SAMS (Security Access Maintenance System) is the latest web-based application developed by AdCom Services. It simplifies and streamlines the process of providing access to administrative functions required by staff.
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Tip: If the user you are copying from has been cancelled in SAMS, you must select the date that this user was cancelled in SAMS. For example, if Jane Doe was cancelled in SAMS on 01/01/2005, you must enter this date when copying her access to your new employee. |
The privileges to be copied will be displayed under the employee’s name. Here you can modify the hierarchy/home department rights by selecting the appropriate code. If you wish to delete a privilege then click the check box next to the existing privilege.
You can also add privileges at this time by selecting from the directory tree on the left. If you need assistance, please refer to the ‘Adding Privileges’ section above.
Suspended Access
If a user’s employee status has changed from ‘Active’ to ‘Separated’ in the Payroll Personnel System (PPS), SAMS will automatically suspend their access the morning after their status has changed. This prevents the user from accessing any system that they have access to through SAMS. All DSAs within the user’s organizational unit will be notified via email of the suspension. If the user has permanently separated from UCI, the DSA will need to cancel this user. If the user’s employment status is not permanent, the DSA can reinstate the user’s access, restoring all access, only if the user’s employment status has returned to ‘Active’.
If you wish to take action upon a suspended user, click on the ‘Access’ tab. Search for the user (using Add, Add/Modify, or Cancel options) using the Search Function as illustrated above. A message will automatically display, informing that the user’s access has been suspended.
If you wish to reinstate the user’s access, click on the Reinstate Access option. A message will display confirming your decision, with the user’s current access displayed below. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to cancel.
If you wish to cancel the user, click on the ‘Complete Cancellation’ option. This will take you to the Cancel Access function. Please refer to the ‘Canceling Access’ section below for complete instructions.
Canceling Access
The Cancel Access function should only be used for employees that have separated, have left your department, or no longer need access to administrative applications.
If you wish to delete all existing access for an employee click the ‘Cancel Account’ link. Use the Search Function as illustrated above. A message will display confirming your decision, with the user’s current access displayed below. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm and ‘No’ to cancel.
In order for your staff to print documents from the IBM mainframe they must be set up for remote printing.
You can assign a printer easily by using the Search Function as illustrated above to locate your employee. If the employee is already set up to an existing remote printer, the printer identification number will be displayed in the text box. If you know the printer identification number you wish to assign, you can enter it in the Printer ID field and click ‘Update’.
If you do not know the printer identification but know of another employee who is remote printing to the desired printer you can use the Remote Printer search on the right. This works just like the employee Search Function. Once the desired employee is located their information is displayed on the screen. Click the ‘Printer ID’ link to set the Printer ID for your current employee. This will update the previous window with the Printer ID. If this is correct, click ‘Update’ to submit the change.
To clear the assigned Printer ID for an employee you can click on Reset. This will remove the assigned Printer ID for the active employee, and reset the printer back to the original if they already had a printer defined.
You can easily configure other employee printer privileges by clicking the ‘New Search’ link. This will load the Search Function.