- Data quality and data integration tools are standardized across the organization
- All aspects of the organization use standard business rules created and maintained by designated data stewards
- Data is continuously inspected – and any deviations from standards are resolved immediately
- Data models capture the business meaning and technical details of common data elements
- A data stewardship group maintains common data definitions and business rules
- Service-oriented architecture becomes the enterprise standard
- Ongoing data monitoring helps the campus maintain data integrity
- More real-time processing is available and data quality functionality is shared across and reviewed across different operational solutions
- Risk: Low. Master data tightly controlled across the enterprise, allowing the organization to maintain high-quality information about employees, student, research, facilities, financials, and assets.
- Rewards: High. Campus data practices can lead to a better
understanding about an organization's current business landscape – allowing management to have full confidence in all data-based decisions