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Comment: updates to people and systems, need to further update with ops lead


  • Office of Research
    • Including: Research Administration (Sponsored Projects and Research Protections), Research Development, University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR), Vice Chancellor of Research's Office and Operations, Office of Technology Alliances (now Applied Innovation - Invention Transfer Group)

Team Leads:

  • OR IT Team: Eric Taggart and Noah Margolis (primaries)
    • Kuali Research: David Tieu Tim Bui  (primary) - Carolyn Lai (backup) and Tim Bui   David Tieu (backup)
    • RMS-Tick@Lab: Da Lu (primary) - Chris Price (backup)


  • Team provides backup functional systems administration support for Cascade Server and provides backup ZotPortal content editing support for Meredith

Team Members:


Business UnitFunctional Area

Lead Functional Manager(s)

Technical LeadTechnical BackupRelated Systems
ORResearch Admin - Sponsored Projects (SPA)

Nancy Lewis

Omar (DB and VB apps)


Vaheid (SPA web apps)


David (Tim (KR)

Chris (DB and VB apps)


Carolyn (web apps)


Tim (KR)

Carolyn (KR)

SPA System


AwardSearch, C&G Acctg Online Program, more

 SPA System

Award Transaction Summary

Kuali Research Proposal Development Module, Award, Negotiations Module, COI, Cayuse Integration

ORElectronic Research AdministrationBarbara Inderwiesche

ORResearch Admin - Conflict of InterestNadia Wong

Omar (DB and VB apps)


David (KR)

Chris (DB and VB apps)


Tim (KR)Carolyn (KR)

Kuali Research COI Module

ORResearch Admin - Research ProtectionsKaren AllenBeverley Alberola
Omar Chris (DB and VB apps)
Chris (web apps)Chris (DB and VB apps)
Chris (web apps)

KR Protocols (vendor)

HPS System, ARS System, hSCRO System

IRB eApp, IRB eMod, IRB eCPA, IRB eCloseout, IRB Doc Depot, more eAgenda, eAgenda 2.0

ORULARClaire Lindsel

Omar (DB and VB apps)
Vaheid (web apps)Da Lu (Tick@Lab)

Chris (DB and VB apps)


Chris (web apps)

Chris (Tick@Lab)ARS System


RMS (Tick@Lab) (vendor)

ORVice Chancellor's Office and Operations

Karen Tano



ORCommunicationsGreg Ruth







OR Website, ULAR Website (and protected content), TMF Website, OTA website, Cascade

Fund Opps, Faculty Profile System

ORIT Projects and Support OversightPramod Khargonekar
Mark Warner

EricNoahGeneral OIT Liaison (OIT Sr Mgmnt, Desktop Support, Help Desk, other OIT Services), IT Team Management
ORResearch Administration Data Warehouse

Bruce Morgan

Karen AllenBeverley Alberola

Nancy Lewis

Barbara Inderwiesche

AustinVacant/ValerieResearch Admin DWH w/ ODS, Informatica and Cognos
Applied InnovationInvention Tranfer Transfer Group (was Office of Technology Alliances)Ronnie Hanacek
David (KR)

Tim (KR)Carolyn (KR)

BMTA Module within KR
