- What is "WebAuth"?
- WebAuth is a Web Single Sign-On (SSO) service that enables you to use a variety of different online services at UCI without having to login multiple times. Activity involving WebAuth can mean access to many different web applications at UCI. More information can be found at: http://www.oit.uci.edu/idm/webauth/
- How often should I check my activity?
- It is a good habit to check periodically, whether that is daily, weekly or monthly. If you don't change your password periodically using a uniquely long and hard to guess phrase, don't use multi-factor authentication, or login from untrusted computers, you'll want to check your account activity more frequently than not.
- What are the currently supported services?
- WebAuth successful login, VPN(s) successful login, KSAMS successful login, DEFT update
- Will activity from other services be added?
- Yes, in future revisions we will look to add log activity from more UCI services that are helpful and relevant to the broader community. If you have suggestions, please contact us.
- Can I get automatically notified of new account activity?
- Not currently, however this may be in a future update.