- An identification of core campus systems that produce data of common interest and the respective data owning department(s), individuals, and data stewards. Examples: Student Enrollment Data - Registrar/ Elizabeth Bennett; Student Admissions - Deborah Decker; Employee Payroll Data - Accounting and Fiscal Services/Brenda Mathias...
- An assessment of the data collection and management practices and data quality of the systems.
- Entry of common data attribute names, descriptions, and business rules into a campus data dictionary and catalogue along with aliases.
- A data flow diagram per subject or data context of where the data is transmitted to and how often.
- An assessment of what it means to implement a "zero data defect" policy for this data set.
The data governance maturity modelrequirements, highly based on a White Paper by DataFlux is about data governance is separated into three areas, each with the goals:
- Data governance has executive-level sponsorship with direct CIO and Executive Leadership support. Executive-level decision-makers view data as a strategic asset. Management understands and appreciates the role of data governance – and commits personnel and resources.
- Business users take an active role in data strategy and deliverycollecting and delivering quality data.
- Data stewards emerge as the primary implementers of data management strategy and work directly with cross-functional teams to enact data quality standards
- A data quality or data governance group works directly with data stewards, application developers and database administrators
- Organization has "zero defect" policies for data collection and management
- New initiatives are only approved after careful consideration of how the initiatives will impact the existing data infrastructure
- Automated policies are in place to ensure that data remains consistent, accurate and reliable throughout the enterprise
- A service oriented architecture (SOA) encapsulates business rules for data quality and identity management
- Real-time activities and preventive data quality rules and processes emergeare implemented
- Data governance processes are built into the SDLCSystems Development or System Acquisition Life Cycle
- Goals shift from problem correction to prevention
- Data quality and data integration tools are standardized across the organization
- All aspects of the organization use standard business rules created and maintained by designated data stewards
- Data is continuously inspected – and any deviations from standards are resolved immediately. Ongoing data monitoring helps the campus maintain data integrity
- Data models capture the business meaning and technical details of common data elements
- A data stewardship group maintains common data definitions and business rules
- Service-oriented architecture becomes the enterprise standardOngoing data monitoring helps the campus maintain data integrity
- More real-time processing is available and data quality functionality is shared and reviewed across different operational solutions