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Summary: The Action List is a screen in KFS that displays all saved eDocs and those that require your completion by way of acknowledgement, approval, and FYI.  This is the "inbox" for all KFS users which displays all action requests. When the appropriate action has been taken, the eDoc will disappear from the Action List.

Email notifications are automatically generated for eDocs that arrive in your Action List from other users. These email notifications include a link to the specific document and link to your Action List. Immediate email notifications are sent every time a document arrives in your Action List, or you can select to receive a daily or weekly summary by accessing the action list preferences page.



What you need to do

How to do it


Access KFS via ZOTPortal

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UCInetID and password
  3. Click on the Faculty and Staff tab
  4. Select the KFS tab


Access the Action List item

  1. Navigate to the KFS Tools portlet
  2. Click on the Action List item


Review the Action List 

  1. Review the Action List and Action Requested column 
  2. To open, review and take action on an eDoc click on the Document Number in the ID column


 Watch the video (Once you're finished watching the video, hit the Back arrow in your browser to return to this page.)

Summary: The Action List Preferences screen is available to all KFS users which allow them to customize the appearance and features of their Action List. The Action list List Preferences Page is accessible by logging into ZOTPortal and selecting the Action List item in the KFS Tools Portlet.  The Preferences screen is divided into three sections they are: General, Fields Displayed In Action List, and Document Route Status Colors for Actionlist Action List Entries. 

Remember after After making any changes to the preferences Preferences screen in the action list Action List, remember to click on save Save at the bottom of the screen.  This will update any changes you have made.


 Watch the Video (Once you're finished watching the video, hit the Back arrow in your browser to return to this page.)

Image Modified Download the PDF

Summary: The Document Search is a powerful tool you can use to find out the status of any request.
