- Have full knowledge of what languages are official and what dialects spoken locally at prospective sites.
- Determine the level and type of engagement desired by the prospective sites. To be culturally sensitive to the norms and needs of the prospective sites and communicate these needs to the project team.
- To promote mutual respect for project stakeholders
- To travel as needed to prospective international sites as well as project team locations.
- Develop a community engagement strategy and timeline.
- Describe and implement communication plan.
- Integrate community engagement activities and insights into the internal program management.
- The community engagement project director staff should attend any regular meetings, conferences, etc. with the rest of the project team to help keep everyone informed of the community perspectives and challenges.
- Establish and maintain a presence in the host communities.
- Community engagement team members should be regularly available to answer questions, provide information, update existing information, and engage new stakeholders.
- Provide ongoing evaluation and assessment of community engagement strategies.
- Conduct regular surveys within the community and with stakeholder groups to ensure that concerns are being addressed in real time.
- Provide project information in non-academic language that is readily understood by communities and stakeholders.
- Identify limitations and restrictions, which may limit engagement.
- To manage project expectations with transparency, honesty, compromise and understand that flexibility including cessation of some or all or the project activities may be required.
- Develop a grievance process to quickly respond to any real or perceived adverse events.
- To provide quarterly reporting to the lead investigator and site selection team.