Work Order Performance Improvement: Contact Center Enhancements |
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| FACserv: Managing maintainable space |
| Fleet Services backup and recovery policy updates 2/21/2011 - Remaining item - PetroVend recovery. PetroVend will hold 500 transactions on fuel controller. Determing risk exposure if application fails. |
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