Review current task assignments in Service Now and get task updates and adjust completion timeline
- Identify road blocks and unresolved issues
- Upcoming milestones
- Next Steps
- Knowledge transfer
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Project Status Review - Current task assignments | David Kewley
Project Status Review - Current task assignments | Chris De Rosa |
29888 (Migrate SIS - GradAid) - Pushed to August per Rachael - Priya to follow up with Jason on priority of GradAid testing. GradAid requires connectivity to the on-premise database. So would be good to test in dev.
UpcomingmilestonesTimeline review | David Kewley Chris De Rosa |
Action items
- David Kewley - Follow up with Chris on setting up 2-way SSL for UCPATH testing.
- Priya Srinivasan - Follow up with Jason on UCPATH, GradAid testing in DEV environment
- Chris De Rosa - Send an update on automation tasks by
Management has indicated that achieving O365 Exchange campus independence is a high priority goal
This meeting is to discuss approaches to remove O365 dependencies on campus.
Can a cloud service receiveemailfirst, do spam filtering and route to O365 or MTA?
Send report to management on whether there is an agreed approach to achieve this goal
Discussion items