To realize and be consistent with the UCI IT Principle - "Data are critical institutional assets" ( ), campus data management and governance need to be established. While non existent today, an incremental improvement can be achieved by leveraging the consolidation to look at data more comprehensively than previously possible. Data Warehousing and Decision Support will become most effective once data management improvement is implemented and in reality will be difficult to achieve without it. In order to start this process, the following steps will be needed:
- An identification of Identify core campus systems that produce data of common interest and the respective data owning department(s), individuals, and data stewards. Examples: Student Enrollment Data - Registrar/ Elizabeth Bennett; Student Admissions - Deborah Decker; Employee Payroll Data - Accounting and Fiscal Services/Brenda Mathias...
- Research and adoption of collection formats to collect information necessary to manage data governance and catalog information. adopt a data governance methodology. Data Flux and DAMA offer some useful formats methodologies to consider.
- Adopt a format to collect information necessary to manage data governance and catalog data.
- An Conduct an assessment of the data collection and management practices and data quality of the systems.
- Entry of Enter common data attribute names, descriptions, and business rules into a campus data dictionary. Document data name aliasesdata aliases.
- A Document a data flow diagram per subject or data context of where the data is transmitted to and how often.
- An assessment of what Assess what it means to implement a "zero data defect" policy for this data set.