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Security and Windows Firewall Rules

Typically, firewall rules would be configured during IP Address assignment and/or channel player installation, but some situations require manual configuration. These rules ensure communication with the on-campus Visix Content Server in order for signs to download scheduled content from the server.

  1. There are 3 programs that need to be allowed through the local windows firewall, on all profiles and all ports:
    1. Consumer.exe, file.exe, player.exe
    2. Image AddedImage AddedImage Added
  2. The easiest way of allowing these is through the Control Panel > Systems and Security > Windows Firewall > Allowed Programs or by searching for "Allow Programs through Windows Firewall" In the Control Panel.
  3. Next, click on the button to 'Change Settings' (this may prompt UAC for administrator credentials, which is the AxisTVUser account), then click on 'Allow Another Program...' and a new dialog box should pop up.
    1. Image Added
  4. If the programs are not in the pre-populated list, click on the Browse... button and navigate to the Visix Program Files folder, C:\Program Files\Visix\AxisTV Channel Player\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\....\AxisTV Channel Player\, and select each program file: 
    1. Consumer.exe, file.exe, player.exe
  5. Be sure to check boxes for both the Home/Work (Private) and Public profiles for the firewall. Click 'Save' and proceed to other tasks or reboot the Channel Player (Next section).



Rebooting the Channel Player


  1. To edit the configuration file, navigate to C:\Program Files\Visix\AxisTV Channel Player\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\....\AxisTV Channel Player\
  2. In this folder, create a copy of the file named C:\...\AxisTV Channel Player\consumer.exe.config\ (file extension may be hidden from file name). Name the copy ~\consumer.exe-backup.config\. This will ensure you have the original xml file.
  3. Open the file C:\...\AxisTV Channel Player\consumer.exe.config\ using notepad or any text editor.
  4. The file content should look something like this:
    1. Code Block
      titleconsumer.exe config file
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <add key="enabled" value="False" />
          <add key="publisherUrl" value="http://ContentServer:80/PlayerPublisher" />
          <add key="playerId" value="ChannelPlayerIPAddress" />
          <add key="refreshInterval" value="1" />
          <add key="playerTelnetPort" value="6500" />
            <!--	A value of 0 = off and 1 = on
      				The trace file will be placed in the .\log subdirectory and
      				named ContentConsumerYYYYMMDD.log
            <add name="TraceFlag" value="0" />
          <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" />
    2. Edit these 3 lines with the folowing values:
      1. <add key="enabled" value="true" />
        <add key="publisherUrl" value="" />
        <add key="playerId" value="Channel player ipaddress with no periods.ex: 128200123456" />

  5. Save the file and close. Reboot the Channel Player as detailed in the section above.
