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USDA-APHIS  (DARPA)US Veterinary Permit for Importation and Transportation of Controlled Materials and Organisms and VectorsPermit No. 1356818/12/20178/12/2018
USDA-APHISApplication 17299032 for University of California, Irvine for Aedes (mosquito eggs) - Aedes aegypti Higgs (Submitted 26 Oct 2017)Ref. No. 172990328/12/201712/8/2018
California Department of Public HealthAuthorizing UCI the continued usage and importation of the new Aedes aegypti strain for vector controlSigned: Vicki Kramer, Chief of Vector-Borne Disease Section10/13/2017 
CDC 12/21/2017 Import Permit Policy Statement: Date and Conditions of the Import Permit (Section 71.54(d) of these regulations provides that the CDC permit is valid only for: (1) the time period and/or term indicated on the permit, and (2) only for so long as the permit conditions continue to be met.)  "The requested vectors are not capable of transferring an infectious biological agent to a human if it is uninfected; therefore, an import permit is not required.  "10252017-100376/11/2014N/A
UCI-IACUCExpression of Exogenous Genes in Mosquitoes Protocol No. 1998-1411-9 3/10/20163/9/2019
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)Permit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and VectorsPHS PERMIT NO. 2016-06-0526/13/20166/13/2017USDAInterstate Movement of Anopheles gambiaePERMIT NO. 17-233-101m9/7/20179/7/2018
UCI- IACUCExpression of Exogenous Genes in Mosquitoes Protocol No. 1998-1411-9 3/10/20163/9/2019UCI- Institutional Biosafety CommitteeExpression of Exogenous Genes in Mosquitoes IBC Protocol Number: 1999-47110/4/201610/3/2019
Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)Approval to import infectious biological agents, infectious substances or vectors  USDA-APHISROUTINE INSPECTION - No non-compliant items identified during the inspection. 1/24/2017 
UCI Radiation Safety CommitteeRADIATION USE AUTHORIZATIONRUA#: R 89063/17/20173/31/2020
USDA-APHISROUTINE INSPECTION - No non-compliant items identified during the inspection. 1/24/2017 
CDC 12/21/2017 Import Permit Policy Statement: Date and Conditions of the Import Permit (Section 71.54(d) of these regulations provides that the CDC permit is valid only for: (1) the time period and/or term indicated on the permit, and (2) only for so long as the permit conditions continue to be met.)  "The requested vectors are not capable of transferring an infectious biological agent to a human if it is uninfected; therefore, an import permit is not required.  "10252017-100376/11/2014N/AMaterial Transfer Agreement - frozen aliquots proprietaryProtocol No. 1998-1411-9 5/2/20179/30/2020
NIAIDCollaboration Agreement HNIH Carolina Barillas-Mury proprietaryProtocol No. 1998-1411-9 5/2/2017 
USDA-APHIS  (DARPA)US Veterinary Permit for Importation and Transportation of Controlled Materials and Organisms and VectorsPermit No. 1356818/12/20178/12/2018
USDA-APHISApplication 17299032 for University of California, Irvine for Aedes (mosquito eggs) - Aedes aegypti Higgs (Submitted 26 Oct 2017)Ref. No. 172990328/12/201712/8/2018
USDAInterstate Movement of Anopheles gambiaePERMIT NO. 17-233-101m9/7/20179/7/2018
UCI and PENN STATENon-disclosure Agreement (Processes, designs, sequences, data and findings related to CRISPR/Cas9 and its uses for genome editing and gene regulation)NDA9/25/2017 
PATHMaterial Transfer Agreement - frozen aliquots proprietaryProtocol No. 1998-1411-9 5/2/20179/30/2020
NIAIDCollaboration Agreement HNIH Carolina Barillas-Mury proprietaryProtocol No. 1998-1411-9 5/2California Department of Public HealthAuthorizing UCI the continued usage and importation of the new Aedes aegypti strain for vector controlSigned: Vicki Kramer, Chief of Vector-Borne Disease Section10/13/2017 
USDA inspection IACUCPre inspection prior to permit18-004-106m11/7/2017at will
UCSD MTA TIGSMaterial Transfer agreement for Anopheles gambiae and stephensiMTA000092191/30/2018 
USDA-APHIS 01/17/2018m interstate only, notified CDPH if movement within state (intrastate)DARPA Akbari Aedes aegypti eggs
Vector 986G-pBac-Aedes-Ubiq (AAEL006511)-dCas9-VPR-p10-UTR-Opie2-dsRed
Vector 986H-pBac-Aedes-AAEL011410 (AaKLC2)-dCas9-VPR-p10-UTR-Opie2-eGFP
Vector 1002-pBac-3xp3-eGFP-UTR-AAEL010097-RGR-dmeFlightN-UVW-iSce1CutSite-XYZ-optimized-tdTomato_Attb-Modified
Vector 1003-pBac-3xp3-tdTomato-AEEL010097-Cas9-HR5Ie1-XYZ-Sce1-Sce1-UVW-eGFP-UTR_attB-Modified
UCSD MTA TIGSMaterial Transfer agreement for Anopheles gambiae and stephensiMTA000092191/30/2018 
UCSD MTA DARPAMaterial Transfer agreement for Aedes aegyptiMTA 944434/6/2018 
USDA John Hopkins UniversityAnopheles stephensi 44c LINE18-012-101m2/22/20182/22/2019
USDA to UC DavisPermit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and Vectors136098/app #18053016 2/28/2018 
UCSD MTA DARPAMaterial Transfer agreement for Aedes aegyptiMTA 944434/6/2018 
John Hopkins University (Fidel Zavala MD)Trap P berghei CSP P vivax CS repeat MTA4/17/20184/18/ (Gabriel Gutierrez)PFCelTos  (Hybridoma sequence for 3C3 clone)MTA  
Leids University (Shahid Kahn)Pf CelTOS (NF54), Pv CelTOS, Pf CSP (NF54-full), PvCSP variant 210 full, Pv CSP variant 247 full, Pf TRAP NF54, Pv TRAP, Pf CSP/TRAP NF4, Pv CSP/TRAP, Pv CSP/TRAP/CelTOSMTA5/2/2018 
SLAPfs14M etalMTA/SLA5/2/2018 
USDA (UCIMI)interstate only, notified CDPH if movement within state (intrastate)
pCO-6-pSL_attB_AgvasCas9DsRed_3xP3CFP (VASA) and (Nanos) interstate transport for injection at UMD
X1 gambiae
18-100-103m5/7/20185/4/2019 (Gabriel Gutierrez)PFCelTos  (Hybridoma sequence for 3C3 clone)MTA5/14/2018 
UCI/UCSD USDA Interstate to UMD80.9 Helper line to UMD for injection from UCI (vasa cas9)18-141-101m 6/13/20186/13/2019
UCI Outgoing to UCSD TIGS Ethan BierMaterial Transfer agreement for Anopheles stephensi (research lines) 80.9 docking site submitted 06/12/2018MTA6/27/20186/27/2018
USDA Outgoing and incoming UMD UCIStephensi lines UMD PENDING helper line18-165-104m 7/23UCI Outgoing to UMD Stephensi docking site 80.918-163-113-m6/29/20187/231/2019
USDA UCI Outgoing to UMD Stephensi docking site 80.9Outgoing and incoming UMD UCIStephensi lines UMD PENDING helper line18-163165-113-m104m 67/2923/20187/123/2019
UCSD DARPA Akbari  Out and In UMD for injectionAedes Aegypti 1002B and 1003B181-191-103m7/25/20187/31/2019
Letter from STP Acceptance of year 1 proposal to UC Davis, sample collectionN/REFa 1191p.n.6/GMS/189/14/2018 
UMD to and from UCI USDAX1 and Good direction + pC0-19 and pC0-28 gambiae18-260-1019/28/20189/28/2019
UMD to UCI Interstae USDAGood Direction gambiae pC0-6180-256-10310/2/2018pending
UC Irvine /TIGS India (Items deemed commercially availble and no MTA required)Plasmid GS62894-2 pET-26b(+)-311_AA
Plasmid GS62894-3 pET-26b(+)-317_AA
Plasmid GD26894-1 pET-26b(+)-m2A10-_AA
UMD to UCI Interstae USDAGood Direction gambiae pC0-6180-256-10310/2/2018pending
UMD to and from UCI USDAX1 and Good direction + pC0-19 and pC0-28 gambiae18-260-1019/28/20189/28/2019
Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)Approval to import infectious biological agents, infectious substances or vectors   
USDA UC DavisPermit to Import Infectious Biological Agents, Infectious Substances, and Vectors136098/app #1805301611/24/2018 



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nameIBC BUA#2401ApprovalLtr_09032018.pdf
