Field Name | Description | Choices | New | In Process |
Number | Project number will be assigned by the system when the project is submitted. | Leave blank | n/a | Required |
Priority | The relative importance of the project in the context of all other projects currently being managed in OIT. This field is used as a planning tool to help determine where resources should be allocated and has no effect on the actual execution of the project. | - Critical
- High
- Moderate
- Low
- Planning
| Planning | As Needed |
Project Work Type | From a project management perspective, projects in OIT fall into one of two broadly-defined types: - Maintenance projects are those that are undertaken to implement routine, repetitive work, or short-duration work.
- Actual projects are non-routine, expensive, long-duration, require management oversight and detailed reporting. (See Identifying a Project for information on how OIT defines a "project" vs. maintenance.)
| - Project for actual projects.
- Maintenance for non-project work that needs to be tracked.
| Project | As Needed |
Anchor |
| Actual_Effort |
| Actual_Effort |
| Actual Effort
| Actual number of hours charged to the project. If time cards for the project are being approved, this field is automatically calculates based on the approved time cards of all the resources who worked on the project and all associated project tasks. | Leave blank | Optional | Optional |
Anchor |
| Documentation_Link |
| Documentation_Link |
| Documentation Link
| Provide the URL to the main documentation page for the project. This should be a fully-qualified URL including the scheme (e.g., http://, https://) and all elements of the path required to directly access the documentation page. | Leave blank or provide a fully-qualified URL. | Optional | Optional, but recommended |
Parent | If the project is being managed as a subproject of another project then provide the project number of the parent project. This field can also be managed by updating the subproject list in the parent project itself. | Leave blank or select a project number from the search box. | Optional | Optional |
Anchor |
| Date_Submitted |
| Date_Submitted |
| Date Submitted | Enter the date the project was submitted. The current system date will be used if left blank. | Optional | Optional | Required |
Submitted By | The name of the person submitting the project information. Initially this will default to the name of the person entering the project information but it can be changed if the project is being entered on behalf of someone else. | Anyone with a valid UCINetID | Required | Required |
Anchor |
| Configuration_item |
| Configuration_item |
| Configuration item | If the project is associated with a specific CI, select the CI from the list. | Any defined CI. | Optional | Optional |
Schedule | The work schedule to be used for the project. The default schedule is an 8-hour work day (from 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm). A "day" is considered as a working day, not a 24-hour day. | Select a schedule from the list of defined work schedules. | Optional | Optional |
Portfolio | Project portfolios contain groups of projects. Portfolios have been created for each OIT Team. While the portfolio is optional it is recommended that you indicate a primary portfolio for all new projects. | Typically this will be the portfolio associated with your team or one specified by your manager. | Optional | Optional |
Anchor |
| Percent_complete |
| Percent_complete |
| Percent complete | The percentage of the project that has been completed. If the Calculation field is set to Automatic then this is calculated based on the percent complete for all tasks associated with the project. | Any number between 0 and 100. | Optional | Required |
Anchor |
| Estimated_cost |
| Estimated_cost |
| Estimated cost | An estimate of the cost of the project calculated by rolling up the estimated cost values for all tasks in the project. If no tasks are in the project, this field is editable. If tasks are configured, this field becomes a read-only rollup calculation and overwrites any earlier entry that you made. | Any numeric value or leave blank and it will be calculated. | Optional | Optional |
Phase | The process of directing and controlling a project from start to finish is generally divided into at least four basic phases and possibly more, depending on the project framework being employed. This field is used to define the current phase of the project within its overall lifecycle. This field is not used for any reporting and its use is optional by the project team. | Expand |
title | Click here for Phase options and definitions... |
| - Initiating - The project is in its initial stages where it is being examined for benefits, impact, and determination of whether the project can realistically be completed.
- Planning - The project is explored in more detail and requirements, project plan, charter, scope and other governing documents are prepared to outline the work to be performed. A project team is assembled and a budget, schedule, and resource requirements are determined.
- Executing - Tasks are distributed and teams begin actual implementation of the project work. This includes acquisition of materials, development, deployment, testing, documenting, and production rollout of the work. This phase ends with the client's acceptance of the work.
- Closing - After project tasks are completed and the work is in production, an evaluation is performed to highlight project performance.
| Initiating | As Needed |
State | Current functional state of the project. When changing a project state only the following transitions should be used: When the Current State is: | It should only be changed to: |
Pending | Work in Progress, Closed Withdrawn | Work in Progress | Hold, Closed Complete, Closed Incomplete | Hold | Work in Progress, Closed Complete, Closed Incomplete | Closed Complete | No option | Closed Incomplete | No option | Closed Withdrawn | No option |
Note that changing a project State to or from Work in Progress or any of the Closed states can have unexpected side effects. Expand |
title | Click Here for more information. |
| Project State Rollups and Roll Downs Project task states roll up. The state of parent tasks becomes read only and is updated automatically when you change the states of child tasks. Project task states can roll up if: - The state of the child task is manually changed and there are no other conditions on the parent task.
- The state of the child task is changed to Work in Progress or Closed. These states roll up to the parent. Pending and Open do not roll up to the parent task.
Project states can also roll down: If you change the state of a project to Closed, all tasks under it change to Closed Complete. If a closed project or closed task is reopened, all tasks under it change as follows: - If the project or parent changes from Closed to Pending or Open:
- Child tasks change to Open.
- If the project or parent changes from Closed to Work in Progress:
- Child tasks with a Start on date that has passed are changed to start ASAP and the State is changed to Work in Progress.
- Child tasks with a Start on date that has not yet passed retain the same start on date but the state is changed to Open.
| Expand |
title | Click here for State options and definitions... |
| - Pending - Projects that have been partially entered but are not yet ready for formal submission due to missing or evolving information or requirements. Also, projects that have complete information but have not been initiated due to timing, available resources, or other coordinating events.
- Work in Progress - Active projects that are consuming resources.
- Hold - A project that has reached the Work in Progress state but needs to be paused for timing, available resources, or other coordinating events.
- Closed Complete - The project has been completed and no more activity is being tracked against it.
- Closed Incomplete - Work on the project was started but the project is being abandoned without having achieved the defined goals.
- Closed Withdrawn - The project did not pass the PENDING stage but will no longer be considered for dedicating resources to.
| Pending | |
Anchor |
| Planned_start_date |
| Planned_start_date |
| Planned start date | The intended date the project should begin. If the Calculation field is set to Automatic then the planned start date is set to the earliest time that the project schedule allows. For example, if the project task is created at 3:00pm and the default schedule is in use (which has an 8:00am start date), the default task start is 8:00am the next day. Click the calendar icon and select a date to start the project. Projects do not automatically start on the planned start date. The project actually starts when you click Start project or set the State to Open or Work in Progress. | Use the calendar tool to select a date. | Optional | Required |
Anchor |
| Planned_end_date |
| Planned_end_date |
| Planned end date | The intended date the project should end. This field can be set manually but it will be recalculated if the Planned duration or Planned start date fields change. This date is used when preparing reports showing project performance based on dates (i.e,. projects completed early or late). | Use the calendar tool to select a date. | Optional | Required |
Anchor |
| Planned_duration |
| Planned_duration |
| Planned duration | The expected duration of the project. The duration is recalculated if the planned end date changes. The duration also considers the project schedule, accounting for any non-work time in the schedule. For example, if the default schedule is used, with a standard 8-hour work day, a project that starts at 8:00am on July 1 and ends at noon on July 2 is calculated as 1 day and 4 hours, not 28 hours. Any project or project task with no children is restricted to a maximum duration of 1,500 days. | Calculated as the difference between Planned start date and Planned end date but can be overridden. Manually entering a duration will force the recalculation of the Planned end date. | Optional | Required |
Anchor |
| Actual_start_date |
| Actual_start_date |
| Actual start date | The actual date work on the project began. This field can be set manually but it will be set to the current system date when the Start the Project button is clicked when the project state is set to Work in Progress or Open. Once the time the project starts, this field becomes read only. This date is used when preparing reports showing project performance based on dates (i.e,. projects started early or late). | Use the calendar tool to select a date. | Optional | Required |
Anchor |
| Actual_end_date |
| Actual_end_date |
| Actual end date | The actual date the project ended. This field can be set manually but it will be recalculated if the project has any tasks or subprojects and the state of any of the tasks or subprojects changes. In that case, the actual end date will be set to the most recent completion date among all tasks in the project hierarchy. This date is used when preparing reports showing project performance based on dates (i.e,. projects completed early or late). | Use the calendar tool to select a date. | Optional | Optional |
Calculation | Calculation method for project and subproject begin and end dates as well as percent complete. | Expand |
title | Click here for Calculation options and definitions... |
| - Automatic - Begin dates, end dates, and percent complete will be automatically rolled up based on individual task dates and completion percentages from project tasks. Experienced users may want to use this option, but the results can be confusing for less experienced users and the results will rarely coincide with values generated by tools other than ServiceNow (e.g., MS Project).
- Manual - Begin and ending dates and percent complete will not be rolled up from individual project tasks. This is the recommended setting in nearly cases.
| Manual | Required |
Risk | The current risk state of the project. This should be reviewed periodically by the PM and updated as needed. This field is used by the Project Review Team (PRT) to identify projects that require intervention in order to avoid major disruptions. Any project with the Risk set to Critical or High will be reviewed at the monthly PRT meeting. | Expand |
title | Click here for Risk options and definitions... |
| - Critical - Project is either stalled or is at imminent risk of becoming stalled. The project team cannot resolve the issue without direct attention from the project executives. Immediate action is needed to get the project moving again.
- High - There is a certainty that the project will be impacted by something that is outside the control of the stakeholders. This can include loss of resources (staff, funding, etc.), excessive scope creep, significant noncompliance with project requirements, major testing failures, etc. If remedial action is not taken, the project will stall.
- Moderate - It is possible that the project will be impacted by something outside the control of the stakeholders. This can include changes in system architecture, nontrivial changes to project scope, changes in project staffing, reduction in funding, etc. If remedial action is not taken, the project will be able to continue but milestones may be missed or deliverables may have to be re-evaluated.
- Low - A risk has been identified but the remedy is easily managed within the framework of the project organization. (It is to be expected that most projects will fall into this category most of the time.)
- Planning - Work on the project has not yet started.
| Planning | As Needed |
Project Name | Enter a name for the project that is consistent with OIT naming standards. | See Project Naming Standards for information on how to name projects. | Required | Required |
Anchor |
| Sponsoring_Office |
| Sponsoring_Office |
| Sponsoring Office | The campus department that will be the primary beneficiary of the work completed for the project. | Free form text. | Required | Required |
Anchor |
| Assignment_group |
| Assignment_group |
| Assignment group | The primary OIT Team working on the project. While many assignment groups could potentially be associated with a project, the group where the majority of the project assignments will be assigned should be entered here. | Select from reference list. | Required | Required |
Description | A concise description of the project that can be used to clarify the project name. The description should never be more than a paragraph and rarely more than a few sentences. If a more detailed description is needed then use the fields in the Project Proposal section of the form. | Free form text only. Field does not accept images, embedded files, HTML or any text formatting (bold, italic, alternate font, etc.). | Required | Required |
Work notes | General information and notes about the project's status, progress, milestones, and other deliverables. The notes entered here will be moved to the Activity field when the project record is updated. | Free form text. | Optional | Optional |
Anchor |
| Current_status |
| Current_status |
| Current status | Provide a brief, overall summary of the current state of the project. This information will be used on reports used to inform stakeholders on the project status. Updates to this field will overwrite previous status information and the previous information is not automatically saved. If you want to preserve an archive of the status notes, they should be copied to the project's Work notes field before being updated here. | Free form text only. | Optional | As Needed |
Anchor |
| Current_status_date |
| Current_status_date |
| Current status date | The date the Current status field was last updated. | Automatically defaults to the date the Current status field was last updated but can be overridden. | Optional | As Needed |
Mandate | Check this box if the project is being implemented in response to a directive with which OIT or the campus must comply. Mandates can come from senior executives on campus, the Office of the President, state or federal agencies, or other sources. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager or Executive Sponsor to determine whether a project is mandate-driven. When this box is checked, be sure to include a description and conditions of the mandate in the project summary. The Project Review Team will consider this information when assigning resources, resolving conflicts, and determining priorities. | Defaults to False (project is not driven by a mandate). | Optional | Optional |