Code Block |
DWHServerService dss = new DWHServerService(); DWHServer ds = dss.getDWHServerPortCustom(); List<ObjectDetails> resultList11 = ds.getAllKFSObjects(); if (resultList11 != null) { System.out.println("getAllObj-total size: " + resultList11.size()); System.out.println("getAllObj-1st item FiscalYr / ChartCode / ObjCode: " + ((ObjectDetails)resultList11.get(0)).getKfsFiscalYear() + " / " + ((ObjectDetails)resultList11.get(0)).getKfsChartCode() + " / " + ((ObjectDetails)resultList11.get(0)).getKfsObjCode()); } else { System.out.println("something bad happened...please check your query"); } |
translateFSObjects(List of (
kfsFiscalYear, kfsChartCode, fsLocationCode, fsSubCode, fsObjectCode))
This service is used to translate legacy FS object to KFS object codes.
Index | Parameter | Description | Required? | Data Type (max length) |
0 | fiscalYearkfsFiscalYear | Fiscal Year | Yes | String (4) |
1 | kfsChartCode | The KFS Chart Code | Yes | String (2) |
2 | fsLocationCode | The FS Location Code | Yes | String (2) |
3 | fsObjectCode | The FS Object Code | Yes | String (4) |
4 | fsSubCode | The FS Sub Code | Yes | String (2) |
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
fiscalYearkfsFiscalYear | Fiscal Year | String (4) | 2012 |
kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String (2) | IR |
fsLocationCode | The FS location code | String (2) | 9 |
fsSubCode | The FS Sub Code | String (2) | 03 |
fsObjectCode | The FS Object Code | String (4) | 8096 |
kfsObjCode | KFS Object Code | String (4) | 8160 |