UCIMI email address UCI-Malaria-Initiative@uci.edu
| Anthony Cornel Medical Endomologist Phone: (559) 646-6556 | Postdoc Researcher Email: vgantz@ucsd.edu
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UCI | UCB | UCD | UCLA | UCSD | ||||||||||
Sponsored Projects Officer | Rhodell Valdez
| Joyce Chun Diaz PRE AND POST AWARD Xochi Driscoll Otonye Amatoru otonye@berkeley.edu Nenita Pert nperth@berkeley.edu
| Lisa Y. Parker account manager is: Sarah Quiratman (530) 752-4234
| Miesha Bailey Daniel Nguyen dnguyen@finance.ucla.edu | Sabrina Bakit
Stephanie Schuck Fund Manager 1545 Urey Hall, MC 0346 Phone: (858) 822-4150 Fax: (858) 534-1072 | |||||||||
| Faculty Assistant | Contract and Grant Officer | Contracts and Grants Analyst | Contract and Grant Officer | Contract and Grant Officer | |||||||||
Department | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics | Sponsored Projects Office | Office of Research | Office of Contract and Grant | | |||||||||
University of California, Irvine | University of California, Berkeley | UC Davis | UCLA | UCSD | ||||||||||
Address | 3216 McGaugh Hall | 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite #300 | 1850 Research Park Drive, Suite 300 | 10889 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 700 | | |||||||||
| Irvine, Ca 92697-7600 | Berkeley, CA 94704-5940 | Davis, CA 95618-6153 | Los Angeles, CA 90095-1406 |
| |||||||||
Phone | (949) 824-8546 | (510)642-8109 | (530) 754-8017 | (310) 943-3823, (310) 794-0259 | (858) 822-2901 | |||||||||
Fax | (510)642-8236 | |||||||||||||
email | rhodellv@uci.edu | Project Management
Yoosook Lee Field Management
| DIV BIOLOGICAL SCI | Address | Phone | (858) 246-2888 sentelle@uci.edu |
| slwerner@ucsd.edu | ||||||
Projects scientists and lab teams |
Judy Coleman- Lab Manager, Kristy Huang, Adam Kelsey, Phuong Nguyen, Thai Binh Pham |
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