8/25 - 9/7 (campus closed on Labor Day on the 4th)
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Fixed CGAWD_ENTRY_DT. This data is now available.
Fixed ETL for ucinetids. This data is now available. Regarding the multiple project director ucinetids, Kevin said that he'll get back to me on my questions to confirm on requirements for getting this data.
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Worked with Kevin from the Accounting on multiple project director ucinetids issues found in the ward task.
Worked with Eufemia from the Cognos team to finalize additional requirement for KBM.
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Next plan:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
8/11 - 8/24
Met with Kevin to gather detail information/logic on the remaining requirement: To create CG_ORG_GRP_KEY and CG_ORG_GRP_SID: Concat string using criteria of FIN_COA_CD,ORG_CD,CGPRPSL_NBR, CGAWD_PRM_ORG_IND from the CG_AWD_ORG_T table in the CG_ORG_GRP table. Then in the KFS_D_CG_AWD table, create the key using the same criteria to create a key, then use this key to look up in the CG_ORG_GRP table to get the value of the CG_ORG_GRP_SID (integer).
Closed the following jiras:
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1550
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1549
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1579
Test failed, reported to Analytix to fix the following jiras:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Continue with this activity.
1/3 - 1/12
Completed, verified SBS, Outbound month-end.
Completed https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx). Unit test is in progress.
Following jiras are completed, ready for deploy:
(KFS_F_TEM_ACCTNG) Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1443
(KFS_F_DSBRMNT_VCHR) Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1436
Complete testing to be ready for deploy https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx).
As soon as migration completes on the production informatica server and to prepare for the next month-end, I need to work with Jarrod to verify, test the following jiras to ensure that his aps send triggers to the appropriate locations:
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1550
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1549
Jira Legacy server OIT JIRA serverId 252346bd-c418-34af-94a0-0709b2108812 key KFSDW-1579
Continue with this activities.