- Obtain buy-in from CIO and a few key campus stake holders and get at least 1 dedicated FTE resource.
- Identify core campus systems that produce data of common interest and the respective data owning department(s), individuals, and data stewards. Examples: Student Enrollment Data - Registrar/ Elizabeth Bennett; Student Admissions - Deborah Decker; Employee Payroll Data - Accounting and Fiscal Services/Brenda Mathias...
- Research and adopt a data governance methodology. Data Flux and DAMA offer some useful methodologies to consider.
- Organize a data quality or data governance group and appropriate campus leadership structure per methodology selected.
- Adopt a format to collect information necessary to manage data governance and catalog data.
- Conduct an assessment of the data collection and management practices and data quality of systems that produce core common campus data.
- Enter common data attribute names, descriptions, and business rules into a campus data dictionary. Document data aliases.
- Document a data flow diagram per subject or data context of where the data is transmitted to and how often.
- Assess what it means to implement a "zero data defect" policy for this data set.
- Implement a data change management strategy and policy, per data governance methodology selected.