- KSAMS Access
- Ecommerce
- Marketplace
- Ecommerce
- Create program profile with Chart of Account (COA) distribution
- Indicate uStore /or uPay in description
- Submit for approval
- Central Office will create uStore/uPay skeleton before approving program
- Business rules:
- 1-1 mapping between Ecommerce program and uStore or uPay site
- Name is used to map for ledger processing
- uStore products will share same COA distribution
- uPay transactions will share same COA distribution
- If COA distribution is different, department must create different programs and have separate uStore/uPay sites
- 1-1 mapping between Ecommerce program and uStore or uPay site
- Create program profile with Chart of Account (COA) distribution
- Marketplace Authorization
- KSAMS Marketplace request route to Central Office
- Central Office will setup users and send out login information
- Central Office will assign appropriate access to uStores/uPay sites
- Marketplace
- Authorized department users can come in to configure uStore/uPay
- uStore
- Products products must have "Auto Fulfill" set to Yes
- Verify uStore/uPay with personal card (e.g. Marketplace does not have test credit card numbers in PRODUCTION)
- Can void before midnight cutoff, or issue a refund after
- Bring uStore/uPay live accordingly
- Authorized department users can come in to configure uStore/uPay