Open the Chrome web-browser option's window by selecting the "tools icon", which is the icon in upper right hand corner following the URL input line that looks like a wrench / spanner.
Enable JavaScript processing for web-sites, but if there is a doubt regarding the authenticity, functionality or trust-worthiness of a specific web-site then either disable JavaScript and proceed, or do not visit the web-site.
Note OIT web applications utilize JavaScript in order to function correctly.
For increased security – Select "Do not allow any sites to use plug-ins." And create a web-site exceptions list that includes web-sites that need to run plug-ins to function correctly.
Personal Choice – Use a suggestion service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar. Disable this option if URL string completion interferes with an UCI, UCI OIT or UC applications functionality or if URL completion is not desired.
Select the Fraudulent sites – "Warn when visiting a fraudulent website" check-box.
Location services setting note
If selected the Safari web-browser provides location information (e.g. Computer IP address) to web-sites that request it.
User Choice – Location services – "Allow websites to ask for location information".
Web content – "Enable plug-ins" setting. If the check-box is selected then plug-in applications will run. Otherwise, web-browser plug-in applications will not run / operate.
It is best to only enable / select the "Enable Java" check-box if and when you need to use a web-application and/or visit a web-site that requires running Java Applets; otherwise, it is recommend to disable the Java virtual machine for Safari.
In most cases enable, select the check-box for, the "Enable JavaScript" feature to allow Safari to run JavaScripts for web-sites, and web applications. – Disable if there is a potential security using a web-application and/or visiting a questionable web-site.
Cookie configuration note.
Do not select the "Never" value form the list of Accept cookies values because UC, UCI, and UCI-OIT web-applications will fail to function properly.
It is recommend to set the Accept cookies value equal to "Only from sites I visit".
Select the "Ask before sending a non-secure form to a secure website" check-box.