Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesUCI Comments
Record Typevarchar23Constant value "001"Record 001 indicates the beginning of the file and is mandatory.Use to determine how to parse the record.
Hierarchy IDvarchar220Hierarchy Merchant Number in which the file is created Merchant ID number for the school/division.
Hierarchy Level No.varchar25ClientLine Hierarchy Level that the file is being created for.Refer to Appendix 1 
Datevarchar28YYYYMMDDDisplays prior day's date. 
Merchant Namevarchar265Merchant Name for the Hierarchy ID the file is being generated for  
Fillervarchar2 2399Spaces

Files will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.  File is padded on the right with spaces.

2500 characters.


If there are no funded card type transactions, then report will not contain 003 records.



 numbernumbernumber  indicating atnumberFormatted as 999999999.99 YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS Verification number number

Formatted as 999999999999.99

   pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberFormatted as Only pertains to Fuel transactionsOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactions  pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsnumber  pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsOnly pertains to Fuel transactions  pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactions  pertains to Fuel transactionsnumberOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsOnly pertains to Fuel transactionsnumber  pertains to Fuel transactions  pertains to Fuel transactions  pertains to Fuel transactions Only available for merchants processing with Compass Only available for merchants processing with Compass)numberFormatted as 999999.99 on Compass FE on Compass FENot available for all clients. Project would be required.   Pulled from PTS D Record     Indentifier   Indentifier     497
Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesUCI Comments
Record Typevarchar23Constant “003” The 003 record will provide transaction detail for First Data funded card types.  There will be a 003 record for each of the transactions included in the prior day's funding.

Use to determine how to parse the record.

Hierarchy IDvarchar220Hierarchy Merchant Number in which the file is created.  
Hierarchy Level No.varchar25ClientLine Hierarchy Level that the file is being created for.Refer to Appendix 1 
Location IDvarchar220Outlet level MID Merchant ID number for the school/division.
Location DBA Namevarchar280Doing Business Address Name assigned to the Outlet MID 

"UCI MARKETPLACE <highest school/division KFS org code>"

Displayed on customer credit card statement.

Store Numbervarchar210Discretionary number setup on the Merchant Master  
External IDvarchar225Discretionary Number assigned to Outlet Level MID Client Correspondence Flag must be set to a Y 
Funded Date/Load Datevarchar28Funded Date is when the settled transaction amount was sent to your bank for payment. Load Date is when the settled transaction are loaded to the database for reporting.YYYYMMDD
This field will represent Funded Date by default, unless you select to receive this record by Load Date, then this field will display that Load Date.
Load Date doe not indicate that the transactions have been funded

Utilizing Loaded Date (settlement date).

Card Type
Card Type
Card Type
varchar210Association that the transaction is sent to for processing. Ex. Visa, MC, etc.
Refer to Appendix 2Corresponds to uPay postback card_type.
Card Number
Card Number
Card Number
varchar225Unique number assigned to cardholderCard masking is determined by the Masking Flag attribute in Business Track portal for the user.Displays first 6, last 4 digits of credit card number.
Terminal IDvarchar215Discretionary POS Identification number**Currently Clientline Database only stores 5 digits 
Batch Numbervarchar220Number assigned to each group of settled transactions 

Bank of America's ID number for the submitted transaction batch.

Should be the same for all transactions in the same report.

Batch Datevarchar28Date group of transactions was settledYYYYMMDD

Batch date.

Authorization Code
Authorization Code
Authorization Code
varchar286 digit code assigned at the time card was authorized  

Authorization/approval code.

Invoice/Trace IDvarchar220Discretionary 12 digit number sent on transaction by merchantPTS 'S' recordDoes not map to TouchNet.
Reference Numbervarchar23023 byte Number assigned to each settled transaction prior to sending to the Associationaka ARNDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction IDvarchar220Number assigned by the AssociationVisa Tran ID or MasterCard Banknet Reference NumberDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction Datevarchar28Date transactions was processed at POS 

Authorization date.

Transaction Amount Signvarchar21+/-('+) = Sale  (-) = RefundCorresponds to uPay postback pmt_amt.
Transaction Amount
Transaction Amount
Transaction Amount
Number15Amount of the processed transaction 
Processed Currency Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was funded inRefer to Appendix 3 
Submitted Currency Amount Signvarchar21+/('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Only available merchants setup as multi-currency 
Submitted Currency AmountNumber15The transaction amount in the currency the transaction was processed in at the POSFormatted as 999999999999.99
Only available merchants setup as multi-currency 
Submitted Currency Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was processed in at the POSRefer to Appendix 3 
Currency Conversion RateNumber20The rate applied to convert a transaction between submitted and processed currencyFormatted as 9999999999.999999999 
Transaction Status
Transaction Status
Transaction Status
varchar22Code indicating  if the transaction was processed (P) or rejected (R)Refer to Appendix 4May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if the transaction was rejected (Y) or accepted (N)Refer to Appendix 5May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Reasonvarchar280Description why a transaction was rejectedRefer to Appendix 6 
Entry Modevarchar22How the transaction was originally performed (ex. Terminal, POS, Chip)Refer to Appendix 7 
PC Terminal Capabilityvarchar21Code indicating if the card was Present or Not PresentRefer to Appendix 8 
Pinless Debitvarchar21Code indicating if the debit card was processed without a PIN  
Plan Codevarchar24Interchange Plan Code that the transaction should qualify atRefer to Appendix 9 
Billback Reasonvarchar210The code that indicates why a transaction did not clear at the expected rateRefer to Appendix 10 
Reclass Codevarchar24Final plan code that the transaction qualified at Refer to Appendix 9 
Partial Auth Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if Partial Authorization is supportedRefer to Appendix 11 
Transaction Typevarchar26Code indicating the action taken on the card (ex. Sale, Credit, Void)Refer to Appendix 12 
Transaction Modevarchar26The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped)Refer to Appendix 13 
Transaction Sourcevarchar22How the transaction was sent to us for processingRefer to Appendix 14 
Health Care Cardvarchar22Indicator identifying if the card is or isn't a Health Care CardRefer to Appendix 15 
AFD Completion Codevarchar22Automated Fuel Dispenser code. Will only apply to Petroleum clientsRefer to Appendix 16 
Authorization Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund

As of , Authorization Amount matches Transaction Amount.

Authorization AmountNumber15Amount  verified as available on a card for a transaction to occurFormatted as 999999999.99
BAMS Authorization Date
BAMS Authorization Date
Authorization Date
varchar28Date the verification occurred on a card for a transactionYYYYMMDD 
Transaction Timevarchar210The hour, minute and second when the transaction was performedHH:MM:SS
Some FE default this value. You need to check with you account management team if this information is available on your processing platform.
Does not correspond to actual transaction time; set to 00:00:00.
Expiration Datevarchar242 digit month & 2 digit year when a card becomes invalid Does not correspond to actual expiration date of the card.
Authorization SIC Codevarchar24Standard Industry Code at the time the card was authorized that corresponds
to the client’s Visa Merchant Category Code
AVS Flagvarchar21Code indicating the level of Address Verification Refer to Appendix 17 
Response Codevarchar21Same as Authorization Response Code  
CVC2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Code is present for Visa transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
CVV2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Value is present for MasterCard transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
Sales Tax Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Sales Tax AmountNumber15Sales Tax Amount on a petroleum transaction  
Invoice Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Invoice AmountNumber15Total Amount of all the Product Code Amounts for a Petroleum transactionFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 1varchar26NACS Code for the goods purchased
applies to Petroleum  
Product Gallons 1Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 1varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 1Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 2 varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
applies to Petroleum  
Product Gallons2Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999Only pertains to Fuel transactions 
Product Amount Sign 2varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 2Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99Only pertains to Fuel transactions 
Product Code 3varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
applies to Petroleum  
Product Gallons 3Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 3varchar21+/-Only pertains to Fuel transactions Product Amount 3number15 ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 3Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 4varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
applies to Petroleum  
Product Gallons 4Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999Only pertains to Fuel transactions 
Product Amount Sign 4varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 4Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 5varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
applies to Petroleum  
Product Gallons 5Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 5varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 5Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99Only pertains to Fuel transactions  
Vehicle Numbervarchar217VIN associated with Fleet Card
applies to Petroleum  
Odometervarchar210Odometer Number associated with Fleet Card
applies to Petroleum  
Driver IDvarchar220Drivers License Number associated with Fleet Card
applies to Petroleum  
Special Reference  #1 varchar225Discretionary field sent by merchantPTS XN07-Merchant Order Number - Compass FE only 
Special Reference  #2varchar225Discretionary field sent by merchantPTS XN08- Tracking Number - Compass & Omnipay FE only 
Authorization Response Codevarchar22Code that indicates the response on an attempted transaction. (ex. Approval, decline, etc.Refer to Appendix 18 
Convenience Fee Amount Signvarchar21 Available for merchants participating in Convenience Fee program  
Convenience Fee AmountNumber9Available for merchants participating in Convenience Fee program

Available for merchants participating in Convenience Fee program

Formatted as 999999.99

SubMerchant IDvarchar220 Available for PSPs only  
Soft Descriptorvarchar232 Available for PSPs only  
Bank Reference Numbervarchar220 *Client specific field not available for use*  
Auth Sourcevarchar21How the transaction was sent  for authorization  
CAT Levelvarchar21Indicator if it is a Card Holder Activated terminal  
Cardholder ID Methodvarchar21Indicates how the Cardholder was identified by the Merchant. This field is only required for VISA transactions  
Card Presence Indicatorvarchar21   
Merchant Reference Number
Merchant Reference Number
Merchant Reference Number
varchar29 Discretionary field sent by merchantAvailable on all Front Ends
PTS 'D' record
Appears to be sequential ID number that starts at 1. May loosely tie to uPay postback tpg_trans_id, but reliability questionable.
Total Auth Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = RefundDo NOT use for matching. Does not necessarily match uPay postback pmt_amt.
Total Auth Amountvarchar215Total Amount authorized for a transaction 
Market Specific Indicatorvarchar21 Indicates the industry for which market-specific authorization data was included in the transactionSpace No market-specific authorization data supplied
A Valid Auto Rental market-specific authorization data received
B Valid Bill Payment market-specific authorization data received
E Valid Electronic Commerce Transaction Aggregation data received
H Valid Hotel market-specific authorization data received
M Valid Healthcare market-specific authorization data received
N Invalid or not applicable market-specific authorization data received
T Valid Transit market-specific authorization data received
Visa Service Developvarchar21 Indicates type of commerce1 Electronic Commerce
2 In-Flight Commerce
5 Transponder-Initiated
6 Relationship Participant
7 Deferred Billing Indicator
Visa Purchase Identifier Formatvarchar21Specifies the format/type of additional identifying information for purchases, e.g. order or invoice number, free text Do NOT use for matching. May see partial value for "sys_tracking_id", but unreliable.
Visa Purchase Identifier varchar225The Purchase Identifier information.  
Visa Chip Condition Codevarchar21 Code provides information about magnetic stripe-read transactions of VSDC cards at VSDC ATMs It does not apply to VSDC transactions where the chip is read 
MC Security Protocolvarchar21 Indicates the presence and type of security protocol present in the authorization process in support of UCAF2 Channel Encrypted
9 No Security Protocol
MC Cardholder Authenticationvarchar21   Visa Product IDvarchar22 Authentication indicates the type of Cardholder authentication used in the authorization process in support of UCAF0 UCAF data collection is not supported by the Merchant
1 UCAF data collection is supported by the Merchant, but UCAF data was not populated
2 UCAF data collection is supported by the Merchant, and UCAF data must be present
3 UCAF data collection is supported by the Merchant, and UCAF (MasterCard assigned Static Accountholder
Authentication Value) data must be present
Visa Product IDvarchar22the Card-Level Results value received in the authorization responseFor Custom Payment Service original purchase transactions and their reversals. This field is required for interchange qualifications 
Transaction Countryvarchar23Country the card is issued 2500 characters.
Transaction Charges Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Transaction ChargesNumber21*Omnipay only* Interchange charges per transactionFormatted as 999999999999999999.99 
Capture Methodvarchar23   
Product Code 6varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 6Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 6varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 6Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 7varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 7Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 7varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 7Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 8varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 8Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 8varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 8Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 9varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 9Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 9varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 9Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 10varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 10Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 10varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 10Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Usage Indicatorvarchar21Indicator to identify if credit transaction is Credit ('C) or Signature Debit (D)  
Airline Ticket Numbervarchar220Airline Industry only  
User Datavarchar232*Note* use the User Data 2 field instead of User DataComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS records 
Transaction Integrity Classvarchar22Associated with MasterCard transactions where the card brand is assigning a rating to the transaction based on the security and integrity of the transaction.    
Assessments Sign varchar21 *Client specific field not available for use* 
AssessmentsNumber17Formatted as 999999999999.9999*Client specific field not available for use* 
Service Charges Signvarchar21 *Client specific field not available for use* 
Service ChargesNumber17Formatted as 999999999999.9999*Client specific field not available for use* 
Interchange Rate Signvarchar21 *Client specific field not available for use* 
Interchange RateNumber20Formatted as 9999999999.999999999*Client specific field not available for use* 
Per Tran Fee Signvarchar21 *Client specific field not available for use* 
Per Tran FeeNumber15Formatted as 999999999999.99*Client specific field not available for use* 
Mobile Indicatorvarchar22Indicator that a transaction originated from the Ucomm Gateway*Client specific field not available for use* 
User Data 2varchar2145Discretionary data sent on transaction by the merchantComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS records 
Posting Charge Description 1varchar265 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Type 1varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Tran Type 1varchar228 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Service ID 1varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Fee Category 1varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 1 Signvarchar21 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 1Number20Formatted as 99999999999999999.99*Available for Omnipay data only* 
Posting Charge Description 2varchar265 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Type 2varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Tran Type 2varchar228 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Service ID 2varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Fee Category 2varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 2 Signvarchar21 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 2Number20Formatted as 99999999999999999.99*Available for Omnipay data only* 
Posting Charge Description 3varchar265 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Type 3varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Tran Type 3varchar228 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Service ID 3varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Fee Category 3varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 3 Signvarchar21 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 3Number20Formatted as 99999999999999999.99*Available for Omnipay data only* 
Posting Charge Description 4varchar265 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Type 4varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Tran Type 4varchar228 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Service ID 4varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Fee Category 4varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 4 Signvarchar21 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 4Number20Formatted as 99999999999999999.99*Available for Omnipay data only* 
Posting Charge Description 5varchar265 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Type 5varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Tran Type 5varchar228 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Service ID 5varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Fee Category 5varchar220 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 5 Signvarchar21 *Available for Omnipay data only* 
Charge Amount 5Number20Formatted as 99999999999999999.99*Available for Omnipay data only* 
Filler 159SpacesFiles will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.  File is padded on the right with spaces.2500 characters.

004 Credit Detail (Non-Funded Card Types)


If there are no non-funded card type transactions, then report will not contain 004 records.


Format is exactly the same as the 003 record, minus the fields starting at Market Specific Indicator through Visa Product ID (marked in yellow).

Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesUCI Comments
Record Typevarchar23Constant “004”The 004 record will provide transaction detail for card types that are processed through First Data but not funded by First Data.  There will be a 004 record for each of the transactions included in the prior day's funding.

Use to determine how to parse the record.

FillerHierarchy ID 530Spaces  




varchar220Hierarchy Merchant Number in which the file is


Hierarchy Level No.


varchar25ClientLine Hierarchy Level that the file is being created for.


Refer to Appendix 1 
Location IDvarchar220Outlet level MID Merchant ID number for the school/division.
Location DBA Namevarchar280Doing Business Address Name assigned to the Outlet



"UCI MARKETPLACE <highest school/division KFS org code>"

Displayed on customer credit card statement.

Store Numbervarchar210Discretionary number setup on the Merchant


External IDvarchar225Discretionary Number assigned to Outlet Level


MID Client Correspondence Flag must be set to a


Funded Date/Load


Datevarchar28Funded Date is when the settled transaction amount was sent to your bank for payment. Load Date is when the settled transaction are loaded to the database for reporting.YYYYMMDD
This field will represent Funded Date by default, unless you select to receive this record by Load Date, then this field will display that Load Date.
Load Date doe not indicate that the transactions have been



Utilizing Loaded Date (settlement date).

Card Typevarchar210Association that the transaction is sent to for processing. Ex. Visa,


MC, etc.Appendix 2Corresponds to uPay postback card_type.
Card Numbervarchar225Unique number assigned to cardholderCard masking is determined by the Masking Flag attribute in Business Track portal for the user.


Displays first 6, last 4 digits of credit card number.
Terminal IDvarchar215Discretionary POS Identification number**Currently Clientline Database only stores 5


Batch Numbervarchar220Number assigned to each group of settled



Bank of America's ID number for the submitted transaction batch.

Should be the same for all transactions in the same report.

Batch Datevarchar28Date group of transactions was



Batch date.

Authorization Codevarchar286 digit code assigned at the time card was



Authorization/approval code.

Invoice/Trace IDvarchar220Discretionary 12 digit number sent on transaction by merchant Does not map to TouchNet.
Reference Numbervarchar23023 byte Number assigned to each settled transaction prior to sending to the


Associationaka ARNDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction IDvarchar220Number assigned by the


AssociationVisa Tran ID or MasterCard Banknet Reference


NumberDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction Datevarchar28Date transactions was processed at



Authorization date.

Transaction Amount Signvarchar21+/-('+) =


Sale  (-) =


RefundCorresponds to uPay postback pmt_amt.
Transaction AmountNumber15Amount of the processed


Processed Currency Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing


the  Currency the transaction was funded


inRefer to Appendix 3 
Submitted Currency Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) = Refund
Only available merchants setup as multi-


Submitted Currency


AmountNumber15The transaction amount in the currency the transaction was processed in at the


POSFormatted as 999999999999.99
Only available merchants setup as multi-


Submitted Currency


Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing


the  Currency the transaction was processed in at the


POSRefer to Appendix 3 
Currency Conversion RateNumber20The rate applied to convert a transaction between submitted and processed


currencyFormatted as 9999999999.


Transaction Statusvarchar22Code indicating  if the transaction was processed (P) or rejected (R)


Refer to Appendix 4May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if the transaction was rejected (Y) or accepted (N)


Refer to Appendix 5May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Reasonvarchar280Description why a transaction was


rejectedRefer to Appendix 6 
Entry Modevarchar22How the transaction was originally performed (ex. Terminal, POS, Chip)


Refer to Appendix 7 
PC Terminal Capabilityvarchar21Code indicating if the card was Present or Not PresentRefer to Appendix 8 
Pinless Debitvarchar21Code indicating if the debit card was processed without a


Plan Codevarchar24Interchange Plan Code that the transaction should qualify


atRefer to Appendix 9 
Billback Reasonvarchar210The code that indicates why a transaction did not clear at the expected


rateRefer to Appendix 10 
Reclass Codevarchar24Final plan code that the transaction qualified


at Refer to Appendix 9 
Partial Auth Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if Partial Authorization is


supportedRefer to Appendix 11 
Transaction Typevarchar26Code indicating the action taken on the card (ex. Sale, Credit, Void)


Refer to Appendix 12 
Transaction Modevarchar26The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped)


Refer to Appendix 13 
Transaction Sourcevarchar22How the transaction was sent to


us for processingRefer to Appendix 14 
Health Care Cardvarchar22Indicator identifying if the card is or isn't a Health Care


CardRefer to Appendix 15 
AFD Completion Codevarchar22Automated Fuel Dispenser code. Will only apply to Petroleum


clientsRefer to Appendix 16 
Authorization Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =



As of , Authorization Amount matches Transaction Amount.

Authorization AmountNumber15Amount  verified as available on a card for a transaction to


occurFormatted as 999999999.



As of , Authorization Amount matches Transaction Amount.

Authorization Datevarchar28Date the verification occurred on a card for a


Transaction Timevarchar210The hour, minute and second when the transaction was


Some FE default this value. You need to check with you account management team if this


information is available on your processing platform.Does not correspond to actual transaction time; set to 00:00:00.
Expiration Datevarchar242 digit month & 2 digit year when a card becomes


invalid Does not correspond to actual expiration date of the card.
Authorization SIC Codevarchar24Standard Industry Code at the time the card was authorized that corresponds
to the client’s Visa Merchant Category


AVS Flagvarchar21Code indicating the level of Address


Verification Refer to Appendix 17 
Response Codevarchar21Same as Authorization Response Code  
CVC2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Code is present for Visa


transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
CVV2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Value is present for MasterCard


transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
Sales Tax Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-)


= Refund 
Sales Tax AmountNumber15Sales Tax Amount on a petroleum


Invoice Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Invoice AmountNumber15Total Amount of all the Product Code Amounts for a Petroleum


transactionFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 1varchar26NACS Code for the goods purchased
Only applies to


Product Gallons 1Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


1varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 1Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 2 varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons2Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


2varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 2Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 3varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 3Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


3varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 3Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 4varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 4Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


4varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 4Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 5varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 5Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


5varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 5Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Vehicle Numbervarchar217VIN associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to


Odometervarchar210Odometer Number associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to


Driver IDvarchar220Drivers License Number associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to




Special Reference  #1 varchar225Discretionary field sent by


merchantPTS XN07-Merchant Order Number - Compass


FE only 
Special Reference  #2varchar225Discretionary field sent by


merchantPTS XN08- Tracking Number - Compass & Omnipay FE


Authorization Response Codevarchar22Code that indicates the response on an attempted transaction. (ex. Approval, decline, etc.Appendix


Convenience Fee Amount


Signvarchar21Available for merchants participating in Convenience Fee


Convenience Fee AmountNumber9Available for merchants participating in Convenience Fee


programAvailable for merchants participating in Convenience Fee program Formatted as 999999.


SubMerchant IDvarchar220Available for PSPs only  
Soft Descriptorvarchar232Available for PSPs only  
Bank Reference Numbervarchar220*Client specific field not available for use*


Auth Sourcevarchar21How the transaction was


sent  for authorization  
CAT Levelvarchar21Indicator if it is a Card Holder Activated


Cardholder ID Methodvarchar21Indicates how the Cardholder was identified by the Merchant. This field is only required for VISA


Card Presence Indicatorvarchar21   
Merchant Reference Numbervarchar298 digit Discretionary field sent by


merchantAvailable on all Front Ends
PTS 'D' record (this # is used as part of the 23 digit Reference Number)
Appears to be sequential ID number that starts at 1. May loosely tie to uPay postback tpg_trans_id, but reliability questionable.
Total Auth Amount


Signvarchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


RefundDo NOT use for matching. Does not necessarily match uPay postback pmt_amt. 
Total Auth Amountvarchar215Total Amount authorized for a


Product Code 6varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 6Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


6varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 6Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 7varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 7Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


7varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 7Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 8varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 8Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


8varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 8Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 9varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 9Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


9varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 9Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Product Code 10varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to


Product Gallons 10Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the


transactionFormatted as 999999.


Product Amount Sign


10varchar21+/- ('+) =


Sale  (-) =


Product Amount 10Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum


purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.


Usage Indicatorvarchar21Indicator to identify if credit transaction is Credit ('C) or Signature Debit (D)


Airline Ticket Numbervarchar220Airline Industry only  
User Datavarchar232*Note* use the User Data 2 field instead of User


DataComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS


Assessments Sign varchar21*Client specific field not available for use*+/- 


AssessmentsNumber17*Client specific field not available for use*Formatted as 999999999999.


Service Charges Signvarchar21*Client specific field not available for use*+/-  


Service ChargesNumber17*Client specific field not available for use*Formatted as 999999999999.


Interchange Rate Signvarchar21*Client specific field not available for use*+/-  


Interchange RateNumber20*Client specific field not available for use*Formatted as 9999999999.


Per Tran Fee


Signvarchar21*Client specific field not available for use*+/-  
Per Tran


FeeNumber15*Client specific field not available for use*Formatted as 999999999999.


Mobile Indicatorvarchar22Indicator that a transaction originated from the Ucomm Gateway*Client specific field not available for use


User Data


2varchar2145Discretionary data sent on transaction by the


merchantComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS






1092SpacesFiles will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.  File is padded on the right with spaces. 2500 characters.

005 Debit Detail


File should not contain debit transactions, as debit card transactions will be treated like a normal credit card and should show up as 003 and 004 records. However, 005 is included for completeness.

Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesComments
Record Typevarchar23Constant “005”The 005 record will provide transaction detail for the pin debit card type.  There will be a 005 record for each of the transactions included in the prior day's funding.

Use to determine how to parse the record.

Hierarchy IDvarchar220Hierarchy Merchant Number in which the file is created.  
Hierarchy Level No.varchar25ClientLine Hierarchy Level that the file is being created for.Refer to Appendix 1  
Location IDvarchar220Outlet level MID Merchant ID number for the school/division.
Location DBA Namevarchar280Doing Business Address Name assigned to the Outlet MID 

"UCI MARKETPLACE <highest school/division KFS org code>"

Displayed on customer credit card statement.

Store Numbervarchar210Discretionary number setup on the Merchant Master  
External IDvarchar225Discretionary Number assigned to Outlet Level MID Client Correspondence Flag must be set to a Y 
Funded Date/Load Datevarchar28Funded Date is when the settled transaction amount was sent to your bank for payment. Load Date is when the settled transaction are loaded to the database for reporting.


This field will represent Funded Date by default, unless you select to receive this record by Load Date, then this field will display that Load Date. Load Date doe not indicate that the transactions have been funded

Utilizing Loaded Date (settlement date).

Card Typevarchar210Association that the transaction is sent to for processing. Ex. Visa, MC, etc.Refer to Appendix 2 Corresponds to uPay postback card_type.
Network IDvarchar28Debit Network that processed the transactionRefer to Appendix 20 
Card Numbervarchar225Unique number assigned to cardholderCard masking is determined by the Masking Flag attribute in Business Track portal for the user.Displays first 6, last 4 digits of credit card number.
Terminal IDvarchar215Discretionary POS Identification number**Currently Clientline Database only stores 5 digits 
Batch Numbervarchar220Number assigned to each group of settled transactions 

Bank of America's ID number for the submitted transaction batch.

Should be the same for all transactions in the same report.

Batch Datevarchar28Date group of transactions was settledYYYYMMDD

Batch date.

Authorization Codevarchar286 digit code assigned at the time card was authorized 

Authorization/approval code.

Invoice/Trace IDvarchar220Discretionary 12 digit number sent on transaction by merchant Does not map to TouchNet.
Reference Numbervarchar23023 byte Number assigned to each settled transaction prior to sending to the Associationaka ARNDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction IDvarchar220Number assigned by the AssociationVisa Tran ID or MasterCard Banknet Reference NumberDoes not map to TouchNet.
Transaction Datevarchar28Date transactions was processed at POSYYYYMMDDAuthorization date.
Transaction Amount Signvarchar21+/-('+) = Sale  (-) = RefundCorresponds to uPay postback pmt_amt.

Transaction AmountNumber15Amount of the processed transactionFormatted as 999999999999.99
Processed Currency Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was funded inRefer to Appendix 3 
Submitted Currency Amount Signvarchar21+/- 

('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund

Only available merchants setup as multi-currency 

Submitted Currency AmountNumber15The transaction amount in the currency the transaction was processed in at the POS

Formatted as 999999999999.99

Only available merchants setup as multi-currency 

Submitted Currency Codevarchar23ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was processed in at the POSRefer to Appendix 3 
Currency Conversion RateNumber20The rate applied to convert a transaction between submitted and processed currencyFormatted as 9999999999.999999999 
Cash Back Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Cash Back AmountNumber15Cash that is given to the customer as part of their total debit transaction amountFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Transaction Statusvarchar22Code indicating  if the transaction was processed (P) or rejected (R)Refer to Appendix 4May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if the transaction was rejected (Y) or accepted (N)Refer to Appendix 5May want to verify that transaction went through.
Reject Reasonvarchar280Description why a transaction was rejectedRefer to Appendix 6 
Entry Modevarchar22How the transaction was originally performed (ex. Terminal, POS, Chip)Refer to Appendix 7 
PC Terminal Capabilityvarchar21Code indicating if the card was Present or Not PresentRefer to Appendix 8 
Pinless Debitvarchar21Code indicating if the debit card was processed without a PIN  
Plan Codevarchar24Interchange Plan Code that the transaction should qualify atRefer to  Appendix 9 
Billback Reasonvarchar210The code that indicates why a transaction did not clear at the expected rateRefer to Appendix 10 
Partial Auth Indicatorvarchar211 digit code indicating if Partial Authorization is supportedRefer to Appendix 11 
Transaction Typevarchar26Code indicating the action taken on the card (ex. Sale, Credit, Void)Refer to Appendix 12 
Transaction Modevarchar26The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped)Refer to Appendix 13 
Transaction Sourcevarchar22The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped)Refer to Appendix 14 
Authorization Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund

As of , Authorization Amount matches Transaction Amount.

Authorization AmountNumber15Amount  verified as available on a card for a transaction to occurFormatted as 999999999.99
Authorization Datevarchar28Date the verification occurred on a card for a transactionYYYYMMDD 
Transaction Timevarchar210The hour, minute and second when the transaction was performed


Some FE default this value. You need to check with you account management team if this information is available on your processing platform.

Does not correspond to actual transaction time; set to 00:00:00.
Expiration Datevarchar242 digit month & 2 digit year when a card becomes invalid Does not correspond to actual expiration date of the card.
Authorization SIC Codevarchar24Standard Industry Code at the time the card was authorized that corresponds
to the client’s Visa Merchant Category Code
AVS Flagvarchar21Code indicating the level of Address Verification Refer to Appendix 17 
Response Codevarchar21Same as Authorization Response Code  
CVC2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Code is present for Visa transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
CVV2 Resultvarchar21Indicator if Card Verification Value is present for MasterCard transactionRefer to Appendix 19 
Sales Tax Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Sales Tax AmountNumber15Sales Tax Amount on a petroleum transaction  
Invoice Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Invoice AmountNumber15Total Amount of all the Product Code Amounts for a Petroleum transactionFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 1varchar26

NACS Code for the goods purchased

Only applies to Petroleum

Product Gallons 1Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 1varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 1Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 2 varchar26

NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction

Only applies to Petroleum

Product Gallons2Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 2varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 2Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 3varchar26

NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction

Only applies to Petroleum

Product Gallons 3Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 3varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 3Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 4varchar26

NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction

Only applies to Petroleum

Product Gallons 4Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 4varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 4Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 5varchar26

NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction

Only applies to Petroleum

Product Gallons 5Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 5varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 5Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Vehicle Numbervarchar217

VIN associated with Fleet Card

Only applies to Petroleum


Odometer Number associated with Fleet Card

Only applies to Petroleum

Driver IDvarchar220

Drivers License Number associated with Fleet Card

Only applies to Petroleum

Special Reference  #1 varchar225Discretionary field sent by merchantPTS XN07-Merchant Order Number - Compass FE only 
Special Reference  #2varchar225Discretionary field sent by merchantPTS XN08- Tracking Number - Compass & Omnipay FE only 
Authorization Response Codevarchar22Code that indicates the response on an attempted transaction. (ex. Approval, decline, etc.Refer to Appendix 18 
Bank Reference Numbervarchar220*Client specific field not available for use*  
Receipt Numbervarchar212   
Auth Sourcevarchar21How the transaction was sent  for authorization  
CAT Levelvarchar21Indicator if it is a Card Holder Activated terminal  
Cardholder ID Methodvarchar21Indicates how the Cardholder was identified by the Merchant. This field is only required for VISA transactions  
Merchant Reference Numbervarchar298 digit Discretionary field sent by merchantAvailable on all Front Ends
PTS 'D' record (this # is used as part of the 23 digit Reference Number)
Appears to be sequential ID number that starts at 1. May loosely tie to uPay postback tpg_trans_id, but reliability questionable.
Total Auth Amount Signvarchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = RefundDo NOT use for matching. Does not necessarily match uPay postback pmt_amt.
Total Auth Amountvarchar215Total Amount authorized for a transaction 
Market Specific Indicatorvarchar21Indicates the industry for which market-specific authorization data was included in the transactionSpace No market-specific authorization data supplied
A Valid Auto Rental market-specific authorization data received
B Valid Bill Payment market-specific authorization data received
E Valid Electronic Commerce Transaction Aggregation data received
H Valid Hotel market-specific authorization data received
M Valid Healthcare market-specific authorization data received
N Invalid or not applicable market-specific authorization data received
T Valid Transit market-specific authorization data received
Visa Product IDvarchar22

The Card-Level Results value received in the authorization response

For Custom Payment Service original purchase transactions and their reversals. This field is required for interchange qualifications 
Product Code 6varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 6Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 6varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 6Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 7varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 7Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 7varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 7Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 8varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 8Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 8varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 8Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 9varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 9Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 9varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 9Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Product Code 10varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 10Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999 
Product Amount Sign 10varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund 
Product Amount 10Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99 
Usage Indicatorvarchar21Indicator to identify if credit transaction is Credit ('C) or Signature Debit (D)  
Airline Ticket Numbervarchar220Airline Industry only  
Debit Terminal Datevarchar28Date the terminal processed the debit transaction  
Debit Terminal Timevarchar28Hour, Minute and Second the terminal processed the debit transaction  
User Datavarchar2145Discretionary data sent on transaction by the merchantComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS records 
Mobile Indicatorvarchar22Indicator that a transaction originated from the Ucomm Gateway*Client specific field not available for use* 
Filler 1213SpacesFiles will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.   File is padded on the right with spaces.2500 characters.

014 Location Trailer

Indicates the end of the location. This record gives the count and total sum for each record type under the location. Can be used for validation.

Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesComments
Record Typevarchar23Constant “014”Record 014 indicates the end of a record set for each location included in the file

Use to determine how to parse the record.

Hierarchy IDvarchar220   
Hierarchy Level No.varchar25 Refer to Appendix 1 
Location IDvarchar220   
Location DBA Namevarchar280  


Store Numbervarchar210   
External IDvarchar225   
Funded Date/Load Datevarchar28YYYYMMDD This field will represent Funded Date by default, unless you select to receive Transaction Detail records by Load Date, then this field will display that Load Date. 
002 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
003 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
003 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
003 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
004 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
004 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
004 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
005 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
005 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
005 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
006 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
006 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
006 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
007 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
007 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
007 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 99999999999999.9999  
008 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
008 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
008 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
009 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
009 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
009 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
010 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
010 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
010 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
021 Records - Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
021 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
021 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
029 Records - Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
029 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
029 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
030 Records - Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
030 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
030 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
031 Records - Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
031 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
031 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
011 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
011 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
011 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
012 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
012 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
012 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
013 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
013 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
013 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
022 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
022 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
022 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
024 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
024 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
032 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
032 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
032 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
033 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
033 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
033 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
034 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
034 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
034 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
024 Records -Amountnumber19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
014 Records -Countnumber12Formatted as 999999999999  
Filler 1665  SpacesFiles will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.  File is padded on the right with spaces.2500 characters.

999 File Trailer

Indicates the end of the file. This record gives the count and total sum for each record type in the file. Can be used for validation.


Field NameField TypeField LengthDescriptionNotesComments
Record Typevarchar23Constant “999” Record 999 indicates the end of the file and is mandatory, however the user can choose which fields to be included in the record.   

Use to determine how to parse the record.

Hierarchy IDvarchar220   
Hierarchy Level No.varchar25 Refer to Appendix 1 
Datevarchar28YYYYMMDDThis field will display the prior day's date.  
001 Records -Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
002 Records -Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
003 Records -Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
003 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
003 Records -Amountnumber 19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
004 Records -Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
004 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
004 Records -Amountnumber 19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
005 Records -Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
005 Records -Amount Signvarchar21   
005 Records -Amountnumber 19Formatted as 9999999999999999.99  
014 Records - Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
999 Records - Countnumber 12Formatted as 999999999999  
Filler 2320  SpacesFiles will be 1000 character or 2500 fixed length records depending on how many fields are selected.  File is padded on the right with spaces.2500 characters.


From BAMS documentation.


Product Code 6varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 6Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999
Product Amount Sign 6varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Product Amount 6Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99
Product Code 7varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 7Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999
Product Amount Sign 7varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Product Amount 7Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99
Product Code 8varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 8Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999
Product Amount Sign 8varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Product Amount 8Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99
Product Code 9varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 9Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999
Product Amount Sign 9varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Product Amount 9Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99
Product Code 10varchar26NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum
Product Gallons 10Number11Gallons of petroleum associated with the transactionFormatted as 999999.9999
Product Amount Sign 10varchar21+/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Product Amount 10Number15Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchaseFormatted as 999999999999.99
Usage Indicatorvarchar21Indicator to identify if credit transaction is Credit ('C) or Signature Debit (D) 
Airline Ticket Numbervarchar220Airline Industry only 
Debit Terminal Datevarchar28Date the terminal processed the debit transaction 
Debit Terminal Timevarchar28Hour, Minute and Second the terminal processed the debit transaction 
User Datavarchar2145Discretionary data sent on transaction by the merchantComprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS records
Mobile Indicatorvarchar22Indicator that a transaction originated from the Ucomm Gateway*Client specific field not available for use*


Record Type varchar2 3 Constant “005” The 005 record will provide transaction detail for the pin debit card type.  There will be a 005 record for each of the transactions included in the prior day's funding. Hierarchy ID varchar2 20 Hierarchy Merchant Number in which the file is created.   Hierarchy Level No. varchar2 5 ClientLine Hierarchy Level that the file is being created for. Appendix 1 Location ID varchar2 20 Outlet level MID   Location DBA Name varchar2 80 Doing Business Address Name assigned to the Outlet MID   Store Number varchar2 10 Discretionary number setup on the Merchant Master   External ID varchar2 25 Discretionary Number assigned to Outlet Level MID  Client Correspondence Flag must be set to a Y Funded Date/Load Date varchar2 8 Funded Date is when the settled transaction amount was sent to your bank for payment. Load Date is when the settled transaction are loaded to the database for reporting. YYYYMMDD
This field will represent Funded Date by default, unless you select to receive this record by Load Date, then this field will display that Load Date.
Load Date doe not indicate that the transactions have been funded Card Type varchar2 10 Association that the transaction is sent to for processing. Ex. Visa, MC, etc. Appendix 2 Network ID varchar2 8 Debit Network that processed the transaction Appendix 20 Card Number varchar2 25 Unique number assigned to cardholder Card masking is determined by the Masking Flag attribute in Business Track portal for the user. Terminal ID varchar2 15 Discretionary POS Identification number **Currently Clientline Database only stores 5 digits Batch Number varchar2 20 Number assigned to each group of settled transactions   Batch Date varchar2 8 Date group of transactions was settled YYYYMMDD Authorization Code varchar2 8 6 digit code assigned at the time card was authorized   Invoice/Trace ID varchar2 20 Discretionary 12 digit number sent on transaction by merchant   Reference Number varchar2 30 23 byte Number assigned to each settled transaction prior to sending to the Association aka ARN Transaction ID varchar2 20 Number assigned by the Association Visa Tran ID or MasterCard Banknet Reference Number Transaction Date varchar2 8 Date transactions was processed at POS   Transaction Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/- ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Transaction Amount Number 15 Amount of the processed transaction   Processed Currency Code varchar2 3 ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was funded in Appendix 3 Submitted Currency Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund
Only available merchants setup as multi-currency  Submitted Currency Amount Number 15 The transaction amount in the currency the transaction was processed in at the POS Formatted as 999999999999.99
Only available merchants setup as multi-currency  Submitted Currency Code varchar2 3 ISO 4217 3 digit code representing the  Currency the transaction was processed in at the POS Appendix 3 Currency Conversion Rate Number 20 The rate applied to convert a transaction between submitted and processed currency Formatted as 9999999999.999999999 Cash Back Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Cash Back Amount Number 15 Cash that is given to the customer as part of their total debit transaction amount   Transaction Status varchar2 2 Code indicating  if the transaction was processed (P) or rejected (R) Appendix 4 Reject Indicator varchar2 1 1 digit code indicating if the transaction was rejected (Y) or accepted (N) Appendix 5 Reject Reason varchar2 80 Description why a transaction was rejected Appendix 6 Entry Mode varchar2 2 How the transaction was originally performed (ex. Terminal, POS, Chip) Appendix 7 PC Terminal Capability varchar2 1 Code indicating if the card was Present or Not Present Appendix 8 Pinless Debit varchar2 1 Code indicating if the debit card was processed without a PIN   Plan Code varchar2 4 Interchange Plan Code that the transaction should qualify at Appendix 9 Billback Reason varchar2 10 The code that indicates why a transaction did not clear at the expected rate Appendix 10 Partial Auth Indicator varchar2 1 1 digit code indicating if Partial Authorization is supported Appendix 11 Transaction Type varchar2 6 Code indicating the action taken on the card (ex. Sale, Credit, Void) Appendix 12 Transaction Mode varchar2 6 The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped) Appendix 13 Transaction Source varchar2 2 The manor in which a transaction was processed (ex. Electronic, Manual, Swiped) Appendix 13 Authorization Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Authorization Amount Number 15 Amount  verified as available on a card for a transaction to occur Formatted as 999999999.99 Authorization Date varchar2 8 Date the verification occurred on a card for a transaction YYYYMMDD Transaction Time varchar2 10 The hour, minute and second when the transaction was performed HH:MM:SS
Some FE default this value. You need to check with you account management team if this information is available on your processing platform. Expiration Date varchar2 4 2 digit month & 2 digit year when a card becomes invalid   Authorization SIC Code varchar2 4 Standard Industry Code at the time the card was authorized that corresponds
to the client’s Visa Merchant Category Code   AVS Flag varchar2 1 Code indicating the level of Address Verification  Appendix 17 Response Code varchar2 1 Same as Authorization Response Code   CVC2 Result varchar2 1 Indicator if Card Verification Code is present for Visa transaction Appendix 19 CVV2 Result varchar2 1 Indicator if Card Verification Value is present for MasterCard transaction Appendix 19 Sales Tax Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Sales Tax Amount Number 15 Sales Tax Amount on a petroleum transaction   Invoice Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Invoice Amount Number 15 Total Amount of all the Product Code Amounts for a Petroleum transaction Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 1 varchar2 6 NACS Code for the goods purchased
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 1 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 1 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 1 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 2  varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons2 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 2 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 2 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 3 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 3 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 3 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 3 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 4 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 4 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 4 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 4 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 5 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 5 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 5 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 5 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Vehicle Number varchar2 17 VIN associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to Petroleum   Odometer varchar2 10 Odometer Number associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to Petroleum   Driver ID varchar2 20 Drivers License Number associated with Fleet Card
Only applies to Petroleum   Special Reference  #1  varchar2 25 Discretionary field sent by merchant PTS XN07-Merchant Order Number - Compass FE only Special Reference  #2 varchar2 25 Discretionary field sent by merchant PTS XN08- Tracking Number - Compass & Omnipay FE only Authorization Response Code varchar2 2 Code that indicates the response on an attempted transaction. (ex. Approval, decline, etc. Appendix 18 Bank Reference Number varchar2 20 *Client specific field not available for use*   Receipt Number varchar2 12     Auth Source varchar2 1 How the transaction was sent  for authorization   CAT Level varchar2 1 Indicator if it is a Card Holder Activated terminal   Cardholder ID Method varchar2 1 Indicates how the Cardholder was identified by the Merchant. This field is only required for VISA transactions   Merchant Reference Number varchar2 9 8 digit Discretionary field sent by merchant Available on all Front Ends
PTS 'D' record (this # is used as part of the 23 digit Reference Number) Total Auth Amount Sign varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Total Auth Amount varchar2 15 Total Amount authorized for a transaction   Market Specific Indicator varchar2 1 Indicates the industry for which market-specific authorization data was included in the transaction Space No market-specific authorization data supplied
A Valid Auto Rental market-specific authorization data received
B Valid Bill Payment market-specific authorization data received
E Valid Electronic Commerce Transaction Aggregation data received
H Valid Hotel market-specific authorization data received
M Valid Healthcare market-specific authorization data received
N Invalid or not applicable market-specific authorization data received
T Valid Transit market-specific authorization data received Visa Product ID varchar2 2 the Card-Level Results value received in the authorization response For Custom Payment Service original purchase transactions and their reversals. This field is required for interchange qualifications Product Code 6 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 6 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 6 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 6 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 7 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 7 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 7 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 7 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 8 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 8 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 8 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 8 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 9 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 9 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 9 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 9 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Product Code 10 varchar2 6 NACS Code for multiple goods purchased in a single transaction
Only applies to Petroleum   Product Gallons 10 Number 11 Gallons of petroleum associated with the transaction Formatted as 999999.9999 Product Amount Sign 10 varchar2 1 +/-  ('+) = Sale  (-) = Refund Product Amount 10 Number 15 Transaction Amount for Petroleum purchase Formatted as 999999999999.99 Usage Indicator varchar2 1 Indicator to identify if credit transaction is Credit ('C) or Signature Debit (D)   Airline Ticket Number varchar2 20 Airline Industry only   Debit Terminal Date varchar2 8 Date the terminal processed the debit transaction   Debit Terminal Time varchar2 8 Hour, Minute and Second the terminal processed the debit transaction   User Data varchar2 145 Discretionary data sent on transaction by the merchant Comprised of the XN02-XN06 PTS records Mobile Indicator varchar2 2 Indicator that a transaction originated from the Ucomm Gateway *Client specific field not available for use* Filler   1213    

Refer to Appendix 1