If you have any questions, please contact Isaac Straley (4-1471).
Q: An employee has separate separated from the University and s/he has business emails or files which are needed for business operations. Can I access those emails or files?
A: Under the ECP, you must obtain permission from the employee to access her/his emails. Units should create an authorization form as part of the separation paperwork. If authorization was not obtained or granted, then access without consent procedures must be followed.
The ECP does not normally apply to files on the computer, however individuals still have a constitutional reasonable expectation of privacy. Separation forms should include files. If authorization was not obtained or granted, the then access without consent procedures must should be followed.
Q: An employee has a medical emergency and is not available. S/he has email needed for an urgent business need. Can I search her/his email for the message or can I forward his/her email to another email address?