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SAMS allows DSAs (Departmental Security Administrators) to grant access to staff for administrative functions (such as Payroll Time Reporting, PAL Departmental Purchasing, Invoice Notifications, Transfer of Expense, PayQuest, etc.). Department heads or assistant deans designate a DSA and a backup DSA for each departmental/organizational unit.


  • DSAs are allowed to grant access only to account/funds and/or home department codes for which they are authorized.  If a function requires training or central office approval, access is placed in "pending" status until training is completed and approval is granted.
  • SAMS retains a record of employees that have been trained (e.g. PAL departmental purchasing), and automatically recognizes this when an employee moves to another department.
  • DSAs can also assign and change remote printers needed to print completed journals and purchase orders. A convenient look-up feature allows DSAs to find assigned printers by individual.


The ‘Add’ option allows you to add privileges to new or existing employees.  This option does not allow you to modify existing access.  To modify privileges, please see below. 

To add privileges to any employee click the ‘Add’ link.  Use the Search Function as illustrated above.  A screen will open to add privileges to the employee.  The access privileges are set in a directory tree on the left side of the screen.  Selecting the desired privileges displays them under the employee’s name on the right.


If you need a description of a function simply click the ‘?’ to the right of the function name.


Certain functions require you to set the financial hierarchy and/or payroll home department rights for that employee.  For each privilege, select the lowest hierarchy/home department code you wish to assign from the list.  To select multiple financial hierarchies, click on the function to add another hierarchy selection list.  To select multiple payroll home department codes, press the “Ctrl” key and select all home departments you wish to grant for this user.


If you wish to assign an employee to the Account level you must type in the account.







 For PAL and Payroll functions, the hierarchies/home departments MUST be the same for ALL functions granted within that category. For example, if the user already has Department 0302 for PAL Storehouse, and you are adding PAL Low Value to their access, they must be also set up at Department 0302.  The error message “Functions within tree level must have the same hierarchy” will appear in the confirmation window if these hierarchies do not match.


Once all the desired privileges have been added, click the Proceed button.  A new confirmation window will appear.  If the changes are correct, press the Submit button to update the account.  E-mail is automatically sent to you and the employee.


If you desire to make changes before submittal, then click the Cancel button to return to the Access Addition screen.


If an error appears when pressing the Proceed button, click the Close button and correct the error on the Access Addition screen. 

Error Messages (Red)


Functions within tree level must have the same hierarchy

For PAL and PPS functions all hierarchies must match within each category (tree level/folder). Close window and double-check that that hierarchies match for these functions, also check if user has existing access to these functions for a different hierarchy.

Hierarchy is a subset of an existing hierarchy

User already has access to another level of this hierarchy.

Duplicate Hierarchy

User already has access to this function/hierarchy combination



Warning Messages (Green)


Access pending eLogin

User must complete the eLogin process before access is released from a pending state.

Access pending training

User must complete training before access is released from a pending state.

Access pending central office approval

User must get central office approval before access is released from a pending state. Contact the central office approver to get this approval.



Once all privileges have been submitted for an employee, the screen will refresh and display a complete list of rights you have assigned.  Click the Print button if you would like a paper copy for your records. 

If there are any error messages (red) on this screen, print this screen and contact the AdCom Help Desk at (949) 824-8500 immediately so that this error can be addressed.


Modifying Privileges

The ‘Add/Modify’ option allows you to add and modify privileges for an employee.



To modify privileges for any employee click the ‘Add/Modify’ link.  Use the Search Function as illustrated above.  A screen displaying the current privileges for that employee will display.  Select the privileges you wish to modify by clicking the check box next to the privilege.  If you do not have access to modify a privilege the check box will not display.  After you have made your selections, click the Next button. 


The privileges you have selected will be displayed under the employee’s name.  From this page you can modify the hierarchy rights by selecting the appropriate code.  If you wish to delete a privilege by either selecting the appropriate check box next to the existing privilege or changing the hierarchy code.


You can also add privileges at this time by selecting from the directory tree on the left. If you need assistance, please refer to the ‘Adding Privileges’ section above.



If you need a description of a function simply click the ‘?’ to the right of the function name. 

Once all changes have been made, click the Proceed button.  A new confirmation window will appear.  If the changes are correct press the Submit button to update the account.  An e-mail is automatically sent to the employee and to you.


If you desire to make changes before submittal then click the Cancel button to return to the ‘Access Modification’ screen.


If an error appears when pressing the Proceed button, click the Close button and correct the error on the ‘Access Modification’ screen.


Error Messages (Red)


Functions within tree level must have the same hierarchy

For PAL and PPS functions all hierarchies must match within each category (tree level/folder). Close window and double-check that that hierarchies match for these functions, also check if user has existing access to these functions for a different hierarchy.

Hierarchy is a subset of an existing hierarchy

User already has access to another level of this hierarchy.

Duplicate Hierarchy

User already has access to this function/hierarchy combination



Warning Messages (Green)


Access pending eLogin

User must complete the eLogin process before access is released from a pending state.

Access pending training

User must complete training before access is released from a pending state.

Access pending central office approval

User must get central office approval before access is released from a pending state. Contact the central office approver to get this approval.


Once all privileges have been submitted for an employee, the screen will refresh and display a complete list of rights you have assigned.  Click the Print button if you would like a paper copy for your records.


If there are any error messages (red) on this screen, print this screen and contact the AdCom Help Desk at (949) 824-8500 immediately so that this error can be addressed.



Copying Access

The Copy function allows DSAs to copy access from an existing or cancelled user to a new or existing user. 

To copy privileges to any employee click the ‘Copy’ link.  Use the Search Function as illustrated above to search for the desired employee you wish to grant access to.  A screen will appear with a second Search Function allowing you to select the employee you wish to copy access from.  Search as illustrated above, and then select the date that this user’s access was valid.




Tip:  If the user you are copying from has been cancelled in SAMS, you must select the date that this user was cancelled in SAMS.  For example, if Jane Doe was cancelled in SAMS on 01/01/2005, you must enter this date when copying her access to your new employee.




The privileges to be copied will be displayed under the employee’s name.  Here you can modify the hierarchy/home department rights by selecting the appropriate code.  If you wish to delete a privilege then click the check box next to the existing privilege.
