Versions Compared


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UCI IRB does not have specific guidance for GMO mosquitoes, however it would expect documentation of community consent prior to any release.



Pre Award SOPs

Purpose: To have consistent workflow for starting and managing awards pre and post.


KC – Kuali Coeus  - workflow program

PI  - Principal Investigator

WIKI – website for documentation and information

LOI - Letter of Intent

LOS – Letter of support

COI - Conflict of Interest

F&A – Facilities and Administration AKA overhead (OH)

MMG – Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

MBB – Microbiology and Biochemistry



1. Receive documents from sponsor or PI and verify managing Department MMG 7473 or MBB 8039

2. Create folder in share drive or wiki (copy original documents)

3. Create/Draft Documents

  • a)      Justification
  • b)      Supply list*
  • c)       Equipment list*
  • d)      Salary and benefits sheet
  • e)      Budget
  • f)       LOI – Letter of intent
  • g)      LOS – Letter of support

 4. Provide documents to Deans office Joseph Garrido (  949-824-7413 (MMG & MBB)

  • a.       Deans office creates KC document (add you as aggregator)
  • b.      Respond to questions in KC
  • c.       Attach draft documents in KC
  • d.      Complete budget estimate attach to KC document and calculate F&A


5. Notify department and provide copies

6. Post award MMG is Kimberly Smith Lyons for NIH and grants

7. Post award MBB is Kathleen Gustafson for NIH and grants

8. Post Award Endowments Sentelle Eubanks  



As approvals and permits are received, please email to


Meeting Planning SOP in progress







titleYou can email your approved documents to: