Graduate Division
- Including: Graduate Admissions, Enrolled Graduate Student Services, Graduate Student Financial Support, Graduate Dean's Office and Operations
Office of Research
- Including: Research Administration (Sponsored Projects and Research Protections), Research Development, University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR), Vice Chancellor of Research's Office and Operations, Office of Technology Alliances (now Applied Innovation - Invention Transfer Group)
Team Leads:
- Combined GD/OR IT Team: Eric Taggart
- GD IT Team: Rachel Tam (primary) - Eric Taggart (backup)
- OR IT Team: Eric Taggart (primary) - Vacant Noah Margolis (secondary/backup and interim OR IT Projects Lead)
- Kuali Coeus: David Tieu (primary) - Ryan Lam (backup) and Noah Margolis (backup)
- Tick@Lab: Da Lu (primary) - Vacant Vaheid Shahmohammad (backup)
- Combined GD/OR IT Team: Eric Taggart
Secondary Backups:
- Rachel Tam coordinates application development backup support for Student Affairs IT in priority situations
- Manzi Syed provides backup functional systems administration support for Cascade Server and provides backup ZotPortal content editing support for MeredithNoah Margolis provides consultative support to The Hill Bookstore AntPOS software development activities
- Eric Taggart coordinates backup support for Environmental Health & Safety IT
Team Members:
- Eric Taggart: x48131 - etaggart@uci.edu
- Manzi Syed: x44359 - masyed@uci.eduEric Taggart: x48131 - etaggart@uci
- Rachel Tam x49060 - rwtam@uci.edu
- Robert Abe x47928- rhabe@uci.edu
- Warren Ayuyao x42537 - wayuyao@uci.edu
- Jeff Fellows x47898 - fellowsj@uci.edu
- Elizabeth Gross grosse@uci.edu (OR Student AssistantProgrammer)
- Andrew Ouyang x42313 - ouyanga@uci.edu
- Minhphu Phan minhphup@uci.edu Vacant (GD Student AssistantProgrammer)
- Noah Margolis: x47380 - noah@uci.edu (Interim OR IT Projects Lead)
- Mangala Dande: x49852 - mdande@uci.edu
- Austin Cho: x47264 austinc7@uci.edu (Research Administration Data Warehouse Specialist - on Valerie Jones' team)
- Ryan Lam: x49725 - rlam@uci.edu
- Da Lu: x46552 - dqlu@uci.edu
- Noah Margolis: x47380 - noah@uci.edu
- Glenn Sasano: x46007 - gsasano@uci.edu
- Vaheid Shahmohammad: x43288 - vshahmo@uci.edu
- David Tieu x47536 - david.tieu@uci.edu
- Vacant (OR IT Projects LeadStudent Programmer)
Team Member Responsibilities:
Business Unit | Functional Area | Lead Functional Manager(s) | Technical Lead | Technical Backup | Related Systems |
OR | Research Admin - Sponsored Projects (SPA) | Nancy Lewis | Glenn (DB and VB apps)
David T (Kuali Coeus) | Mangala (DB and VB apps) Ryan (web apps)
Noah (KC) Ryan (KC) | SPA System
AwardSearch, C&G Acctg Online Program, more
Kuali Coeus Proposal Development Module, Negotiations Module, Cayuse Integration |
OR | Research Admin - Conflict of Interest | Grace Park | Glenn (DB and VB apps)
David T (Kuali Coeus) | Mangala (DB and VB apps) Noah (KC) Ryan (KC) | COI System
Kuali Coeus COI Module |
OR | Research Admin - Research Protections | Karen Allen | Mangala (DB and VB apps) Vaheid (web apps) | Da/Glenn (DB and VB apps) Ryan (web apps) | HPS System, ARS System, hSCRO System IRB eApp, IRB eMod, IRB eCPA, IRB eCloseout, IRB Doc Depot, more
OR | ULAR | Jeff Goodwin | Mangala (DB and VB apps) Da Lu (Tick@Lab) | Glenn (DB and VB apps) Ryan (web apps) Mangala Tick@Lab) | ARS System, ULARQA System, Cage Card Printing, ULAR Time Reporting
MouseStrain, IACUC Protocol Upload Tick@Lab Animal Research Administration System (vendor) |
OR | Research Development | Jacob Levin | Vaheid | Ryan | Fund Opps, Shared Resource DB, Biosketch Repository, Faculty Profile System |
OR | Vice Chancellor's Office and Operations | Karen Tano Ashley Missik | Mangala | Glenn | VCOPS, VCR, VC |
OR | Communications | Greg Ruth | Mansur | Raj/Eric | OR Website, ULAR Website (and protected content), TMF Website, OTA website, Cascade |
OR | IT Projects and Support Oversight | John Hemminger Mark Warner | Eric | VacantNoah | General OIT Liaison (OIT Sr Mgmnt, Desktop Support, Help Desk, other OIT Services), IT Team Management |
OR | Research Administration Data Warehouse | Bruce Morgan Karen Allen Nancy Lewis | Austin | Vacant/Valerie | Research Admin DWH w/ ODS, Informatica and Cognos |
OR/Institute for Innovation/Applied Innovation | Technology Alliances (now Institute for Innovation) | Ronnie Hanacek | Glenn (DB and VB apps) | Mangala (DB and VB apps) | BMTA System, PTSNCD System |