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CAMPUS   Document Type CodeDocument TypeDescriptionCommentInitiateSpecial Condition RoutingSpecial Condition RoutingSub-Account Reviewer*Account ReviewOrganization ReviewSpecial Condition RoutingSpecial Condition RoutingSub-Fund ReviewAwardSpecial Condition RoutingCampusSpecial Condition RoutingFINAL
Maintenance e-Doc                 
ACCTAccount MaintenanceMaintenance documentsAdd role 36 to Account Maintenance Document  WF by Subfund(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer  NOT in TST(7) Organization Reviewer(36) University Admin Budget Manager (except C&G) Plant COA, Acct Nbr Edit - (46) Plant Fund Accountant only if Plant (39) CG Processor (determination from KC if routing should include GA) insert special conditions if identifiedGeneral Accounting Reviewer New Role All DocumentsChart-(37) Chart MgrChart - (53) Univ Chart ManagerFINAL
SUB ACCT (SACC)Account MaintenanceMaintenance documentsAdd role 39 to SUB Account  SACC WF(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(7) Organization Reviewer   (39) CG Processor if C&G Account   FINAL
ORGNOrganization MaintenanceMaintenance documents - Business Process Ad Hoc to KCAdded Role 36 to Organization Maintenance Document WF(54) Financial Sys User    (7) Organization Reviewer(36) University Admin Budget Manager IN WF TST   Chart-(37) Chart Mgr Chart - (53) Univ Chart ManagerFINAL
OBJTObject CodeMaintenance documentsApproved 12-18-2012(54) Financial Sys User    (7) Organization Reviewer(36) University Admin Budget Manager General Accounting Reviewer (New Role) Chart-(37) Chart Mgr Chart - (53) Univ Chart ManagerFINAL
SUB OBJT (SOBJ)Object CodeMaintenance documents (54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer (7) Organization Reviewer       FINAL
PCDHPal CardMaintenance document (contribution from U of A) ElanaP Card Holder Maintenance Document - No Current Routing in TST WF(1002) P Card Administrator            FINAL
PROJECT (PROJ)Project CodeMaintenance documentsOrganization Flex Field(54) Financial Sys User    (7) Organization Reviewer       FINAL
KIMRice Documents Base=central users only(51) Technical Administrator            FINAL
Financial Transaction e-Doc                 
FP Receipting Documents                 
ADAdvance DepositRecords deposits that go directly to the bank without being verified through the normal cash receipts process. This document enables distribution of the amount received to the appropriate accounts in the financial system. (54) Financial Sys User Cash Manager (11) in TST WF    General Accounting Reviewer (New Role)     FINAL
FP Budget Document                 
BABudget AdjustmentBudget office will not review - there will be restrictions on transactions between fundsRemoved C & G (54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer Victor(39) CG Processor if C&G Account in TST WF   FINAL
FP Disbursement Documents                 
DVDisbursement VoucherProcesses payments that are not transacted through the Accounts Payable/Purchasing module of the KFS.Remove roles 15, 26 and 39 from DV WF(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer (50) Tax Manager  (39) CG Processor if C&G Account in TST WF(29) AP Manager Exempt Flag marked on PCDO(12) Disbursement Manager Payment Method -  (70) Disbursement Method Manager FINAL
NDNon-Check DisbursementRecords charges or debits directly assessed to an institution’s bank accounts. It is used primarily by the Tax and Treasury Accounting areas to record wire transfers, foreign drafts, etc.Central Office Only General Accounting (54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct) located in GA(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer C & G in TST WF(39) CG Processor if C&G Account in TST WF   FINAL
ICTInter Campus TransferInter Campus TransferInterCampus Transfer/Billing formerly TOEI Document not in TST(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer General Accounting Reviewer(48) Sub-Fund Reviewer C & G    FINAL
IBInternal BillingBills for goods or services provided by one institution’s department to another institution’s department, reflecting income to the provider and expense to the customer. (54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer in TST WF    FINAL
IBFR (UCI)Internal Billing for Fabrication (UCI)Verify with Keiko if document will be ready by go live (Internal Billing document will be used until this document is ready IB doc has Capital Edit Tab - Elana TrainingUsed to collect labor cost associated with fabrication; Equipment Office will review at the final node Document not in TST(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer in TST WF (34) Asset Manager  FINAL
SBService BillingA restricted use document. Like the Internal Billing document, it is used for the billing of goods and services provided by an institution’s department to another internal department, reflecting income to the provider and expense to the customer. The servicing department generates these transactions. However, unlike the Internal Billing document which routes according to the pre-set workflow rules, the Service Billing document does not route for approval.Prior Approval Required(13) Service Bill Processor            FINAL
FP Distribution/Transfer Documents                 
DIDistribution of Income and ExpenseReallocates income and expense or assets and liabilities within the organization.FS OC 9xxx or AC 9xxxxx(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer Asset Manager (34)   FS OC 9xxx must route to asset manager no general accounting review required(48) Sub-Fund Reviewer Plant Acct route to general accounting for plant funds (Isabelle to submit criteria)(39) CG Processor (Rebecca to send special condition routing request)   FINAL
TFTransfer of FundsTransfers funds (cash) between accounts. Up and Over transactionsCentral Office Use Only   ( Accounting and Budget)(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer  (derived by control account)(28) Accounting Reviewer (Group for Campus and Medical Center (36) University Admin Budget Manager For Plant FundsGeneral Accounting Reviewer (New Role)(39) CG Processor   FINAL
PCDOProcurement CardP-card reconciliation documentTOEP - Reviewed with Karen Miller 11-14-2012(62) KFS Sys User (kfs)P Card Reconciler Verify with Keiko  (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct) Also account full edit(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer   (29) AP Manager Exempt Flag marked on PCDOFINAL
FP Specialized Documents                 
AVAuxiliary VoucherRecords accrual, adjustment and recode entries. These may be posted to open periods, which are set by each institution.Accounting at Year End only allowed at year end (MC monthly)(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer based on year end review    FINAL
JVJournal VoucherAllows central administration to correct errors that occur during General Ledger processing. The GLCP document allows users to correct errors in several different ways.Central Office Only More powerful than the transfer of funds For use by general accounting.  Document is initiated by the KFS Managers (44)(44) Manager*      General Accounting Reviewer (New Role)     FINAL
FP Encumbrance Document                 
PEPre-EncumbranceAllows you to add encumbrances using an e-doc instead of relying on information from a system outside the KFS. These transactions are for the use of the Fiscal Officers to earmark funds for which unofficial commitments have already been made. (54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer in TST WF    FINAL
FP Correction and Adjustment Document                 
GECGeneral Error CorrectionCorrects inappropriate or incorrect accounting string data for general ledger entries generated from other financial transactions.C & G only reviews over 120 days.  GL and Object Code edits will review all others(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer Balance Sheet Accounts Only General Accounting     C & G Subfunds will route to C & G(39) CG Processor (Over 120 days)  (29) Accounts Payable Manager Correcting PCDO after to remove use taxFINAL
ICAIndirect Cost AdjustmentAllows adjustment to the amount of indirect cost expense charged to a Contracts and Grants account and automatically adjusts the associated amount of indirect cost revenue.C & G Only(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer in TST WF(39) CG Processor   FINAL
GLCPGeneral Ledger Correction ProcessCorrects inappropriate or incorrect accounting string data for general ledger entries generated from other financial transactions.Central Office Only                Ad hoc route if appropriate(45) Operations            FINAL
FP Year-End Documents                 
YEBAYear-End Budget AdjustmentsPosts to the open period of the previous fiscal year and inherit all the business rules of their regular counterpart with the exception of certain routing rules.General Accounting will create a year end schedule for access and usage of YE docs(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer Not in TST WF(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer in TST WF(39) CG Processor   FINAL
YEDIYear-End Distribution of Income and ExpensePosts to the open period of the previous fiscal year and inherit all the business rules of their regular counterpart with the exception of certain routing rules.General Accounting will create a year end schedule for access and usage of YE docs(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer(28) Accounting Reviewer Asset Manager (34)   FS OC 9xxx must route to asset manager no general accounting review required(48) Sub-Fund Reviewer Plant Acct route to general accounting for plant funds (Isabelle to submit criteria)(39) CG Processor (Rebecca to send special condition routing request)   FINAL
YEGECYear End General Error CorrectionPosts to the open period of the previous fiscal year and inherit all the business rules of their regular counterpart with the exception of certain routing rules.General Accounting will create a year end schedule for access and usage of YE docs(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer Not in TST WF(28) Accounting Reviewer  (48) Sub-Fund Reviewer Balance Sheet Accounts Only General Accounting     C & G Subfunds will route to C & G(39) CG Processor (Over 120 days)   FINAL
YETFYear End Transfer of FundsPosts to the open period of the previous fiscal year and inherit all the business rules of their regular counterpart with the exception of certain routing rules.General Accounting will create a year end schedule for access and usage of YE docs(54) Financial Sys User   (41) Fiscal Officer Not in TST WF(28) Accounting Reviewer (36) University Admin Budget Manager For Plant FundsGeneral Accounting Reviewer (New Role)(39) CG Processor   FINAL
  Verify PURAP workflow with Elana 12-10-2012               
Purchasing and Accounts Payable                 
PVENVendor MaintenanceAllows you to create or edit vendors (54) Financial Sys User(56) Vendor Reviewer (Campus)           FINAL
Vendor On-Boarding (UCI)Vendor Maintenance  Vendor On-Boarding App(56) Vendor Reviewer (Campus)           FINAL
VIG (UCI)Vendor OIG Update Doc (UCI) Med center to update OIG indicator after the vendor has been approved by central AP OIG Initiator (Med Center Only)            FINAL
ACMContract Manager AssignmentAssociates a Purchasing Contract Manager (ACM) with an approved Requisition document using the PO document (44 ) Manager*            FINAL
CMVendor Credit MemoInitiates adjustments or records refunds for goods or services related to invoices processed on Purchase Orders (22) AP ProcessorImage Attachment - (22) AP Processor  (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)        FINAL
RCVBBulk Receiving  (54) Financial Sys User            FINAL
RCVLLine Item ReceivingAllows you to receive items at the line item level Outstanding Transaction-(62) Sys User (kfs)            FINAL
REQS (Base)RequisitionIndicates goods or services that you wish to order through the KFS system. The requisition also provides purchasing with the authority to use funds from the accounts specified. (54) Financial Sys UserContent Review-(24) Content Reviewer(60) Workflow Initiator (Derived)(68) Sub-Account Reviewer(41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(28) Accounting ReviewerCommodity- (23) Commodity ReviewerSeparation of Duties-(55) Workflow Admin     FINAL
PO (Base)Purchase OrderA contract with a vendor to deliver goods or services. PO is automatically generated from an approved requisition document. (26) Purchasing Processor*Internal Purchasing Review-(25) Contract MgrCommodity- (23) Commodity Reviewer       Chart - (79) Budget Reviewer Vendor Tax Review-(50) Tax ManagerFINAL
REQS (UCI)RequisitionIndicates goods or services that you wish to order through the KFS system. The requisition also provides purchasing with the authority to use funds from the accounts specified.Modified version for UCI based on UC Procurement rule.  Work in progress(54) Financial Sys UserContent Review-(24) Content Reviewer (68) Sub-Account Reviewer(41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(28) Accounting ReviewerAsset Manager (34)Automated Assignment of Buyer (System)     FINAL
PO (UCI)Purchase OrderA contract with a vendor to deliver goods or services. PO is automatically generated from an approved requisition document.Modified version for UCI based on UC Procurement rule.  Work in progress(25) Contract Manager            FINAL
PREQPayment RequestInitiates a payment request after receiving an invoice for goods or services from a vendor referencing a Purchase Order (PO) (22) AP ProcessorImage Attachment - (22) AP ProcessorReceiving-(62) System User(68) Sub-Account Reviewer(41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(28) Accounting ReviewerVendor Tax Review-(50) Tax Manager      FINAL
C & G                  
AWDAward DocumentCollects proposal information for institutional review and approvals. Institutions engaged in research or other sponsor-funded activities normally have some sort of routing form that gathers the proposal budget information including cost sharing commitments, sponsoring agency, personnel information, research risk items, proposal submission information, project dates, project titles, and other data elements specific to each proposal for external funding. Kuali Coeus Rebecca                   Proposed C & G Review Here (41) Fiscal Officer(7) Organization Reviewer       FINAL
Capital Assets                 
AICDAsset Inventory Certification DocumentNEW DOCUMENT - See Functional Spec per Keiko Assigned U242 Signature (6) CAM Processor (Department Users) (34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer Must route to Department Head per Helen       FINAL
ATAsset TransferMaintenance DocumentGive or sell capital equipment to another university organization or department. Optional for non-capital equipment. FT must be issued prior to AT(6) CAM Processor (Department Users) (34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer (34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  FINAL
MPAYAsset Payment Adding a payment to asset, Manual Payment(34) Asset Manager (35) CAM Manager            FINAL
AAAsset GlobalMaintenance DocumentCreate an asset in the asset database not purchased through CAB(6) CAM Processor (34) Asset Manager (35) CAM Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer    (34) Asset Manager              If (6) CAM Processor initiates document+O4  FINAL
ARGAsset Retirement GlobalMaintenance DocumentDisposes capital assets from the university asset database(6) CAM Processor (Department Users) (34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer(9) Account Supervisor (FYI-external transfer)(34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  FINAL
FRAsset Fabrication Maintenance DocumentMaintenance DocumentCreate a capital moveable asset that is created by a university or an institution (constructed asset).  Create a control asset used to post payments that are reclassified as supplies and canceled invoices(6) CAM Processor (Department Users) (34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer (34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499) In TST WF   Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499) In TST WF  FINAL
ALOCLocationMaintenance DocumentChange Location of Asset(6) CAM Processor (Department Users)    (7) Organization Reviewer (34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager  FINAL
ELREquipment Loan and ReturnMaintenance DocumentLoan or return capital equipment. Renew document must be processed to extend the loan after two years(6) CAM Processor (Department Users) (34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager   (41) Fiscal Officer (Derived from Acct)(7) Organization Reviewer(74) Asset Borrower (derived) Notify only(34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)  FINAL
PTAGPre-Tagging PreAsset Tagging on requisition(6) CAM Processor (Department Users)    (7) Organization Reviewer (34) Asset Manager      Asset Processor (35) Central CAM Manager 35 is Medical Center Only (Custodial Code 0100-1499)     FINAL
BCIEBarcode Inventory ErrorMaintenance DocumentUpload barcode inventory file and process barcode inventory error documentAsset Manager (34) Central            FINAL
AACombine AssetCombine assets that work as a system. Retires the merged assetAsset Merge(34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager            FINAL
AASeparate AssetUsed to create additional assets in the case where the purchases are made in bundles.Separate Asset(34) Asset Manager (35) Asset Manager            FINAL
TXPR, TXPM, TXPA1099 Screens - TXPM not in TST TXPA not in TSTCreate, maintain and produce 1099 Tax Documents Central Office Only(1001) 1099 Tax User            FINAL
CSCRCheck ReconciliationSet Up, perform and check reconciliationCentral Office Only(1000) Check Recon User            FINAL
PRJSProrate Journal Entries(Verified document initiated by Manager in TST)Central Office Only Award Document Verify with Keiko(44) Manager*            FINAL
 DV Batch UploadRole (44) in TSTFeeders(45) Operations            FINAL
 PO Batch UploadNo Workflow createdFeeders(26) Purchasing Processor*            FINAL
Kuali Coeus will be notified on all Organization Maintenance documents through ad hoc workflow