- Marketplace - uPay Site Manager
- Manage uPay site settings
- Note that in TEST, you will be creating your own from scratch. In PRODUCTION, a skeleton uPay site is created.
- This is minimally the developer for this project, additional functional staff may be added in the future
- Marketplace - uPay Payment Clerk
- Issue reversals
- As a developer, when it’s time to test the PRODUCTION uPay site, you will need a real credit card and perform a live transaction. You will want to be able to refund this charge immediately after; in production this is a FUNCTIONAL USER role, developers only use this feature for testing
- Marketplace - uPay Accountant
- View uPay reports
- View and update Posting Status report
- In addition to functional office, developer may also need access for the Posting Status report
uPay TEST URL information found here.
uPay TEST Setup
- Sending Web Application - application that redirects customer to payment page
- Required; upon uPay Site creation, a Site ID value is generated
- Value must be sent with the customer to Marketplace
- Strongly recommended; must send this key/value to get a reference value in the postback to know what/who payment is for, which invoice number this payment applies to
- Optional; allows you to label this value for the customer in a way that is relevant
Code Block <input type="hidden" name="UPAY_SITE_ID" value="$upay_site_id"> <input type="hidden" name="EXT_TRANS_ID_LABEL" value="$ext_trans_id_label"> <input type="hidden" name="EXT_TRANS_ID" value="$ext_trans_id">
- Postback Web Application - decide if using a separate web application to process postback results of the payment transaction; need to verify postback functionality of the payments submitted
Create uPay site in the TEST environment; fill in the following sections:
Tip Specific fields mentioned are not inclusive of all the fields you need to enter, just those with hints to help your development.
- Miscellaneous
Site Name - Make it reader friendly; this will show in the signature block of the notification of payment email the user receives
Warning Must also be identical to the Program Name in the Ecommerce profile
- Posting URL - Is the web application that Marketplace will send the postback payment results to; it does not have to be the same URL as your original web application used for sending the client to Marketplace; make sure any necessary firewalls rules are in place to allow TouchNet to access this web application
- Additional Posting Value - Not viewed by anyone but your postback application and is meant to allow you to validate the source of the postback HTTP POST
- Success Link URL - Button; where customers go after their payment has completed
- Error Link URL - Only used for system errors
- Cancel Link URL - Button; where customers go when they click the cancel button
- Messages & Titles
- Payment Settings
- Required encoded validation key for amount - If using a default payment amount, you do not need to enable this
- Passed Amount Validation Key - If using a default payment amount, you do not need to populate this
- Default Payment Amount - If using a default payment amount, you MUST enter a value here (no dollar signs, e.g. 100.00)
- Payment Amount Prompt - If using default payment amount, this prompt is not displayed anywhere
- Images - Upload your header, footer, and sidebar (optional) images here; you can test your payments without this at the beginning
- Style Sheets - Optional; upload your style sheets here if you’re using them
- Users - Do not edit anything here
- Miscellaneous
- Change the status of your new uPay site to "Enabled" - this is changed in the Miscellaneous section